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Should have given 30 days to everyone subbed since release


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I've been playing since early access. I do not have a level 50. I have things in my life other than playing a video game.


Then why worry about other people getting a free 30 days. We were promised lvl 50 ranked warzones and just a few hours before the patch they yanked it. People spent money they normally would never have spent based on that promise. Thats why they are giving anyone with a lvl 50 free 30 days. Otherwise those people would leave and never return. Ranked warzones was hyped as THE major feature for end game characters.


So I dont know if people cannot understand it after being explained clearly like this then they simply do not want to be calm and rational.

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if you feel this way, please prove it and kindly send bioware an email asking them not to give you a free month, since they don't owe you anything.


cuz please. if bioware had given a month free game time to only people with no level 50s, it would be you guys in here whining about it instead of us. because handing some people free game time and not others is fundamentally unfair to whichever group is arbitrarily chosen not to benefit.


I would never be this childish. If someone gets a gift I do not envy and hate them. Covet what they have etc. I am happy for them.

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I have to agree, this is an insult Bioware, I downloaded SW:TOR only a couple days after my regional release (oceanic region) which gave me even less time than people playing since US release, and I haven't got a character to 50 yet.


Also, it's partly because I have 5 characters that I like to split my time between (according to the mood I'm in), so my highest level character is only 36.


Does that make me somehow less loyal and deserving of reward, I think not. I fully expect to be playing SW:TOR a year from now, unless perhaps these insults persist.


Poor form bioware, a max level character is not a suitable indicator for player loyalty.



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Ok, I am an MMO player from waaaay back. I went ahead and broke my own rule and sub'd to this game before it had been out 6 months because some friends were playing. I knew well in advance that the end game of TOR would be lacking for the fast track to 50 crowd so I just played and got a char to 45 then my friends (who were already 50) said they wanted to move to a different server with a guild they played with in Galaxies.


So I moved servers even though I was close to 50 and had several level 20-30ish alts. I started with a new class to work through the story and do every available quest and max crafting while leveling a separate character for social points with my 2 friends when they are online that is also over lvl 30.


I was not in a big hurry and was trying to enjoy the game even with the glaring bugs and other issues and with the knowledge that end game would be "helped" with patch 1.2. Hell the bugs I ran into were nothing compared to my friend who ended up not being able to play for almost 3 weeks because of being randomly booted to the desk top anytime she engaged a mob (BW CS told her it was her ISP even though it obviously wasnt) I kept telling myself. This is a new MMO just deal with it and maybe they will have fixed some of the problems by the time I hit 50.


Right now I am level 42 on the server that I actively game on and while I am happy that my 2 friends that I play with will receive cash for having a lvl 50 toon I do see this as a slight. I appreciate the idea of BW trying to make up some of their mistakes to the rush to lvl 50 then ***** because the end game isnt as satisfying as a fully fleshed out MMO people but I do not see how their marketing dept thought it was a good idea to word it in that particular way.


I am not ************ that I didnt get a free month. I am ************ that the people ************ that there was no end game content are being paid off when they should have been able to guess that no MMO endgame is good until it has been out a long while... typically over a year.


So pay them off but dont reward those with low expectations but are loyal gamers. I think I might actually cancel not because I dont like the game but because the stupidity rampant in the management of this game proves it wont last. :)


Have fun playing.

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Then why worry about other people getting a free 30 days. We were promised lvl 50 ranked warzones and just a few hours before the patch they yanked it. People spent money they normally would never have spent based on that promise. Thats why they are giving anyone with a lvl 50 free 30 days. Otherwise those people would leave and never return. Ranked warzones was hyped as THE major feature for end game characters.


So I dont know if people cannot understand it after being explained clearly like this then they simply do not want to be calm and rational.


It's the whole "Most valued" part that has a lot of people's hackles up. Less about the time itself.

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Don't you guys get it. The free month isn't a gift.


I unsubbed yesterday, and I get an email recieving 30 days of free playtime.


It's just another rotten carrot on a stick, they are feeding the addiction. They are making us hang around till rateds come, they will suck, but hey, people will stick around.


I'll try to phrase it differently : It's like a junky, who went to rehab for his cocaine addiction (Unsubbed) and now, bioware offers him a free couple of grams of cocaine, to get him hooked again. The junky knows it's bad cocaine, but he'll take it anyway, and get hooked again. Then, bioware starts telling him magical stories about how they plan on improving their cocaine, and the junky will continue buying it from bioware.(Resubbed, after ending of 30 days free)


All the people who didn't level to 50 yet (Which they had plenty of time to do so) are "still hooked on cocaine" because they haven't seen the after effects ( Lack of endgame content ) such as overdosing ( Death by boredom )

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Omg yesterday before the email went out, people were raging over the fact that others got a free month and they didnt, today people are raging over the wording of Bioware's email.


