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Alacrity for arsenal


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I am trying to plan my next tier of gear very carefully. I have a whole set (well almost) of orange augmented gear that just needs mods etc.


With barrage hitting more often, I think it may be worthwhile to start stacking alacrity. That being said, are there any diminishing returns on it? If so where does it stop being worthwhile? What would it take to get tracer missile to 1 GCD or is it even probable?


Any help would be appreciated.

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I am trying to plan my next tier of gear very carefully. I have a whole set (well almost) of orange augmented gear that just needs mods etc.


With barrage hitting more often, I think it may be worthwhile to start stacking alacrity. That being said, are there any diminishing returns on it? If so where does it stop being worthwhile? What would it take to get tracer missile to 1 GCD or is it even probable?


Any help would be appreciated.

Mind you this is from a healer, but I doubt the _relative_ values are so much different for tracer/dps.


Alacrity due to its inverse nature (extreme example: 98% haste to 99% haste is 100% increase of dmg) gains a lot by talent buffs, as well as the DR formula is combated by the natural _increasing_ results of an inverse stat.


As such, for example for my bodyguard, it stays best _burst_ stat practically forever, for cast time skills. 1sec is possible, but needs totally stacked gear + relic + adrenal (I have 33% totally boosted for those 15secs or whatever).


However, dps is a whole different ball game than healing, and with dps mostly it is about overall best dps, whereas alacrity is _burst_ stat, so you see where it is going, not so useful (except for spesific things like Soa 3rd phase, which is now a forgotten thing mostly). IMHO if you manage to overheat if you push your best dmg/resource abilities, it is doubtful you will gain from alacrity compared to just stacking more power ...

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I'm quite sure that Alacrity would be an amazing increase in damage per second for Gunnery/Arsenal.



But the spec's total damage for any given amount of time is almost completely constrained by ammo/heat. It doesn't matter how fast you shoot; you only have enough ammo to use your best abilities so many times. The only stats that matter are the ones that either get you more ammo (crit), or make your damage per ammo go up (everything but alacrity).

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I'm quite sure that Alacrity would be an amazing increase in damage per second for Gunnery/Arsenal.



But the spec's total damage for any given amount of time is almost completely constrained by ammo/heat. It doesn't matter how fast you shoot; you only have enough ammo to use your best abilities so many times. The only stats that matter are the ones that either get you more ammo (crit), or make your damage per ammo go up (everything but alacrity).


For PVP alacrity may be worth it although I have never tested it. For PVE, alacrity is a huge mistake.

Edited by McGarnagle
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Get a dps parser and hit the training dummies with and without alacrity and let us know what you find out. :)


Did that. for a 2min burst run i got more dps with merc healing gear then i did with merc dps gear. That being said you have NO sustained dps past 3-4min. I was dumb and didnt screenshot the results for both tests but i will do another run and screenshot them on that run.



Note: Full rakata with my dps gear and 3/5 rakata on my healing gear with rakata dps MH/OH

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