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Armormech : Able to make augments ?


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Armormechs can now learn new schematics that allow the creation of Aim, Cunning, Shield, and Absorb Augments.

Augments can be reverse engineered for a chance to research Prototype and Artifact quality schematics.

A critical success while crafting Custom (orange) outfits now adds an Augment slot to the resulting item.

The Codex entry for Armormech has been updated.

Armormechs can now reverse engineer random armor with Aim or Cunning stats.


Ok is this true ? i didnt think armormech could make ANY augments? or is this just a mix up?


Sorry as you may well see im not the sharpest tool in the shed :D but this doesnt really add up. Unless its another mess up error in writing for the 1.2 update .


Thankyou for reading this and thanks in advance for any ideas.

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Armormechs, synthweaving and armstech can now craft augments.


the materials you need come from Slicing missions (sliced tech parts)


the random schematics also come from slicing missions.


so i hope you have a slicing guy. heh.

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I've only gotten two, but they both came from the "augment parts" missions. I have four others, but I bought them off the GTN--I got really lucky in that someone thought green schematics were worthless, and posted them for around 2k each.


I know that's not confirmation, but I ran a lot more lockbox missions than augment parts missions because of the time difference, so I'm inclined to believe that they aren't on the loot list for lockbox missions.

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I have yet to get an augment schematic. Can anyone confirm if they drop exclusively from a crit on 'Sliced Tech Part' missions only or can they drop from a successful crit on ANY slicing mission?


on my server i have sold numerous augment schems. at least 20. i also have full stacks of each type of augment material. and several partial stacks. armsmech/armormech/synth/cyber all make augments of different types now. all mats and schems (as far as i know schems) come from crew skill missions.


so confirmed schems come from crit returns. mostly came in pairs too. with blue and purple material of the mission level. the materials market on my server had not materialized before i logged out for the night... and now.....well when the servers come back up ill go see....lol


oh and all schems i have seen so far from missions are green. you will have to RE i am going to assume as after 4 companions running augment slices for hours yesterday of all levels (enough to have multiple stacks of each mat of each level...) only green schems.


over all though until these materials start selling.... the credit loss is pretty steep. totally spinning the wheels not banking any kind of profit, staying at roughly the same amount of credits all day yesterday. i did buy a few items and i did send a few comps on lockbox missions........but i hope these augment materials start selling.



and to complain... i have a cargo hold and a half of flashpoint dropped orange shells, i was led to believe that one could now trade or RE these, silly me. i think the patch notes for some of the more intricate skill sets and items should have been more detailed.


but i do KNOW the patch notes fully explained the crafts that can now make augs and what augs each craft can make. that much at least is in black and white.

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I've only gotten two, but they both came from the "augment parts" missions. I have four others, but I bought them off the GTN--I got really lucky in that someone thought green schematics were worthless, and posted them for around 2k each.


I know that's not confirmation, but I ran a lot more lockbox missions than augment parts missions because of the time difference, so I'm inclined to believe that they aren't on the loot list for lockbox missions.



I suspected as much but I'm even more certain following your post. I have 2 Jedi Knights and T-7 (+2 slicing crit bonus) has critted several times but I've sent him exclusively on lockbox missions. I've been doing that to both level the skill and keep the credits bouyant.


Now I think I'll switch to tech parts and monitor that for the next 10-20 runs or so....

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over all though until these materials start selling.... the credit loss is pretty steep.


The very definition of 'Business startup costs'.


but i do KNOW the patch notes fully explained the crafts that can now make augs and what augs each craft can make. that much at least is in black and white.


They were as detailed as patch notes COULD be, but it left some questions unanswered and some things open to interpretation. The question of WHICH slicing missions could produce augment schematics on crit was one of them.


I think your thread has sufficiently answered this one by the posts that followed. A decent thread in a forum sea of QQ and rage.

Edited by CompassRose
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i've gotten over 15 augment schematics so far.


got them from both Lockbox as well as parts missions.


it's all random and luck.


BUT i did notice that more often than not, the 2 Rich 41-48 tech parts missions, on a critical, gives 2 schematics.

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