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So, why don't Mercs have an interrupt yet?


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Seriously, we're the only Advanced Class without an interrupt. Relying on my 1 min CD stun (which we can't talent to reduce the CD of either? why?) in order to take down strong Jedi healer mobs on Ilum for my dailies isn't just lame, it reflects bad game design. Hell, it gets worse when you consider there's no incapacitating or immobilizing effect we can talent into in ANY of our three talent trees. At the very least, let us talent into an interrupt ability somehow, maybe something that uses a common ability in slightly different ways per talent tree (free no cost/dmg + interrupt missile blast?). And to those that will say 'Just use jet boost or spec into Afterburners', this entirely defeats the purpose of a ranged class. You might as well tell the Sorcerors / Sages that they need to be within 10m to get the most out of their dps specs.

Oh, and while we're on the topic of Sorcerors, we are the only 2 ACs without an appropriate range 45 sec PvE attack ability. Don't get me wrong, Shoulder Slam is nice but, again, a 4m range means I use it maybe once every hour or two of PvEing. Hell, you gave IAs TWO of these things, one ranged and one melee. Is there any reason why the two of us are left with no choice while PvEing but to either close to fisticuffs range or ignore this ability? It's not like this is some PVP balance issue you have to worry about the complaints from, is it?

Edited by CerberusSeven
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Concussion missile is meant as a CC ability primarily, which all healer classes have. Jet boost is defensive and won't work against some champion/boss mobs. Your comment about DFA clearly shows you are thinking in a PvP mindset without considering the downsides of said ability: it's long cooldown, it's interruptable, the new smaller radius, and the fact that it has to be used ranged. I'm not saying the lack of this feature makes our class broken, but it does contribute to a making it subpar.
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Simple - We don't need it.


I disagree now. That droid boss on The Lost Island requires interrupts all the freaking time so for PvE I believe it has become a requirement - 2 mercs it would not be possible. I would also like to be able to interrupt healers like EVERY OTHER CLASS can in PvP :p

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I disagree now. That droid boss on The Lost Island requires interrupts all the freaking time so for PvE I believe it has become a requirement - 2 mercs it would not be possible. I would also like to be able to interrupt healers like EVERY OTHER CLASS can in PvP :p


Yeah, felt kind of useless in the droid boss match. Not having interupt, I was ordered to handle adds... While healer (sorc) and dps (sorc) were doing interrupts.



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All right, I'll bite: why don't we NEED it when every single other class has one? I use Distraction and Jolt on my Sniper and Assassin all the time, it's very helpful to have from both a PvE AND PvP standpoint.


Let me start by saying that I speak from a DPS perspective and am not qualified to speak about BG Merc.


Players have to understand the role of a DPS Merc. Really, it's simple, crank out damage! Whether Arsenal or Pyro, a good Merc is built to do exactly that.




The notion that a Merc would want an interrupt leads me to believe the user doesn't understand how to PvP merc style. It is not a 1-on-1 class. It can 1-on-1 but it is not as geared towards it as say Marauder. In PvP as a DPS Merc you should be blasting stuff in the face from 30m away. If a melee is in your face as a Merc you should have never got so close to them in the first place (of course it does happen) and should begin kiting them. Yes, both DPS Merc trees can kite, but that's a topic for another thread. A Merc who "needs" an interrupt is probably trying to 1-on-1 death match a healer which is just wrong for so many reasons to begin with.




Again, it basically comes down to having the role of being a ranged damage dealing, AoE, machine and armor break for Arsenal. Let the glow sticks have their utility functions we just worry about putting holes in things. As ranged DPS we are able to avoid so many drawbacks of glowstick PvE. For just one example. Take six Mercs, one Sorc (healer) and one PT (Tank) to fight the Lava Boss in EV. It will feel like you took eight people to kill a Meatlump spawn ;)


I don't disagree that an interrupt would be useful. Who wouldn't want more stuff? I just feel that we are already built perfectly to do what the class does and any additional stuff would require cutbacks to what we already have so as to not make us op.


I know it's wordy, but you asked :).

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So basically you're saying we just need to suck it up and accept that damage is all we're good for? Sorry, I can't accept that for a number of reasons. If that were the case, why do snipers get Distraction? They can armor break the enemy to -20% faster and more often than we can too without even speccing into it, , plus they have better mobility and defenses. I play both classes and despite the heals and heavy armor, my mercenary main never had it as easy leveling or doing PvE content as my sniper. When she hits 50, my sniper will probably be better at AoE than him too if she decides to go engineering.

As for PvP, which I generally don't do, we have less utility and mobility without any real additional defenses against stuns/interrupts/knock backs/etc. Plus, 2 out of our 3 trees center around abilities you'll be casting, so they can be interrupted. How many other classes can say all that? My sniper really can't, she can go immune to CC and can't be interrupted while crouching period. My assassin only uses insta-cast, so no issue there. Knights/warriors, PTs/vanguards, give me one other AC that is this lacking in player versus player combat. Only Pyro gets around this and even then, is there a good reason why they should be denied something as simple as the ability to cancel on enemy player spell every 20 seconds or something?

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