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it would be awesome if they could sometimes post their times in GMT since that is a timezone most of the civilized world is at least vaquely familar with. Some goofball ZTREST US coastal times or Australian western derp Pacific times mean **** all to majority of players please thank you



I think the BST is the equivalent of GMT, as it is Summer Time atm rather than GMT ......

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I don't care. I'm going to go read a book, cook a delicious dinner with fresh ingredients, then maybe go for a walk. It could be down for 2 days and here's how many f**** I'd give: _______. That many. For god's sake, it's a game. Go outside or spend time with your family you lard bodied things. If you can't muster the motivation to do that through the fog of your crippling depression, at least catch up on your Netflix instant queue.


Just once I wish a game company would call you people on your whiny, entitled crap and tell you where you can stick it. Most of you don't even know how this game works. It could be magic for all you know. Don't you understand what a miracle it is that it works at all? You have a screen that works as a window to another world that syncs up with people across the globe simultaneously and you're complaining that it's not perfect? You realize 100 years ago we'd all have been burnt at the stake as witches just for possessing knowledge of this technology? This is one of the most amazing things on the planet and you're upset that it's down for a little bit? Give me a break you spoiled, mouth breathing basement dwellers. Go do something on your cell phone that connects to invisible, wireless networks and lets you communicate with anyone in the world at a moment's notice AND it plays Angry Birds. Oh wait, you probably complain if that's down for more than a few minutes too don't you? You people are all insane.


Absolutely love it :) Can I get your phone number /grin

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I had to go back through the pages to page 37 to find this in order to quote it because it deserves to be quoted many times. Just looking at the people who attempted to respond negatively to it was entertainment to last for days. One person tried to come up with an intelligent response to this but in the end all they really had was a long winded post of calling you a troll which you are not.


It would be nice if people would have some appreciation of what they have available to them.


Im paying, i couldnt give a **** how it works. When my car breaks down i dont go "ah well its a miracle we have cars anyway..."


Yeah its hard to make, if it was free i wouldnt care. BUT IT ISNT.

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I'm out. This is ********. I pay to play, not pay to wait while they fix ****.


6 days left on the free 30 day sub, then goodbye. All of you posting complaints need to show them that this is unacceptable and cancel.


What good is a fun game if you can never play it?

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Servers come down after patches - it happens. It happened with Everquest, it happened with WoW, and it will happen here. I guess 13 years of mmo's have given me maturity and perspective. 10 years ago I would have posted in a rage also.


Im mentally challenged. Can anyone tell me when the expected time to be back up is for the eastern time zone of the United States please? I just cant wrap my head around it. Ive read something about April 14 when its still the 13th here for another 12 hours. I'm not normally this dumb, but right now im very very dumb.

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8 hours is this serious? Right through the day after the much vaunted 1.2 patch goes out after an announced 4 hours of down time this morning, after 1.2 was delayed so it could have more time on live for testing, after a number of people were unable to play because it patched a day early?


Can't the servers just be rolled back to 1.2 and then 1.2a and 1.2b dealt with under Tuesdays extended maintenace. I didn't see anything in 1.2a that was vital to the game.




4 hours of patch for 2 lines of changes = 1 full day offline.


1.2.0a Patch Notes




Addressed an issue that could prevent characters from being deleted.


Made improvements to the CS ticketing system.



It's nothing vital, revert back to 1.2 and apply the changes latter.

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I just resubbed to see what 1.2 will bring in , and already regeret it.

The usuall constant server downtime as always when it's my day off from work.

I threw another 13euro to these people and didnt get anything, why am I loosing a day of sub when the whole day is a maintenance day?!

Multimillion studio and they can't even sort out server problems , you should have based that somewhere in Asia , at least they'd get the job done cause americans can't handle it.

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Does Bioware actually test the "fixes" they deploy? I mean come on, a minor patch breaks the game so badly that they need a full day to fix it? Here's a suggestion for your suggestion box: actually test your code before going live with it.
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The only funny part about that is that he actually thinks that people buy his "I play this game for 2-3 hours per day but don't take it seriously" act.


He then proceeds to admonish the game, explaining how it is one of the most amazing things in life, so cool in fact that we would be burnt at the stake for having knowledge of it 100 years ago, but that it is somehow ridiculous for someone to be upset at being separated from it? But don't for one second think that he takes it seriously like the rest of us that spend time on it daily.


It's basement dwellers like this that give basement dwellers like us a bad name. :\


Does projecting that onto him make you feel better? He could be just taking the piss or he could actually mean it. To say you know for sure is really only saying that you have decided to believe such not that you actually know such.

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can you please start posting a GREENWICH MEAN TIME also ? there is like a ton of timelines descriped in the game launcher just not GMT... why ?


They're posting BST (British Summer Time), which should be GMT+1. Alternatively, CEST (Central European Summer Time) should be GMT+2.


Just look up BST/CEST and subtract 1 or 2 hours.

Edited by Qaoz
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Players should get at last 2 days for free, due to these serwer problems...I live in Europe and what now?I can't even play a game that i bought, i have to wait to ... 1.00 AM.Is that a joke?



The worst part is, Bioware/EA doesn't give a f**k about it.All they want is your $$$$.


No wonder people are leaving the shipwreck, i will go down with the ship, cos i love this game very much.

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The only funny part about that is that he actually thinks that people buy his "I play this game for 2-3 hours per day but don't take it seriously" act.


He then proceeds to admonish the game, explaining how it is one of the most amazing things in life, so cool in fact that we would be burnt at the stake for having knowledge of it 100 years ago, but that it is somehow ridiculous for someone to be upset at being separated from it? But don't for one second think that he takes it seriously like the rest of us that spend time on it daily.


It's basement dwellers like this that give basement dwellers like us a bad name. :\


another whining idiot. pls usub if youre that much of a baby that you cant go without playing for a day. cant imagine what king of ******* you must be IRL.

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