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while im a aware F88K ups happen and dont normaly complain BUT! dead severs on a friday night from an EU point of is a GOD DAMN JOKE ...1.2 should not of been activted so close to weekend incase this thing happened and it has!!!!!



i wont be ragequitting but im damned sure people will and 30 free days IS NOT going to keep people happy

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twice already they kill the server on Friday night... these "unscheduled" maintenance seems to have tendency to happen on Friday night... this is getting annoying.


New patch on Monday only please... so if they screw it up somehow they have 4 days before the weekend to fix the damn thing:mad:

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A rushed out update 1.2(for whatever reason), patched today, that crippled the game. Cant they just roll back the servers pre 1.2a?


If the additional 8 hours of downtime is to be believed, 20 hours for just one update. And thanks to the patch downloading early the other day, left me now without any major play time.


Sure things happen but seriously Bioware get a grip and TEST your stuff before pushing it to live.

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I understand the issues with any MMO going live and needing updates and patches. I admire BW and EA for all the work with the latest, BUT forcing paying customers to lose so much playing time because of someone hitting the wrong damned button and screwing up ALL the hard work ... it's pathetic.


I know the actual cost of game time lost is small, but it's the principle of the thing. UK and Europe have lost an entire day of playing time, and I know many people took today off work to play the new updates.


I can only hope the servers come back up before it's too late for the UK and Europe to play and enjoy the game.


To all those busting their butts repairing the mess ... I applaud you.

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How do you think I feel I have only a few hours to play 3 days aweek and for what these guys are charging.:mad: down the servers when people aren't playing


And when exactly would that be? Are you under the impression that there is some magical point in the day at which nobody in the entire world is playing on any server? What you are really saying is to take the servers down only when YOU aren't playing.

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twice already they kill the server on Friday night... these "unscheduled" maintenance seems to have tendency to happen on Friday night... this is getting annoying.


New patch on Monday only please... so if they screw it up somehow they have 4 days before the weekend to fix the damn thing:mad:


All the interns work on Friday night. And they are not happy about it...

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They could at least credit our active subscriptions with an extra day of gametime to make up for these extended hours of downtime. I think paying for a game that you can't play is probably one of the biggest complaints.
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I am really looking forward to the excuses they are going to make for all the losses we will have after this latest patch - all the guild banks and items in them are gone, all the legacy upgrades gone, all pvp upgrades gone... all because there is no matching back-up Edited by Spytrx
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No one seems to remember the other MMORPG? And their constant fail patches and repatching? How about the plague patch that became a case study for a university on how diseases spread and required a complete rollback of the original game?


And your complaining about one day on a new game that is still trying to care about its players. LOL if you are that upset go play the other game and get ready for Panda fail.

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