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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Casual players are NOT valued customers


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Quit WoW to join SWTOR, here from day one, same problem - no time to be LIVING in the game. Got very humiliated that you only give benefits to those of lvl 50, one thing like that can "hit you hard" guys. Edited by Denom-
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It's less the 15 dollars, more of the butt kissing, "We're sorry 50s, we love you, we need you. Please don't go." 6 crafting characters none of which are over 40? "F U, you n00b loser. Get out our way, we're trying to suck up to the 50s."


Hey, just cause I never leave fleet doesn't mean I don't add value to the game. Half your alts wouldn't have pants if it weren't for me!


prolly the best post of the thread. its almost like the 15 dollars the lvl 50 chars are dishing out is more valuable then the 15 im paying every month lol

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Guess BW made a choice, admit to the public how broken and boring level 50 is by making the statement "Hey, sorry we didn't actually add anything for you, take this as an apology" or use a loyalty exscuse. Both would lose subs, which do you think would lose more? Tell the new players they might be wasting their time so they cancel or spend a few hours deleting complaints threads from people who aren't actually going to cancel but think that claiming they will makes them look special?


A loyal customer of EA once described it to me as a woman, you can't live with them and you can't live without them. You won't cancel, BW picked the lesser of two evils.

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NO...i cannot let this go on ...the OP is right . he has a life and wants to do this at his own pace!. he EXPECTS a trophy or a reward just like they give everyone in the special olympics. it doesn't matter if you place first , second , 637th!. what matters is that you finished!


sir , OP, please i know of a place where NO one will ever not take you seriously again . leave swtor with me and come to my new favorite game .....





they'll love you just like you want!

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It's complete bull that some players are denied a reward when they had no advance notice that there would be a reward like this.


I'm not getting the free 30 and you know what I did when I found out...... I whined on the forums, I went out picketed on the street corner, called EA and BIOWARE to tell them how unfair it was, then asked that guy who filed with the FCC about Mass Effect 3 if he thought I could file to, got so angry that I kicked a puppy into a fan oh and then decided that life wasn't worth it.........


Just kidding I got over it and decided to laugh at all the people in the Forums that I knew would come out to whine.

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The OP is totally right. The criterias on why some of the subscribers get 30 days and others are bare any logic. All pay the same money. Imagine you got cable tv that has random technical problems, one person watches 1-2 hours a day and the other 6 hours. The problems can happen to the one watching 1-2 hours while the one watching 6 hours has none. The problems are often random in this game. So why grant a free month for the one that watches tv 6 hours and not the one that watches 1-2 hours? That makes no sense.
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It's kinda weird that they give out this free month. They literally throwing away 10 million Dollars. I wonder if that was the brightest idea. The loyal customers are those who stick to your game even in bad times, not those who have reached a certain level.


Stop your marketing approaches like silly videos about how to create a character or appearance at comic cons etc. A good product doesn't need marketing it lives through word of mouth.


my 2 cent's

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Are you kidding me? This game was developed for casuals; your entire playstyle is the focus of the team's development and design decision process, but you're still not satisfied.


"I don't want a free pet! I want what he has! Gimme gimme!"

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While I can understand the sentiment that only people with level 50 characters get the 30 days free, saying that the game does not value casuals are beyond stupidity.


The game is very, very manageable, it remains a fairly easy MMO with many features available to players that aren't just raiders or PvP'ers.


I understand that you can be peeved over the 50's getting a free month but leave Casuals out of your ranting.


Thank you

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Hi Everyone,


We value your feedback on this matter and thank you for taking the time to voice your concerns and thoughts. Since we currently have another thread similar in discussion we're going to ask that you join the following thread:


Should have given 30 days to everyone subbed since release


This will help us to keep the forums organized for the community. Thank You!

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