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When are sorc/sage supposed to use their "amazing cc" (which in fact is one instant mezz for 60 seconds if specced for, a 4 seconds stun, a knock back with a mez effect, or sever force root). As you say stupid sorc fill the resolve bar, well my friend "stupid sorc" dont have much choice if they are trying to keep you off them, they will inevitably use some cc or some form of "uber utility" that simply breaks when its hit by another douchebag on your team who is also probably filling the maras resolve bar. So yes unless the mara is incredibly stupid you are not kiting anything to a decent standard, and are usually worm food for a competent player using that ac.


Don't get me wrong, I didn't say you have a chance to kill my Sentinel as a Sage/Sorc. I just said you can make it harder for me to kill you.


Sorcs have lots of counters right now. Combine that with the 'fact' that most Sorcs/Sages suck at their class, and I faceroll you nerds all day long. But it's not because Mara/Sent is OP. It's because Sorc/Sage sucks. Roll something good until they fix your bad class. /shrug

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Its Werid.... I'm a marauder. Last night i had a smuggler open up on me and I was down to 40%... 7 seconds later even after I hit him with ravage he I was dead and he was at 50%


Then again, last night, an assassin opens up on me. I only get him down to 70% before I die. I used ravage on him... Why didn't they die? You all say that she should be dead in 3 GCDs but is more like these classes kill in a few GCDs.


OH that's right they knew how to play their class and totally countered my ravage.


Ravage is a channeled 3 seconds ability on a 30s CD and you can all use you awesome stuns, knockbacks, and mezzes to completely counter it.


Stop the QQ and l2p.


If you are dying in 3 GDCs you are doing it wrong. You can other blame your gear( which is a fair thing to do they should fix the expertise gap), or blame yourself.


If you lost to an assassin, you should just stop playing...

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I'm so sick of all these bads whining in the forums every month about what isn't fair. There is no Op class you are just bad. If you were right everyone would be playing the same class.


Tell that to 75% of the community who cried like school girls about concealment operatives.


Then tell the 10% of the community who plays them why they are non factors in PVP now.


How about your class gets nerf'd 5 times in a row then maybe you'll have a reason to complain about others who know more about the overpowered state of Jugs/Guardians/Mars/Sents.


Here's a hint: Refer to my sig

Edited by Ahebish
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Tell that to 75% of the community who cried like school girls about concealment operatives.


Then tell the 10% of the community who plays them why they are non factors in PVP now.


How about your class gets nerf'd 5 times in a row then maybe you'll have a reason to complain about others who know more about the overpowered state of Jugs/Guardians/Mars/Sents.


Here's a hint: Refer to my sig


Pretty much this ^

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I'm not saying I support a mara/sent nerf yet, I'm still testing it out myself.


But to all those haters trying to defend your class saying "90% of the population don't know how to play their class and come here to QQ about anything"


Well if that were the case, we should see an equal number of complaints for every class, 25 % each, 12.5% for each subclass, assuming that there are 10% of good players playing their classes right enough to agitate the community. Unfortunately I don't see it that way. That is why I sense something is wrong like many others.


The only difference is I'm not yet coming to a conclusion, but I hope everyone, including maras/sents themselves, can keep an open mind.

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I'm so sick of all these bads whining in the forums every month about what isn't fair. There is no Op class you are just bad. If you were right everyone would be playing the same class.


yea they have forgot about having fun . sure you die but these guys seem to want there own little i win button and cry when things dont work out for them , you know if a maruader jumps in on me and im engaged with another player im gona die , no surprise there for me , i shouldent expect to survive against two players without back up

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Don't get me wrong, I didn't say you have a chance to kill my Sentinel as a Sage/Sorc. I just said you can make it harder for me to kill you.


Sorcs have lots of counters right now. Combine that with the 'fact' that most Sorcs/Sages suck at their class, and I faceroll you nerds all day long. But it's not because Mara/Sent is OP. It's because Sorc/Sage sucks. Roll something good until they fix your bad class. /shrug


Lmao... His broken class got to his ego and now he thinks he's good... Sorry bro, its not you rolling people. Trust me.

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No nerfs this patch. ;)


Maybe next week...whiners :p


Considering Tactics Vanguard is still bugged and has been since the patch launched, and it took them how long to fix healing in pvp. That Pyro had ridiculous burst for a long time. I would say the patch won't happen for awhile, but nice try.

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Lol, Darkness Assassins / Shadow counterparts can easily beat Marauders/Sentinels...

Ravage? stunlocks while doing dmg.

That dmg reduction CD? *vanish & cc*


= 1 dead marauder who wasted all his dangerous stuff.


Although yeh, I do agree with the defensive cooldown being overpowered, classes who can't stealth+cc or who simply can't counter it in any other way are just a punchbag for marauders when they have that CD up, which is pretty much all the time --'

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I am not sure but flavor of the month will perhaps be a flavor of the spring and summer. Stopped playing sage and playing my marauder now and do you know what? No "l2p" issues now with only crap gear :D


I would really prefer class balance in this game and this is no way to keep customers happy. But if they have flavors of the month i will only play them then. Perhaps GW2 will bring something better.

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Bah, Mara/Sent aren't going to be nerfed. These subclasses are protected by a vast mass of new players that is still climbing the learning curve and/or is undergeared. They have crappy productivity and will continue to have that for a couple of months. That causes BW's ingame stat collection to show Mara/Sent as UNDERpowered not overpowered.


The subclasses that are going to be nerfed are Merc healers, Sorc healers and Merc dps. That's because so many people dropped those classes that the only people left there are the highly skilled, highly geared ones. So their average productivity is going to rise, even after the nerfs they got in 1.2. That causes BW's ingame stat collection to show these classes as OVERpowered.


Doubt me? Who got nerfed in 1.2c?

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I am not sure but flavor of the month will perhaps be a flavor of the spring and summer. Stopped playing sage and playing my marauder now and do you know what? No "l2p" issues now with only crap gear :D


I would really prefer class balance in this game and this is no way to keep customers happy. But if they have flavors of the month i will only play them then. Perhaps GW2 will bring something better.


That's the problem. And for some reason people think that it is a super complex class, which is complete BS.

Edited by broganthomas
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