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Server Maintenance


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Ok, I've read so many of those now.. America is not prioritized more than EU (maybe a little, but not much)


They have determinted that the time for their maintenance is best fitting considering that they are all off-peak. It slams some people in the US as well with the times they are doing maintenance now as well (people working nightshift etc).


Only people getting screwed over, is aussies / asia players. It hits them bam in prime time.


And no, before anyone starts claiming stuff, Im a european. I live in Norway, and have absolutely no problems with their maintenance times, as I realize poop happens.


Sorry for the funny wording at times, but censoring is heavy on this forums. :p

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Its funny. А couple of days earlier i canceled my sub(game became to boring at 50) and at moment when i decided to give one last chance to the game servers simply down with no info from Bio about how long it will be lasts.And with no answer about compensation/
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Sith Inquisitor. Received my first quest. Zapped that worm thing and got message - Server down. Go to forum.

And now no ETA? Its 5 P.M. at my place!

Is this usual stuff?


Nah, they've actually been relatively good about not having to bring the servers down on such short notice with no ETA.

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They are going down because something with this patch caused a rollback of the servers. Therefore, they need to take them down to fix the problem.


Unfortunately, this means all of the idiots will come out of the woodwork and start complaining first because the patch screwed something up, then start complaining that they can't play because BW is taking down the servers to fix it. Sometimes, I wish they would put an age restriction on forums. Or at the very least require people to take a psychological exam before they can post to make sure they are at least mature enough to.


Your absolutly right, and the best part is i can almost all but gaurantee that by the time i have posted this and continued reading the rest of these pages that atleast 2-5 ppl have quoted you and said something along the lines of "Like O.M.G your like SOOOO totally wrong"


Personally now a days i just assume that a good 60% ppl that are whining about this game or any other new MMO that comes clearly only started there gaming experiance online probably winthin the last 6 years and it was WoW they started playing and just assume they Blizzard didnt have the same problem's, and also kinda forget that the ALMIGHTY Blizzard still have problems on big patch day's.

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is this where i say "Back in my day, when they did a content patch the servers stayed down for at least a day, sometimes two... and that's the way we liked it... or at least, we didn't cry like 3 year olds about it" Man up, go do something else for a while. it won't kill you ;)
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why are we upset?

because the whole day at work we where thinking, mm, need to do this, mmm, need to do that.

and you get home, pour some rum, sit behind your screen, and hey, what do you know.

ill be doing nothing i planed.

hehe, nice


and now we can do other stuff, but wait, i wanna play something i paid for. o sry you may not.


thx bioware


o and thx for the NO info, the same with NO info re server merges

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The real problem here is that 1.2 has been a real good patch of what ive seen of it BUT these follow up fixups are getting annoying.

If we added up all of the down time since early access it would be quite a bit now.


Well one good thing is we have forum access these days ;)

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