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"Loyal Dedicated Players will get 30 days FREE"


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you guys are insane. they created a clear criteria to reward, which was the attainment of a level 50. you do not have a level 50, thus you do not meet the criteria.


so here you all are, crying on the forums saying how "loyal" you are, and then you site your "metrics", usually anecdotal things like "supporting the game since the beginning", or "spreading the word and creating a guild". none of these can be verified by bioware, as they are all little personal stories that cannot be parsed and utilized to make a decision. i'm sorry reality is tough like this, but we all have to deal with the hand we were dealt.


you were all probably raised in an environment where every johnny got a trophy. sorry kids, but that isn't how the world works. be happy bioware is the one to teach you this.


i think warzone medals should be given out using your mass logic. "i tried really hard, but even though i didn't get all my medals, i put in some serious effort! please give me the full reward!"



Edited by Darth_Gao_Gao
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dont know why but that made me lol irl :D


but yeha this thread is gonna turn ugly soon. will get invaded by the 'old pro mmo crowd' from the generation who have lubricant in their pocket for when they going to the bosses office :eek:


Someone gets pwned by us old schoolers regularly I see. ;)

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you were all probably raised in an environment where every johnny got a trophy. sorry kids, but that isn't how the world works. be happy bioware is the one to teach you this.


i think warzone medals should be given out using your mass logic. "i tried really hard, but even though i didn't get all my medals, i put in some serious effort! please give me the full reward!"




I'm just waiting to hear how the level 50's are "the 1%" and need to "pay their fair share" to the lowbies. :p

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you guys are insane. they created a clear criteria to reward, which was the attainment of a level 50. you do not have a level 50, thus you do not meet the criteria.


so here you all are, crying on the forums saying how "loyal" you are, and then you site your "metrics", usually anecdotal things like "supporting the game since the beginning", or "spreading the word and creating a guild". none of these can be verified by bioware, as they are all little personal stories that cannot be parsed and utilized to make a decision. i'm sorry reality is tough like this, but we all have to deal with the hand we were dealt.


you were all probably raised in an environment where every johnny got a trophy. sorry kids, but that isn't how the world works. be happy bioware is the one to teach you this.


'Exactly' this.


But I think Bioware have truly put their foot in ones mouth, over this one. They could of been more tactful on releasing this information to people. Bad idea to upset paying customers in any business practice. I assure you, that even though you missed out on the level 50 reward this time, there 'will' be other rewards. But if your going to un sub now, it may very well mean your also going to miss out on future rewards too.

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Already unsubed


You have 5 days of play time remaining. When your play time runs out, you will no longer be able to play. Please sign up for a recurring subscription plan or redeem a Game Time Code.


Troll more noob.


i did as well. then i thought, what happens when they wake up and give this to everybody like they should have, but only to those with a current sub? so, i resubbed until my time is up. if nothing happens by then, oh well, there are other games to play.

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