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A day for a day? That's ridiculous, we should get at least a month.


why should we get a whole month for one day of the game being down? they take one day of our membership away from us and they give it back. seems fair to me. no sense paying for a days membership if you cant play. even though BW isnt the only company to do this, i thank them for doing it.

plus if you have a level 50, they gave you a free month of membership which they didnt have to give out.

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Age of Conan was pretty good 6 months in... Sad they released it too early


That's what most folks say about SW:TOR. We all know it's true. SO MUCH POTENTIAL! But they needed more time to get their ducks in a row. I love this game, but hate what might happen to it if BioWare continues to run people off. We NEED players to make sure we get more content updates. If the population dips too low, it goes FTP, content stops, and it dies.

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What she said. Perspective is important. They are buying your silence with 45 cents. How much is 45 cents worth to you, really? Would you be offended if someone offered you 45 cents in exchange for 24 hours of your time? How about 1 hour? Anyone want to come help me move a desk? I'll give you 45 cents. Which is more than 20x the going pay rate for an hour of your time.


You are only paying .45 cents for the day anyway. If they take a day do you expect them to compensate you for more than you paid for it in the first place? Perspective IS important.

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I rememeber when WOW was down for 2 days too, and they did in fact give a day free to the player for every day the game was down. So no this is not the first time.


All we can do is wait and hope the problem is solved soon. Thanks bioware for your hard work. :D

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It's sad it took all the forum trolls for them to give a 1 day compensation



Yes, I am sure that the less than 5% of the community that trolls these forums is what caused BW to suddenly say to themselves "Hey, we should give them 1 day compensation, just look at those posts !!" ...

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1,700,000 x .45 = 765,000


They aren't losing 45 cents each day to each customer. Each active subscription does not cost them 45 cents a day to keep active. It's less than a penny, I guarantee it. Having worked in the environment. This costs them NOTHING.

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Where will this day be added in my calendar?


I'm going to be super pissed if they add it on one of my workdays because then I have to work the same day twice and I probably won't get paid for the extra day unless my boss is in on it. I have Monday the 16th off so it would be nice if they could add another Monday 16th.

Edited by MidichIorian
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Only company I know of that has ever givin game time for extended maintenance. I'm very suprised.


Thank you Bio.


As I am happy for the day.


In support of truth and fairness. Giving a day for downtime is not new. Wow has done it several times. Even when it only affected a few servers, they would give time to people who had characters on those servers. Also Rift has done it, SWG did it, and I'm sure there are more.

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It's irrelevant how much time the service was unavailable in terms of compensation once it passes a reasonable time, ie 1 to 2 hours. 8 hours is unacceptable, in terms of 'up-time' or the service being available.


Because this is the entertainment industry it is deemed acceptable by a company to balls things up and to give minimal compensation.


In professional terms, I contract for two major software companies, and if our managed service that end users subscribe to is flat out in unavailable for more than two hours a substantial penalty is incurred, that's just the way it is.


But, games being games, they think gamers should take it on the chin. Lest they forget that the revenue turned over from computer games is worth a net profit for such titles as this, more than a similar corporation would earn for professional services.


Tbh anyone that says 'oh it's ok, stop crying it's just a game' is a fool to themselves, you are actually endorsing global **** ups by corporations run by stakeholders that will earn more money than you or I will ever see......


Typed on my phone so excuse typos

Edited by RougenFarstar
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Where does this 1.7mil come from?


1.7 million is the number of subscribers as of the end of February.


Bioware/EA are required to report their subscription numbers quarterly to investors because they are a publicly traded company, and they have to show their projected incomes and the sources of those incomes.


The numbers are accurate as of when they were published.

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You are only paying .45 cents for the day anyway. If they take a day do you expect them to compensate you for more than you paid for it in the first place? Perspective IS important.


I'll point out the obvious ... a golden glove boxer's hand vs. an artist's hand. What is the difference? They're both hands, right? So they're the same thing with the same potential? yeah? Oh wait, not at all ... Different size, shape, strength, and attitude behind them.


The difference is some people can only play certain days, certain hours, making those time frames more valuable than others. Not all 45 cents are created equal.

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wrong sir, good day!


No, no, actually, I'm right. It costs less than a penny per day, per customer, to maintain the database, server farms, and customer support. Why do you think everyone is trampling all over themselves to make MMO's? They are complete cash cows and the price to maintain them keeps going down as bandwidth and hardware improve.


tl;dr: Free days cost BioWare practically (though not technically) NOTHING.

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I can't believe that people are still moaning, even after getting a free day as compensation.

What is wrong with you? Just be grateful that you don't lose any gametime because of this fiasco.

Edited by Morosi
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