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1400 Shoot First on an unbubbled Sorcerer


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***EDIT*** I'm a scrapper, obviously.


Title says it all.


Target was alone. Unbubbled. Not guarded. The kind of straggler we salivate over.


The lowest I ever hit for on a noncrit with Shoot First pre 1.2 was 1800 vs. tank-spec'd heavy armors.


In addition to it 'feeling' like my Shoot First didn't crit much at all, the low end for damage was just plain stupid.


I still broke 4600 later on the same target. But the fact that a stealth+positional+cooldown ability hitting for 1400 on a caster is laughable.


For the 4600 I had my power adrenal only. For the 1400 I had my power relic only.




I've PvP'd exclusively since the second week of release. And I have never seen a 1400 on anything.


Guess that 'under the hood' ******** hurt our burst more than I expected.


On a sidenote, I still ranked second in every match I played in damage and kills, and killing blows behind my buddy who is the best sage on the server. That's to be expected.


Averaged around 280k per match in very short roflstomps.


So the damage is there, but the burst is neutered, it would seem.

Edited by Murdertrane
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That's really weird. I was playing Scrapper earlier, before I went back to Sawbones, and I never saw my Shoot First crit for less than 2k. And this is with Centurion gear and Champ Main-hand and off-hand.


A shoot first crit for 3k is pathetic, much less 2k. Do you think "never below 2k" is braggable? Do you people even know how much damage other classes do?

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Thanks for the input.


Glad it's not just me.


Well, not glad. But maybe we can get some discussion going on this.


Losing Shoot First damage is massive.


That's before I even go into the cluster **** that is our rotation following the extended cooldown on Backblast.


I've always thrived at making clunky classes look good, but the change to Backblast just made it that much clunkier.


And don't even get me started on energy.


So frustrated.

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The expertise re-balance probably doesn't help either. I don't think Scrapper is completely screwed, but it's a whole harder to get things right. And the energy management seems alright to me?



Strangely, as I stated in the OP, my damage was pretty good. I usually average around 300-400k while playing objectives in a full match.


But with the matches ending early (Voidstar, etc) I was somewhat happy with my total damage.


But the burst was just not there. I did have a few 4k+ Backblasts, but it didn't 'feel' as though they were able to make up for the coolwdown. I find myself using a lot of Flurry of Bolts now.


Maybe it's just and adjustment in terms of energy conservation, but it certainly feels like I'm struggling to keep my energy regenning properly.

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There is no question that damage is substantially lower. Back Blast lost a bit of damage, and had a 33% cooldown increase. That's huge.


Shoot First same deal, though less of an issue because of the stealth requirement.


Sucker Punch lost damage and although it takes less energy, you can't use it any more often because of the UH requirement.


Blaster Whip lost damage directly, and had its talent increasing damage nerfed.


Combine all this with the fact that we were already behind on damage and other classes like Mercs and Marauders got buffed, and you have a recipe for fail. Especially since we have no survivability (and never have). We're a glass cannon, minus the cannon.

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Outside of the noticeable nerfs to damage, both noted and "ninja" changes, I have noticed that I get detected in stealth A LOT more often now by both players and NPC's. In so much that I cant even open up with shoot first because I get detected so frequently now.


Another change that is obvious.

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A shoot first crit for 3k is pathetic, much less 2k. Do you think "never below 2k" is braggable? Do you people even know how much damage other classes do?


its called expertise. if you have full champ gear right before 1.2 dropped with the new expertise rating then you pretty much get screwed until you get BM pieces. people that hit me for 4-5k have like over 1k expertise while i have like 580. the most i get now is like 3.8k on a shoot first. i expect that to go up with more BM pieces. On top of that crits over 5k seem rare to me and you make it seem like it happens all the time. when i check the highest hit stat at the end of a match i rarely see a 5k crit. But you probably think I'm stupid because you're probably the greatest pvp player on the planet.

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So I was noticing this as well. SF is not hitting for very much in WZ play (full BM + 2 WH).


The rest seems more or less the same.


What's really interesting is that our white damage seems to have gone up significantly, which is why we see roughly the same type of net dps numbers.

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So I was noticing this as well. SF is not hitting for very much in WZ play (full BM + 2 WH).


The rest seems more or less the same.


What's really interesting is that our white damage seems to have gone up significantly, which is why we see roughly the same type of net dps numbers.


It is incredibly erratic. i notice the game thing. I'll pay more attention to white damage, see what I come up with.


Something is wonky with SF and BB. I guess what I mean is, pre 1.2, hits with SF and BB were pretty consistent (meaning, within a certain range). now they just appear all over the place.

Edited by thecoffeeguy
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