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Top Healer on the Warzone - ZERO rewards


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I don't normally post a whole lot on the forums but the new PVP changes have me really feeling burned. I don't think Bioware fully thought it through.. I used to PVP a lot before 1.2 and was excited about the new patch, i'm a sorc healer so figured ok they made some changes i'll deal with it. The nerfs are not horrible although my burst healing did go down a lot (and the expertise nerf to bonus healing by 50% was pretty harsh too) but the new medal system is absolute garbage for healers.


Pre 1.2 I could get top healer a lot and keep the team alive or my guild mate who is an operative healer would top out the map. During that I would earn plenty of medals (the max at the time was 4 for valor/commendations) and I would earn around 7ish.


With the new system I got top healer on a map (both teams) and was only able to eek out TWO medals resulting in me getting 0 valor, 0 credits, 0 commendations even though I tried my hardest. My team apparently couldn't kill anything and we were attacking a control point they held on Civil War so i guess you don't earn any objective points for that. The new system absolutely rewards winning with tons of extra free medals but if you lose, you are pretty much hosed.


I am in full champion gear (yeah not battlemaster stuff yet sorry was only valor rank 55ish before the patch) so my stats aren't too terrible but this new change means its hit or miss if I will get anything for spending 15 minutes in a PVP match. Tell me again why I should bother? It's the only thing in the game where i'm not guaranteed to get *some* reward for participating (even in ops or hard modes you earn things from killing each mob such as legacy xp, equipment and credits).

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Well the guys at Bio Ware do not PVP much as far as I can tell or they would fix this.


As a healer myself I can say that the system is DPS based and only DPS based.


The rewards for being a Tank or Healer are lacking as they favor only DPS.


Maybe Bio Ware could deny and adress this point some time?

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