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Its really not that big of a deal... Keep in mind this is a newer franchise, and they have some work to do in order to get things down, No system is perfect and you shouldnt expect "perfection" espescially from a game as new as SWTOR. They will get better at it, patches will become more streamline, and these types of things will become less frequent. Give em some space and let them work, is it not enough that you can play 160 hours a week ? assuming you dont sleep and they are down for 8 hours....
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Does anyone remember the epic 24 hour shutdowns after a major patch in hugely popular mmo? Noone likes it, not least the poor buggers sweating it out trying to work out where its all gone wrong.


I was spoiled with Rift's 15 minute restarts, no weekly maintenance and omg, 40 minute shutdowns for major patches!! Outrageous :p


I'm enjoying the legacy family tree and perks, lamenting poor Corso's demise as an effective range tank, going broke trying to help my little oceanic guild buy their first bank tab (600K creds? seriously? Very rough on the smaller social guilds) but basically still enjoying the game. I'm not about to unsub due to losing a day.


Might be a good night to watch Firefly again... carn the browncoats! ;)

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Yes, and the Ford Model T had wooden spokes. The company and automotive world have made several advances since...MMO community has learned a lot since WoW's launch, as well. Forums are for crying, complaining about it makes you look pretty silly :)



So Ford's dont have any problems these days?

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constructive critisism and whining are different. On this thread (and many others), people don't seem to know the difference. Abject whining is deplorable.


It will be ok, I promise. Let them fix the game (its annoying granted). Take the high road.


It has very little to do with age, and a lot to do with maturity.


Yes they are different but both are ok. Voicing an opinion can NEVER be censored as unacceptable or unwanted or we hinder progress as whining is a clear statement of unhappiness with a piece of software intended to give you joy. So it's fine. I know you don't like reading it, but I know you know I have a point and I believe many (like you) rather target the person. It's easier to ridicule than to look the naked truth in the eye. We have been sold a non-finished, non-polished product, that was not fit for commercial sale. Period.

Sad is it not?

And it ircks me to read to give them time, give them slack, it's their first MMO be understanding. NO! It's a legal trade. I pay money for a certain ADVERTISED quality of service and I may remind everyone, that it is also only until now that we get for instance formerly falsely advertised hi-res textures. Only BECAUSE of all the 'whining'.


So there.

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I literally just started playing this game seriously two days ago. An eight hour downtime one day, the only Asia Pacific PvP server goes down the next day followed by a four hour downtime right afterwards. Now that downtime is being extended for an unknown period of time.


I've spent almost as much time waiting to play this game as I have actually playing it. Perhaps this is just bad timing on my part - getting into the game right as 1.2 went live, but I'm still very frustrated nonetheless.

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This is one of the most outrageous posts I read in a long time.


1. If someone comes onto this forum be it for the first time or for the one hundredth time (sadly we are coming to the point that this is actually a real number)to criticise the fact that we pay money for this service(!?) and expect not to see such amateurish mistakes is perfectly in order.


2. (Constructive) criticism or simply voicing of an opinion in these forums, which are created for EXACTLY this purpose, is surely not age dependant. This is simply a completely wrong observation and not backed by any kind of fact.


3. Using age in a derogatory fashion is furthermore unacceptable and immature as you are suggesting people of younger age are generally trolling, whining or throwing tantrums. This attitude disgusts me and I would like to point out, that in my years of MMOing I have met a variety of young individuals showcasing an aweful lot more maturity than so called 'adults'.


(I am 40 years of age btw.)


Just needed to be said. Yes I am also not happy with this epic fail of BioWare, and my reaction will be quiet and most likely end up in a non-continuation of a subscription for a while to see if this game AND BioWare will recover. But I am beginning myself to be reluctant to furthermore pay for being a glorified beta-tester. Have a good night.


Bye Community


yeah whatever. laters. *f4rts*

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Yes its the norm. Welcome to SWTOR.


I hope you get a chance to reply as theyll be taking this thread down soon for 'maintenance'. I wish I was just *********** with you, but I'm not. You'll see.



But other person said.......i hope you are just *********** with me...well, at least cake is nice.


Tnx for welcoming me.

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I literally just started playing this game seriously two days ago. An eight hour downtime one day, the only Asia Pacific PvP server goes down the next day followed by a four hour downtime right afterwards. Now that downtime is being extended for an unknown period of time.


I've spent almost as much time waiting to play this game as I have actually playing it. Perhaps this is just bad timing on my part - getting into the game right as 1.2 went live, but I'm still very frustrated nonetheless.


Jeez. If this were my experience I'd be in prison for stuffing the box down some Best Buy lackey's throat.

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I literally just started playing this game seriously two days ago. An eight hour downtime one day, the only Asia Pacific PvP server goes down the next day followed by a four hour downtime right afterwards. Now that downtime is being extended for an unknown period of time.


I've spent almost as much time waiting to play this game as I have actually playing it. Perhaps this is just bad timing on my part - getting into the game right as 1.2 went live, but I'm still very frustrated nonetheless.


Yes it is bad timing on your part. When there are not big patches like 1.2 there is only a few hours of down time on tuesday mornings. Update week so there is the normal down time, plus another day for the update, plus another day to fix the things that broke when they made the update.


Next week will probably have 2 days down for updates/patches again but then will be once a week after that.

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You don't have to.. BST (British Summer Time) is GMT.


Nope. BST = GMT+1.


GMT doesn't change for daylight savings, which is why the UK is on GMT half the year and BST the other half.

Edited by llesna
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