Dudes, we are all loyal and valuable customers, just because Bioware puts it in an email and you didnt recieve one, don't mean that you arent a valued customer.


So just stop it and rage over the fact that you didnt get to lvl 50 with a char and didnt get the 30 days free, instead of trying to make excuses to cancel your sub in some other way.


This is tiredsome.

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Then why worry about other people getting a free 30 days. We were promised lvl 50 ranked warzones and just a few hours before the patch they yanked it. People spent money they normally would never have spent based on that promise. Thats why they are giving anyone with a lvl 50 free 30 days. Otherwise those people would leave and never return. Ranked warzones was hyped as THE major feature for end game characters.


So I dont know if people cannot understand it after being explained clearly like this then they simply do not want to be calm and rational.


Your logic is flawed. My highest toon is lvl 31 and i renewed because of 1.2 cuz i was looking to play these ranked WZ once i hit 50. So since i resubbed another month and they yanked it i should also get a free 30 days.

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The free 30 days sounds like a desperate move to keep people in the game a bit longer.

All the people that have played from day 1 and bought a 3 months subscription, got their subscription running out in 5 days.

Pushing 1.2 out now and giving those people (most of those will have a lvl 50 by now) a free month, is an attempt to keep them from unsubscribing.

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I agree with the OP, been here since early access, playing with friends on various alts, all 8 to be precise, we have characters close to 50 but not there yet, so the three of us got jack.


It seems that even though we were here before day 1 and pay our sub each month till date, are founders, we do not count as LOYAL CUSTOMERS.

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I would never be this childish. If someone gets a gift I do not envy and hate them. Covet what they have etc. I am happy for them.


so you don't think its at all childish to accept gifts that you readily admit you didn't earn, and then come onto the forums and complain to the people saying its unfair that they should be quiet?

Edited by AshleyLarrieux
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They should just take the free month away. No worries about it then.


I wouldn't care too much since I wasn't even expecting a free month at all before yesterday.


Use your brain.




Bioware is heading down the crapper. I can only blame EA.


A lot of people resubbed for rated warzones. Rated warzones were cancelled at the very last minute, it's logical to assume that the people resubbed for these warzones were level fifty. It's therefor logical to assume that this free month is a reach out to those players specifically who felt screwed.


The rest of you are just trying to benefit from this situation. They got screwed because they paid a monthly fee for something that was cut at last minute. You didn't get screwed in any way shape or form, you just want something because someone else got it. The rest is just nitpicking in how they worded it.


Also, heading down the crapper? Why, because they offer free goodies? yeah that sure is evil and greedy of them.


if you feel this way, please prove it and kindly send bioware an email asking them not to give you a free month, since they don't owe you anything.


cuz please. if bioware had given a month free game time to only people with no level 50s, it would be you guys in here whining about it instead of us. because handing some people free game time and not others is fundamentally unfair to whichever group is arbitrarily chosen not to benefit.


They don't owe me anything, that doesn't mean I'm not happy with their gesture. I said I would've been happy with the tauntaun alone, that doesn't mean I'm not happy with both as well.

Edited by Mordresh
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i agree that it should have been all accounts, i imported the game at the start of feb because im an aussie and couldnt get it in aus, i have 4 lvl 30s as well as a lvl 20 on the US servers and im paid up until june with my subscription how bout some reward for long term subscriber hey. this is my first mmo and only got into it cause of KOTOR with this bs i might not renew my subscription once june hits y shouldnt we get a reward for actually paying long term as well as being active on our server. i am not an mmo fan but i am a swtor fan but if this reward system isnt far maybe i'll go back to consol gaming where i know where i stand with fees and expanses.
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so you don't think its at all childish to accept gifts that you readily admit you didn't earn, and then come onto the forums and complain to the people saying its unfair that they should be quiet?


It not at ALL childish to accept a gift offered to me. it IS childish for you to be all mad because you didnt get the same gift. I earned my gift. Ive been here as you can see since 2009. I am a CE owner and I pay per month. I have a level 50 character I spent time on so I could see if there were any bugs etc. I stuck with it all the way to 50 and didnt just randomly make new characters. I did everything they require. If you did not then that is noone's fault but your own.


It is NOT unfair. You are not being told you are somehow less than anyone else. This is just something they did for a certain demographic. Really need to get over it.

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Why are some people angry because other people got something? Nothing is taken from you. Is it basic jealousy where your neighbor got's a new car and you're mad because you still have to drive with your old one.


Bioware didn't have to give anything free for anyone, and when they chose to do it, some people starts complaining about it. I repeat, it is nothing away from you.

