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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

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For someone that is giving Bioware a "probationary" period, by purchasing their game, and running an active subscription, this does not bode well. They have marginalized a good portion of their customer base, by targeted rebates according to performance, and now are expecting their entire customer base to nonchalantly go along with their mistakes and server debacles.


Correct, just hope it doesn't continue, otherwise the game itself won't be toast, the community will.

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apparently those of you who are new to the whole online MMO gaming experience know nothing of the headaches, and general problems with launching a new game, much less doing a major update to one, so do yourself a favor, stop complaining about not being able to play, we all pay to play, and sometimes things happen that just happen, its not fair to BW, LucasArts, or any of us to have to listen to your complaints here, or when the game finally does get back online. When another major MMO was launced back in the day, it would go down for days, yes i said DAYS sometimes, and often with no explanation at all for it, feel glad that BW is ontop of the issue and working to get the issues fixed. remember that this is a game, its not the end of the world if you have to skip a day of play, youre not the only ones affected by this so stop taking it so personally


If they (EA / BW / LA) actually spent 300mil on this game's development, then no room for excuses for not having a quality patch process and tools for Devs.


So either they got totally ripped off, or did not really spend that kind of money.

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Dude, we won't see 1.3 for months... You're going to wait for 1.3 for fixes for 1.2?


I guess you're not away of versioning numbers. The .2 means MAJOR version. What we need is 1.2.1 - NOW!


4 months in we've had 3 content updates, I doubt it will be months for 1.3

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If they (EA / BW / LA) actually spent 300mil on this game's development, then no room for excuses for not having a quality patch process and tools for Devs.


So either they got totally ripped off, or did not really spend that kind of money.



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I seriously do not understand the "it is a game, stop whining" kinda thought. I am guessing that these people are hardcore Star Wars fans running with a lightsaber in real life and are blind to the shortcomings of the service being delivered by BW.


Yes, it is a game but more then that it is a service that BW delivers in compensation for a fee: we are talking millions of dollars. If i pay for something, I simply expect it to work when I want to use it.


It is the basics of business: you either deliver quality or lose customers. Unless you compensate them and hope to satisfy them that way. Mark the word hope here. Compensation is the least you could and should do.


Someone ever wrote an ingame ticket? It took them 4 weeks to restore an item. Add all these things and voila, you got the best formula for losing your customers.


I for sure can guarantee that I would have quit the game if I was not stupid enough to pay for six months in advance. Not because the game is not good. On the contrary, it is a nice game. Just simply because of the fact the (customer) service is a disaster.

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I want a tauntaun mount personally (not just a stupid pet) ,but a bantha would be awesome (fleet might get a bit crowded though).


BW take heed!


fine a mini force sensitive bantha that uses the force to keep you from crushing it as u sit on it

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Trying to address that the Dev Post reads back up on April 14th: At least in my head, I'd always thought of Germany as being seven hours ahead of Virginia, which would be roughly 7:30 PM. To be sure, Russia has a lot of time zones and is regarded as "Europe," but even so, they'd avoid a lot of confusion by having a subprogram that converts the time to player local.


In no way is Russia regarded as Europe.... except the Eurovision song contest...

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Yea guys...stop complaining...they have already thrown us a bone to shut our mouths,

30 days of free game play.......AHAHAHAHAHA

I would like to be in a room next to the economics manager of EA,watching Bioware Devs' heads rolling cut off by red-black sabers :)))

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apparently those of you who are new to the whole online MMO gaming experience know nothing of the headaches, and general problems with launching a new game, much less doing a major update to one, so do yourself a favor, stop complaining about not being able to play, we all pay to play, and sometimes things happen that just happen, its not fair to BW, LucasArts, or any of us to have to listen to your complaints here, or when the game finally does get back online. When another major MMO was launced back in the day, it would go down for days, yes i said DAYS sometimes, and often with no explanation at all for it, feel glad that BW is ontop of the issue and working to get the issues fixed. remember that this is a game, its not the end of the world if you have to skip a day of play, youre not the only ones affected by this so stop taking it so personally


Have heard "it takes two to tango"?. If bioware thinks they can fuk up whenever/whatever they like dont u think as paying customer i would get a saying. Do u see me complain about the payment (not talking about this mess) they charge me every month. DO i ever says " AAA pooh, guys im a bit behind on my salary mind taking half now and half later" Do u?

Edited by NotoriusNemesis
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