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Star Wars Galaxies To Star Wars The Old Republic To My Crazyness With The Games ^^


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HELLO THERE! All of you insane fan bois and fan girls of humans, aliens and you ridiculous cyborgs of awsomeness!


To all of those lovable droid fixers we call Jawas living on Tatooine with nothing but sand, sand and um more sand! Right.


Getting to my point as of right now XD


So um I got a question which they proballly get alot. What ever happend to Star Wars Galaxies? Been looking at some post on google and shiz saying how good of a run they had etc for like 8 years or so mesa thinks but however they had to pull the plug on it and was wondering why they had to do this without making it free @_@ DID I SAY THAT OUTLOUD shoot! I did! Maybe I should have a gunslinger take a shot to my knee for sayin that :rolleyes:


Just wanted some opinions from the tor community if this is the right thread to post this if not can get moved somewere else cause would have no clue were to ask these sort of questions.


SO HERE ME NOW ALL OF YOU FUTURE DWELLERS or should I say future dwellers of the past... I sort of miss some of my chars on swgs and if anyone feels the same would love to here your stories as well.


So I can share in the equal pain of us.




LONG LIVE TOR this game is freaking amasing and heres my question about this one I have 8 characters currently all classes in The Ebon Hawk server and flipin A this one is great!


almost have all of them to lvl 40 and working on my agent and smuggler finishing them up to chapter 2 should I ask you all if I should be concern that maybe some might say gosh darn it your hook on TOR!


Or just a lil bit crazy lovin it so much and if theres anyone else out there that shares my love for this one replacing swgs! let me know your stories would love to listen to em!


Thanks for the help about all of these ridiculous questions that I have and as a great Jedi Master once said.


Its not what you can do with a lightsaber that counts but to protect the innocents of impending doom and er forget what else he ment but FO HIZAY peace and love guys! :cool:

Edited by JoanThom
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Someone made a huge mistake with shutting down SWG - also there was a final update one months before shut down making atmospheric flight available.



Someone needs to buy that code, revamp the game and bring it back online, nuff said.

Edited by Lord_Ravenhurst
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Someone made a huge mistake with shutting down SWG - also there was a final update one months before shut down making atmospheric flight available.



Someone needs to buy that code, revamp the game and bring it back online, nuff said.


I left after server transfers, man I wished I had been there for that.

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If my post was a lil bit lengthy mesa sorry guys sometimes I get a lil bit carried away but thanks for some of the feedback.


Maybe this vampire needs to wake up and start living in the present and just say thank god for TOR im not really a vampire but feel like one sometimes with all of this newer stuff comming out and what not.

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If my post was a lil bit lengthy mesa sorry guys sometimes I get a lil bit carried away but thanks for some of the feedback.


Maybe this vampire needs to wake up and start living in the present and just say thank god for TOR im not really a vampire but feel like one sometimes with all of this newer stuff comming out and what not.


do you sparkle in sunlight?

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Galaxies ended on the 15th of december.


There was a huge thing about a lawsuit with SOE by some crazed fans too How did you not catch that?


It died, its gone forever. Thank god.


NGE Died...yes thank god....But we all miss Pre-CU

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