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Ability Quests? [Dev Question]


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I was thinking randomly, as I went to a trainer on my newest character and it donned on me.


I'm rather shocked that there isn't at least a couple 'ability quests'. I mean, because learning something iconic like force lightning (at least at first) seems a little...under explained to me.


I mean, I recognize that I am going through training at low levels, but never has that training been actual training.


I remember ability quests from WoW and they were horrible and daunting, but with the immersive depth the story in SWTOR is I'm kind of surprised there aren't ability-unlock quests for major abilities.


It seems a little strange to me that without instruction (other than unrelated quests/tasks) that I spontaneously learn to force choke or lightning without input from my master..


I don't feel this is a game breaker, personally, but I was indeed curious about whether or not the developers considered this and if they did what was their reason for not doing it?


It just seems a little less story-centric when I am lacking the Yoda and Skywalker style training session(s), especially with that being such an important scene.


Anyway I could get some Dev input?

Much obliged :)

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