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Matrix Cubes in 1.2


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Prior to 1.2 certain Tech and Force User Matrix Cubes were not giving the proper stats, or at least they weren't giving the stats that it was assumed they were supposed to give.


For example, 3 blues shards were giving force users an Aim based matrix cube and I think it was 3 green shards that was giving tech users a Strength based matrix cube. Was this intentional because there has been some speculation that they were actually bugged and I was wondering if anyone checked on this since 1.2 or not. Personally I've been hoping for a Willpower based tanking cube for my assassin, but for now I'm just using the DPS one. I'm unsure why Strength users should get a tanking cube while Willpower users are out of luck.

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not many ppl that ive run into try and even get these relics. they should, but they dont.


it should be required for any serious raiding guild. . .oh wait, raiding is so easy in this game, you really dont need them

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Bump on me, as I'd also like to know this.


Some were bugged and other ACs suffered, for example there's only one combination that grants Cunning at level 50 vs. two of most others (and 3 of the bugged... :p ).


Also, at lower levels you've not been able to get certain stats for love nor money.


This can't seriously be that hard to fix, unless it's already been looked at.

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