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6501 Demolition Round


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i did a 6.8 heatseeker pre surge nerf dosnt mean a thing stars align kinda thing crit on a squishy target with stims up ultiple armor rends ect


hell warriors/knights were doing this to upto 5 targets pre 1.2


**well not quite 6.5 but i had been hit for 5k multiple times by a crit smash from someone also putting out 50+K protection in wz's**

Edited by DarthVallik
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and how long do you think full BM takes?



yea GG for fresh 50s?


.. Seeing as how you can buy BM gear as you level up now, it shouldn't be a problem at all. And it's extremely cheap now. So what, exactly, is the problem?


You have no right to decide who has a right to complain. See what I did there?


You have no right to tell me that I have no right to tell others that they have no right to complain. Yes, I saw what you did there. I can do it too.

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People have wanted some proof of the big numbers. Yesterday I was personally hit by one for 5300 on a character with 1100 expertise.


Today, I saw this while look at the scoreboard at the end of a Warzone.


INB4: He used all his cooldowns and it was probably on someone under geared.


As an Operative, I laugh at your futile attempts at making people think it is balanced.




Are we seriously going to try and balance the game around the biggest hit statistic now? Really? . . . no seriously REALLY?. I saw a sniper get a 7.4k crit today, I have no idea how that's even possible but clearly all snipers must now be nerfed.

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Are we seriously going to try and balance the game around the biggest hit statistic now? Really? . . . no seriously REALLY?. I saw a sniper get a 7.4k crit today, I have no idea how that's even possible but clearly all snipers must now be nerfed.


Isn't that why Operatives got nerfed the first time?


And then again this patch?


Ya, I like it a lot.


I could give you the file if you want. I've been tweaking it like non stop though, it doesn't look the same as that screenshot anymore.


I can't leave it alone for more than 5 minutes without thinking I can make it better.

Edited by Cataphractone
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Ops used similar burst as openers opposed to finishers in this case


Our sustained damage was **** out of stealth after that opener. I don't see why one is different than the other.


Warriors and knights are getting aoe smash crits for 5000+ on like 4 people at a time now. and they can do that a lot more frequently that an Operative could open on someone for 5000.

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