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You gotta be kidding me....down until 6PM CST??


I hope that someone got fired over this cause I know if I screwed up like this in my job I would be gone in a flash!!




that is an awful thing to wish for to anyone.

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You gotta be kidding me....down until 6PM CST??


I hope that someone got fired over this cause I know if I screwed up like this in my job I would be gone in a flash!!




I guess you never worked in the mmo business then cause SH-T happens.....

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Do you actually think that the people that post on the forums are anything but a small % of the player base?


The majority of ANY mmo does not post.


So yes, I feel quite confident that I am in the majority and that the people complaining here are the vocal minority, that could and should be ignored. Just like you will continue to be.


Well, wouldn't you become the same minority that posts on the forums by posting on the forums then? Don't claim to be a majority when by in your own your words you are not. :rolleyes:

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Yeah, whoever screwed the pooch on this one has probably forced all of his team mates back in to work a ton of overtime when they really should be enjoying the start of their weekend.


Think that might cost him a bit more than a round of beers.....


You gotta feel for them as it must be a horrible job to work out everything that's wrong and put it right. Keep your chins up guys, we appreciate your efforts :)


And for my sake, can get it done quick please? I'm Jonesing for my next fix of SWTOR already.


/scratch forearms some more


This, for the most part. I know you guys are working your butts off getting this stuff together, and I just want you to know that there's at least one more person who genuinely appreciates the amount of time you guys are putting in on a Friday to get this squared away for us. Wish I could buy a round for all of you.

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We don't know the inner mechanics, but think of launching the game worlds as compiling a bunch of different assets. Someone accidentally included some old assets when recompiling the worlds. Human error, probably magnified by being in a rush to install a hot fix.


Why would they need to add "game world assets" to fix an issue with character deletion? They seem like completely two different things to me.


I really doubt they just hot-fixed those two things, and really feel un-easy with them not telling us what they are making us install on to our computers.

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to all those who are complaining..


if you can do a better job of game design, coding and public relations feel free to woo us all with your genious and put your money where your mouth is. Otherwise grow up and be patient instead of reverting to the mentality of 2 year old children...


We're paying customers, when we go to a restaurant we don't cook and serve our meals it's cooked and served for us and if the service is good we give big fat tips.

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to all those who are complaining..


if you can do a better job of game design, coding and public relations feel free to woo us all with your genious and put your money where your mouth is. Otherwise grow up and be patient instead of reverting to the mentality of 2 year old children...


well said, would love to see all these trolls make their own MMO, keep it updated with new content and keep the masses happy, it happens in every game, these kids need to grow up and realise that wow was never a polished game when it was released, and i bet half of them never played wow from the beginning, or for eg. were not there for the release of AQ40 in the vanilla days, if you were, you'd understand what i mean, patches/new content dont always plan out as intended, even when you use a public test server

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Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha haHa ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha haHa ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha haHa ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha haHa ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha haHa ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha haHa ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha haHa ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha haHa ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha





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the disaster is not the downtime itself but the handling of the community. a little note along the lines of: "sorry people, we kindda screwed up. we are working on it asap. to make up for this, XP and Credit gain for 24h is on 200% after the servers are up." would be nice.


I agree. I could care less about a free day to play, give me some warzone commendations in the in game mail or give us double warzone commendations for amount of the downtime.

Edited by jemcleod
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This is unacceptable.


Pick a patch day and stick to it, at least we can expect the servers to be down those days.


The game worked fine last night. Because someone couldn't delete a character and you wanted to implement a new CS ticket system, the entire playerbase can't play for 16 hours. Unacceptable.


Pick a day, and we'll expect crap like this on that day. A lot of people on 4-10 and 9-80 schedules are off on Fridays. Some people took off work today to test out the new patch that was implemented and running fine yesterday. Never, ever, ever implement a patch on a Friday. And please test your patches before you release them.


You are going to lose subscribers to more professional companies. Please try to be more professional. I understand you guys are amateurs when it comes to MMO's, but you need to learn how to have a structured patch implementation system.


