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Stop QQing, Learn to play your class


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I'm getting tired of reading all of these QQ threads. It's like browsing iFunny and seeing all the "rate me" pics.


I have a 50 war hero bounty hunter, and I am loving everything in 1.2. The tracer missile change was needed, I was chaining 4k crits back to back before patch on people. Now I am down to 2.3k-3.3k on average. And the graphic is way better, no more poppin a squat. The HSM change was awesome, I had an 8k crit on a dude yesterday.


What most of you don't realize is that in full BM gear, even with a few mods swapped, you can still get over 20% damage bonus in pvp. It is easy to tell when you come across someone of that gear level, with around 16% on average damage reduction in pvp. If you have crap expertise, and shoot your pewpew tracer at them, it is not going to do much damage.


Point in case, learn to play, get better gear, stop crying.

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Tbh I don't think many Arsenal mercs are complaining, it's just the healers/pyros who do actually have a reason to feel a little irked.


As you say, us Arsenals have nothing to complain about, our burst went through the roof.

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The people complaining are the people that want a 1 button wonder. Tracer missiles mechanics feel like they should now. It's a supporting move that opens up for the big hitters.


Arsenal mercs are still easy to play and compete for top damage in a warzone. I know because out of 15 warzones yesterday I was rarely below top 3 in damage.

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Unfortunately all these fails that came over from WoW have learned over the years that it is easier to just ***** and have it changed than to put a little effort into a game to learn the ins and outs of there class and become OP just by actually being good. QQ get more PewPew.
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Honestly I could care less about DPS Merc it is just that I went from being a somewhat viable healer to healing as much as companions. I mean the only good thing is I rolled female and have the slave girl outfit so I can dance to inspire the troops.


Hell ya, now they just need to give other players a great buff for watching you and we can restart Star Wars Galaxies... **** man now I miss the space combat from that game, that was a good time.

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I think the majority of the QQing is coming from the Hybrid Tracer spammers. Full Arsenal was hardly changed, just adjusted, the damage is still there just have to push more than one button to get it.

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Tbh I don't think many Arsenal mercs are complaining, it's just the healers/pyros who do actually have a reason to feel a little irked.


As you say, us Arsenals have nothing to complain about, our burst went through the roof.


As a long term pyro and someone who spent way to much time playing 1.2 yesterday :rolleyes: I can tell you Pyro Merc's have nothing to complain about either.

Edited by Ciry
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As a long term pyro and someone who spent way to much time playing 1.2 yesterday :rolleyes: I can tell you Pyro Merc's have nothing to complain about either.


I'll take your word for it then as I don't play pyro :p Just hearing people say that rapid shots, power shot, fusion missile, DFA etc are all nerfed. Probably exaggerated then.

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You're the kind of person that laughs at car accidents and instead of wondering if everyone's ok yells out the window of your own car "learn to drive!"..... as long as it doesn't affect you is that right?


Well genius, it just so happens that TM is the least of anyones worries right now(even though it got nerfed far more than just the stated 10%)..... DFA and overall damage are what has people concerened now, not to mention the way they gimped healers, and BH pretty much as a whole.


.... but since it doesn't affect you, then who cares right?


And FYI, it was QQing that brought about these "balances" in the first place, QQing in response is a perfectly normal reaction....... it appears Bioware has a bias as to which QQers they listen to, and THAT more than anything is WHY these changes are bad, because it indicates the direction Bioware is taking this game..... you like knee-jerk reaction nerfing and classes being nerfed into obliteration? Then fine, bend over and take it like a man, some of us are NOT happy with Biowares approach to "game balancing" and are not going to bend over and take it.

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I'll take your word for it then as I don't play pyro :p Just hearing people say that rapid shots, power shot, fusion missile, DFA etc are all nerfed. Probably exaggerated then.


That guy was wearing raid gear in 1.2 PvP. File under "suicide".

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You're the kind of person that laughs at car accidents and instead of wondering if everyone's ok yells out the window of your own car "learn to drive!"..... as long as it doesn't affect you is that right?


Well genius, it just so happens that TM is the least of anyones worries right now(even though it got nerfed far more than just the stated 10%)..... DFA and overall damage are what has people concerened now, not to mention the way they gimped healers, and BH pretty much as a whole.