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how bout u give me more time to get a lvl 50 character i had to actually source the game from outside my country it does take time, as well i had no idea the game was out cause of the stupid release schedule.
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They should lower the req to level 40 instead as the majority of the players have atleast reached that level to finish the class quests.


The fact of the matter is, you don't finish your class quest on 40, you finish it at 50 or close to it.


Try to understand it from a few different perspectives.


On one hand you have the lvl 50's, be it casual players or hardcore players.

People who have done buggy high end operations, Hardmode flashpoints, and were anticipating rated warzones.


On the other hand you have people enjoying the game lvling alts, who actually feels the rush and urge to keep subscribing because they have fun.


And then we have people like me.


People with lvl 50's who still enjoy the game and play various alts and having fun, so under all circumstances I would have kept my subscription even if I had not gotten a free month.

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Must agree with the OP, I myself have characters at levels 43, 40, 35, 29 and a bunch slightly lower. So because I chose to spread it out rather than focus on one, I don't qualify for the free month... can't say it makes any sense at all, surely it would have been better to give it to people who have subbed for X ammount of time. This was obviously going to upset the many people in my position. :jawa_mad:
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I've played since day 1 on our Aussie servers with an active subscription & giving away 1 free month to players that have a lvl 50 toon is a bit insulting, kind of makes my blood boil & want to rage quit :mad:.

Why not give it to every one with an active subscription?? Your just trying to keep the lvl 50's from leaving so they get an extra month to try out the new patch. Some people cant log on all the time to get to lvl 50 work/life commitments so how about you give us some free game time?

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I wouldn't care too much since I wasn't even expecting a free month at all before yesterday.




A lot of people resubbed for rated warzones. Rated warzones were cancelled at the very last minute, it's logical to assume that the people resubbed for these warzones were level fifty. It's therefor logical to assume that this free month is a reach out to those players specifically who felt screwed.


The rest of you are just trying to benefit from this situation. They got screwed because they paid a monthly fee for something that was cut at last minute. You didn't get screwed in any way shape or form, you just want something because someone else got it. The rest is just nitpicking in how they worded it.


Also, heading down the crapper? Why, because they offer free goodies? yeah that sure is evil and greedy of them.




They don't owe me anything, that doesn't mean I'm not happy with their gesture. I said I would've been happy with the tauntaun alone, that doesn't mean I'm not happy with both as well.



I agree completely bioware doesnt owe me anything. but the gesture was nice and appreciated. I am 99% sure you are correct that they are giving the month free for the ranked wz that didnt come out, I will admit I was bummed I was waiting for them. I could see their logic in giving a month to the 50s. however their wording was a bit off.


I personally didnt even know about it till just now checked my mail. I dont check it often lol. But I am honestly more pumped about the stupid tauntan than the month free. I plan on paying for the game anyway.


Biowares PR team needs to consider how they word things.. if they had said..


Do to the fact that ranked WZs for the endgame content were unable to be released we have decided to give any account with a level 50 character a free month to compensate for the lack of the wz ranking. it would sound much better and not make anyone else feel left out.



but it is what it is. Bioware atleast is attempting to offer things for their mistakes. Something the forums complained about before...


gotta give them an E for effort...

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Is a loyal person someone who UNSUBSCRIBED FROM THE GAME, as you stated they did? Or the person who has STAYED SUBSCRIBED FROM THE BEGINNING.


A no brainer. And again. Your main point earlier was cost. There are less people who have stayed subscribed from the start till now than there are people with level fifties. Aka, it'd cost less for Bioware to give the free time to the actual loyal people.

Edited by Zoggel
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Is a loyal person someone who UNSUBSCRIBED FROM THE GAME, as you stated they did? Or the person who has STAYED SUBSCRIBED FROM THE BEGINNING.


A no brainer. And again. Your main point earlier was cost. There are less people who have stayed subscribed from the start till now than there are people with level fifties. Aka, it'd cost less for Bioware to give the free time to the actual loyal people.


Why do you assume everyone who is lvl 50 unsubbed ?

Edited by Zoggel
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It not at ALL childish to accept a gift offered to me. it IS childish for you to be all mad because you didnt get the same gift. I earned my gift. Ive been here as you can see since 2009. I am a CE owner and I pay per month. I have a level 50 character I spent time on so I could see if there were any bugs etc. I stuck with it all the way to 50 and didnt just randomly make new characters. I did everything they require. If you did not then that is noone's fault but your own.


It is NOT unfair. You are not being told you are somehow less than anyone else. This is just something they did for a certain demographic. Really need to get over it.


i hate to break it to you but not only is it childish, its selfish as well. you literally just wrote a paragraph about why you think you deserve free gametime over other people, yet you just said in a recent post that nobody deserves it. well which is it? you should try to aim for a bit of consistency in your opinions in order to not sound hypocritical.

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