For an estimated 50% or more of the subscribers, I'm assuming this isn't your first RODEO; which leaves you open to extensive criticizing how Bioware is doing with their FIRST MMORPG. However, I and people alike know the raging happening today is about SWtOR subscribers comparing this to a veteran MMO established of 10+ years. ex: WoW.


Take a step back in time to Blizzard 10years prior and compare it to present Bioware please. Both exceptional companies, but like WoW, SWtOR will lack in the "development department" for some time LIKE BLIZZARD DID. As it was new for them, it is also new to Bioware. Any early MMO is likely to have patching issues, as for the time and place that was bad news ALL on Bioware's part; but to the relativity that this game is close to falling apart, SWtOR is far from it. SW has a compelling fan base that has lasted decades and continues to grow and grasp people, beyond Blizzard and the gaming realm, and will continue to overpower most franchises for time to come.


WoW has come extremely far in 10years and rallies an enormous amount of subscribers to this day so there is all the hope EVER that this game is going to succeed if you give it the necessary time. I hear debates that SWtOR is an exceptional RPG but lack the MMO portion to continue building a reputable MMO fan base. Even more so, complaints that people would just rather play SWG. Well how about some patience? This game isn't even a year old. SWtOR is still a baby and Bioware is trying to bring us the best they've got.


Even outside this current branch I have high hopes for Bioware's team. Over the years they've brought demanding sagas like Assassins Creed & Mass Effect (do not forget Knight of the Old Republic.) Unfortunately, is Friday the 13th and us die hard fans are waiting patiently, to get back online.


Bioware could had seen this unfortunate turn of events and took action by giving us a free 30day play time (Cover-up?). Let us not remember WoW was down for several days/several TIMES do to Vanilla developers not patching properly. Subscribers were also asking for free play time :)

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the disaster is not the downtime itself but the handling of the community. a little note along the lines of: "sorry people, we kindda screwed up. we are working on it asap. to make up for this, XP and Credit gain for 24h is on 200% after the servers are up." would be nice.

I totally agree with you. But remember, for many people it still will not be satisfying. I have been working all week (like many others) and had planned to play today and not tomorrow or the day after. But still, it would have been a nice gesture indeed.

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I really enjoy the game, but need to stop reading these blogs. I had no idea there were so many people out of touch with the real world. In the real world stuff happens. You lose cell service, internet goes down, power goes out, things break. When it happens I don't run to the computer and post garbage all over DirecTV's website asking for a three hour credit!! Why? Because I know service will be restored and if it isn't I cancel. I don't whine on some blog that no one is reading because (i) it's ridiculous and (ii) it's a enormous waste of time. Folks, you pay $15/mo to play a game. I pay more a month for my coffee. Again, it's a game. If you're that upset about a patch, content, service, than simply man up and cancel. Period. Some of you guys act like you don't have a choice. You do. Pay or don't pay. Crying to the world isn't going to get BW to fix the issue any faster. Find something else to do for a few hours!! LOL.
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Sorry for the inconvenience.


We appreciate that you wish to play but we are experiencing technical problems beyond our control at this time.


A former employee that has been relieved from his position due to his incompetence with a bottle of soda and breakfast food mishandling has admitted blame.


To exacerbate the problem during an attempt to rectify this problem unbeknownst to us, the Aforementioned former employee, smeared bacon grease ( bacon Mcdouble ) on a vital component which caused a severe sever roll back on all servers.


Windex and Bounty double duty towels are being liberally applied as we speak (no expense is to great for OUR customer base)


Once again we apologize and look forward to your next monthly fee


Those responsible have been sacked.

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Originally Posted by llesna

Double negative. Don't get nothing = you get something.


Only in old English did multiple negatives reinforce the negative. In modern English, double negatives negate each other.

Everyone take cover! The Grammar Cops have arrived!



Really? has it come to this nit picking ppls speling and gramer? loolz

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