.... but since it doesn't affect you, then who cares right?


And FYI, it was QQing that brought about these "balances" in the first place, QQing in response is a perfectly normal reaction....... it appears Bioware has a bias as to which QQers they listen to, and THAT more than anything is WHY these changes are bad, because it indicates the direction Bioware is taking this game..... you like knee-jerk reaction nerfing and classes being nerfed into obliteration? Then fine, bend over and take it like a man, some of us are NOT happy with Biowares approach to "game balancing" and are not going to bend over and take it.


DFA is the same dmg, I tested a dozens of time while doing Corellia dailies, was strong enough to kill a pack of standard lvl 50 enemies (~4.9k hp) before 1.2 and post 1.2 it still does. No gut feeling, or counting tick numbers here, it did ~5k dmg pre 1.2 still does that dmg post 1.2.


TM did not get nerfed more than 10%. Something tells me people are just going by the low dmg numbers they put out while having a taunt debuff or dmg mitigating abilties such as this. Judging by them spouting the same thing about rapid shots, fusion missile and pulling out the 30% number, I'd say my assumptions are pretty accurate, because otherwise, the whole more than 10% dmg nerf claim... I'm just not seeing it at all. Every other skills is hitting just as hard in PvE, maybe even harder in PvP because of the new expertise scaling.


As for Bodyguard specs, haven't had a chance to try it post 1.2, but you do have to keep in mind all healer specs took a big hit to their pvp healing output. Would have to wait and see which healing woes stem from the general pvp healing changes and which from the Bodyguard nerfs. Judging from the numbers though, I'd say the expertise scaling on healing would have a much larger effect than the bodyguard nerfs.

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I'll take your word for it then as I don't play pyro :p Just hearing people say that rapid shots, power shot, fusion missile, DFA etc are all nerfed. Probably exaggerated then.


Definitely exaggeration.


Fusion Missile - Was never a go to move anyway, just a nice AoE bonus when the time presents itself so any change would be negligible.


Rapid Shots - For pyro was and is still king of all basic attacks.


Power Shot - 10% damage reduction? Really? I know the notes said it but I'm not feeling it.


DFA - I admit the radius reduction makes me cry but really, the old radius was so large a blind person could take out half of huttball with it so it was a justified reduction.

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I'm getting tired of reading all of these QQ threads. It's like browsing iFunny and seeing all the "rate me" pics.


I have a 50 war hero bounty hunter, and I am loving everything in 1.2. The tracer missile change was needed, I was chaining 4k crits back to back before patch on people. Now I am down to 2.3k-3.3k on average. And the graphic is way better, no more poppin a squat. The HSM change was awesome, I had an 8k crit on a dude yesterday.


What most of you don't realize is that in full BM gear, even with a few mods swapped, you can still get over 20% damage bonus in pvp. It is easy to tell when you come across someone of that gear level, with around 16% on average damage reduction in pvp. If you have crap expertise, and shoot your pewpew tracer at them, it is not going to do much damage.


Point in case, learn to play, get better gear, stop crying.


im just going to finish my mara so i can roll over people like you and then laugh at your qq posts

Edited by Cegenaus
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And FYI, it was QQing that brought about these "balances" in the first place, QQing in response is a perfectly normal reaction....... it appears Bioware has a bias as to which QQers they listen to, and THAT more than anything is WHY these changes are bad, because it indicates the direction Bioware is taking this game..... you like knee-jerk reaction nerfing and classes being nerfed into obliteration? Then fine, bend over and take it like a man, some of us are NOT happy with Biowares approach to "game balancing" and are not going to bend over and take it.


That is a solid remark. I totally agree that the changes brought around were too much based on QQ of the community and not based enough on facts and numbers.

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Power Shot - 10% damage reduction? Really? I know the notes said it but I'm not feeling it.


All the rest of your post I agree with, but as a bodyguard merc, I reallllly felt the damage difference since thats pretty much what I used to have to spam to kill anything. It's honestly almost not worth the extra effort and heat when I could have just rapid shot twice and do about 3/4 of its damage while not generating heat.

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