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Where's the gunnery PvP videos?


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Does anyone have a stream or fraps videos of some good lvl 50 PvP Gunnery gameplay? I know people think that we just sit in a corner and spam grav round, but the difference between 250K dmg and 500k dmg in a warzone is in the details. I've kinda reached a plateau of damage right around 300-350, I wanna see how the big boys put up their numbers.


Who has some good video of 350+ dmg warzones? I see Gunnerys put up 500K on my lil server (The Twin Spears) all the time in both Voidstar and Civil War, so I know it's out there, but not too many people on my server record :-(

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There aren't any Gunnery videos because its extremely boring to watch someone turreting for 10 seconds before the other team realizes, "FREE KILL!" and proceeds to focus the Commando down every time he sticks his head outside the spawn area force field.
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True, it wont be exciting to outsiders, but it'd be nice to see how people maximize our DPS. On The Twin Spears, there are 2 players that will get 4-500+ every Voidstar and Civil War warzone, and 300+ even in huttball (Shwigg and Valdorian, for those on TTS, I've even seen Trevyn (Arsenel Merc) get 700+). Our's is a very small server, so i'm assuming on the bigger servers that are more competitive and have a bigger pool of players, there are plenty doing that kinda damage plus more.
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True, it wont be exciting to outsiders, but it'd be nice to see how people maximize our DPS. On The Twin Spears, there are 2 players that will get 4-500+ every Voidstar and Civil War warzone, and 300+ even in huttball (Shwigg and Valdorian, for those on TTS, I've even seen Trevyn (Arsenel Merc) get 700+). Our's is a very small server, so i'm assuming on the bigger servers that are more competitive and have a bigger pool of players, there are plenty doing that kinda damage plus more.


There are many factors that can come into play. Keller's Void is not huge, but bigger than many. There commandos are not doing 400 + except in strange circumstances, while vanguards are always close to the 500 mark. to see 700+ I would claim hacks, friendly opponents, or some other strangeness.


If any class is doing great amounts of damage in PVP they should be getting 'the treatment' by the opposing players. For example, after healers snipers are the first to be shredded by my team. They simply do not survive long enough to do great big numbers.


There is also the team play value of the WZ, and I guess the support one receives. Could you link some of those videos? I just can't see it being possible.

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I dont have a lot of good ones, as most pics are taken to show something really weird, and 500K isnt so unheard of that it always demands a pic being taken. Such as, the only pic I could find of Shwiggs was the one in which Bubbles took a pic for almost hitting 1mil in heals (You may say thats why he hit 500K, but I promise you, he averages over 400K, he does crazy damage)














I like the last one the most, b/c I was in that warzone for about 3 seconds before it ended. Check out my beasty stats!

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Like I said, if I had video, I wouldnt have made this post. I would've been content just watching the video. In fact, the entire point of this post is the fact that I have no videos of anyone ever going over 350K as a gunnery/arsenal.
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Its easy to rack up damage, especially on Voidstar where everyone clumps in front of the doors. Plasma Grenade, Sticky Grenade and Mortar Volley will inflate your damage numbers a lot. In mostly Champion gear I've hit 460k on Voidstar. I'm always between 300k-400k on Huttball. In Alderaan it depends on your role and what the other team is doing.


Gunnery is easy to play and very easy to shut down. Thats why bads cry about grav round and good players don't think twice about Commandos.

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Any chance you could take some videos of you 400k games? Id just like to see where you're standing, how you're taking 1v1s, and basically anything you're doing that I'm not. Just trying to squeeze out some more DPS, ya know?
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Any chance you could take some videos of you 400k games? Id just like to see where you're standing, how you're taking 1v1s, and basically anything you're doing that I'm not. Just trying to squeeze out some more DPS, ya know?


Are you solo queue or do you queue with a group? Having a tank Guard you when you're focussed and a healer makes a world of difference on total damage.


Solo queuing you just have to hope the other team doesn't notice you. We're terrible 1v1, so never charge in first or assault a node alone. Always try to position yourself in places out of the enemies field of vision.


On Voidstar, hump the pillars in the middle when defending. If three or more people are clumped up I use my aoe. On assault, I hump the outside pillars.


Alderaan I prefer my team take the middle node. Having the high ground in that middle node gives you great during position and makes it hard to damage you unless they come up after you. I won't defend an outer node unless I have to because the terrain just isn't very favorable for us. Again, aoe when you see them grouped, typically it will be on the nodes.


In Huttball I like to patrol the platform overlooking the middle. Its easy to defend with our knock back, provides good during position and aoe opportunities, and we can move to either ramp to stop ball carriers.


I'll also say that if my damage goes too much beyond 300k, my team typically loses because it means the other team has more than we can dps through. Having big damage numbers is nice, but focus more on objectives and winning, the damage will come.

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here is my own video... but it's with 1.1.5 so it doesn't metter a lot now.





Still, 1.1.5 or not, that's one of the best videos I've seen. You hit hard, are aware of your surrounding, have a good rotation, and aren't hesitant to get away from your rotation when the scenario calls for it. I learned a few things, including that I need to use more sticky grenade, and I liked how you use stockstrike in a rotation. It keeps you mobile while keeping your DPS up and getting in a good position, I need to try that more. There were a couple of minor things that might've helped you a little bit, but it was 10x more polished and smooth than most of my warzones. VERY good stuff! If you have any more videos keep them coming!

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Now i've some trouble more but the game is mostly the same.

I'm suffering a bit from lack of ammo and about the reduction of critical rating. With a smuggler buff pre 1.2 i can count for a 70%-72% crit hit on demo round and full auto now i've only 66% with the same buff dropping the aim from the items sets and the 3% crit from field training.

I don't even suffer a lot from GR damage nerfing but more from the AOE nerfing of MV.


Anyway i feel less survive ability against marauder/sentinel compared with not cause of our weakness but because the are overpower now. I'm always talking about people that "can play". Against a fresh marauder/sentinel i don't have much trouble.

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There aren't any Gunnery videos because its extremely boring to watch someone turreting for 10 seconds before the other team realizes, "FREE KILL!" and proceeds to focus the Commando down every time he sticks his head outside the spawn area force field.


Had top dmg with up to 600k in certain voidstars, its all about aoe and positioning. Find yourself a nice pillar to be able to LoS behind and ALWAYS keep at least one teammate between you and the enemies to avoid deaths and maximise uptime. If you find yourself on the frontline, reposition immediately. Everyone can spam FA and GR, but AoE is what rakes in the numbers. A well placed mortar volley can score you 25k+ dmg right there (could pre 1.2 anyways, before it got gimped into oblivion). Clusters of enemies = always spam mortar volley, plasma/stick grenade, hail of bolts, pulse cannon. Why hit one target for 3k if you can hit 5 targets for 2k in the same time period?


However, I didnt really play much after patch 1.2 though and have unsubbed the game, due to the worst patch in MMO history ruining both my class and my gear.

Edited by Niconogood
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