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PvP has become a Load of Nonsense......!!!!!


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I been Observing PvP for all lvls and i got few things to say.


LvL 50 pvp is a Joke, Seem like pubs got Super buffed and Empire got Screwed over. I watch the dmg and pubs are taking people out so fast u cant even heal in time. but when empire attks the pubs its like they cant be killed at all. they got plenty of time to heal and everything and take less dmg it seems. and this whole new medals system Sucks. u need 8 medals in order to get anything from pvp and sometimes its not possible to get 8 medals when some games are ending so fast. Need to go back to the old ways where either 4 medals or Each medals gives u something cuss this new system is crap...

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Do you have a dedicated team that you always play with and have good communications with? If not, you might want to look for one. That is one of the things I've noticed. When there are several people from the same guild in a warzone, that team tends to do better. It may not be that you are not having time to heal. It may be that the other team is targeting healers and CCing them so that they can't do their jobs. Look to all aspects before you call the system crap.
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What probably happened is you got stuck in a junk team. When you immediately join the next WZ after losing it's with the same people. Who lose again. After 3 times of this in a row, I nerd raged last night, then turned off my PC in shame.


Earlier in the day I had a solid team where the lead marked my "Dude is healing" targets and people focus fired, and used CCs and went after objectives instead of dueling. Won 4 in a row with those people.


A few cycle out and a few cycle in but generally it seems if there is a solid core team it doesn't matter. I always feel a bit sad to get shuffled into the Bad Team in Huttball and promptly get focus fired down by people I was calling out to just one game before.


I still can't tell if resolve is really working right, though.

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I always feel a bit sad to get shuffled into the Bad Team in Huttball and promptly get focus fired down by people I was calling out to just one game before.


That just means they were paying attention to your tactics and decided to adopt them. This is a good thing, yes?

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