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There was a change? Huh...


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So far I haven't noticed a difference in my Trooper - Commando - Gunnery setup.


Normal rotation has always been:

Full Auto

Grav (x2 vortex)

Grav (x2 vortex + about here Full Auto cooldown is ready in case I want to rip that off again for a speed reduction)

Grav (x2 Vortex for a 5 stax for max effect on Demo plus stack perks)


Grav (+1 more stack)

Grav (+1 more stack now at 5 for High Impact Bolt)

High Impact (Max effect for High Impact Bolt)


Toss out some nades, cryo's and charged bolts, mortor strikes and to mix it up, time to reload and spam Hammer shot on the run.


Damages are about the same as before, all depends on the targets armor stacks. Hit a full Battlemaster armor stack and if they know they're abilities will its a challenge it's about a 50/50 win/loss as before. Someone with min gearing and its better than 90% victory ratio.


Read the abilities and take time to learn them better. It's not about spamming one special or another its about a combo effect to maximize the damage you can do. In PvP I average 275k total damage.


If Grav isn't doing the job try Charged Bolt, you'd be surprised at how many times with Grav I'll see Immune or Absorbed or Deflected and rip off Charged Bolt and hit them for 2500 or more.


Only thing I'm craving now for my mando is some more content! (and a flamethrower 15m range constent stream of fire, no special abilities with it just a straight press and hold fire.)

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I hope to god that's not a PvE opening rotation you're describing...


What is this "PvE" you speak of?


No with PvE really depends on the target, level, elite status, melee or ranged. I mix it up a lot in PvE just to keep it entertaining, also depends on which companion I have out at the time as well.

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So far I haven't noticed a difference in my Trooper - Commando - Gunnery setup...



Well, pretty much. I think that I am getting knocked around a lot more when I set off a concussion charge.


And this may be too quick a generalization from a small sample, but it seems like I've had better luck wearing down opponents in 1v1 situations.


(And a happy "good hunting" from one Gunny to another! :D)

Edited by SweetOldBob
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Well, pretty much. I think that I am getting knocked around a lot more when I set off a concussion charge.


And this may be too quick a generalization from a small sample, but it seems like I've had better luck wearing down opponents in 1v1 situations.


(And a happy "good hunting" from one Gunny to another! :D)


That is the one exception there, concustion round knocks me back not them. However this is a very random issue. When it does though oiee! I fly!

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You should be starting with a grav round then using FA since FA returns ammo now...no sense in using it while ammo is full i.e. at the start of the fight. This does not change the damage output you describe and you may get lucky and recieve the +damage proc for the FA. More possible damage and better efficiency. The difference is the FA resets happen a great deal more and to maintain your ammo over a longer period of time means using the new tools more. I respecced from CM and am enjoying gunnery but I find that after blowing up 3-4 people that I am out of ammo waiting for my abilities to recycle.
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