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Inheritance and Birthright Tokens


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It seems that when these came out people had a hard time 'reading' the instructions that came with the first kit. Seriously people cried over nothing when they used the kits their mains not realizing what they were doing. Plus your mission skills must be high to get them and another thing. They made it hard to get to make you work for them. Bioware isn't gonna give you everything on silver platter. Stop complaining and play the damn game. Its people like that who make the game boring. I like a challenge in my game so w/e.
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I have 2 Birthright construction kits that dropped for me in various locations. They are artifact level and are very, very rare.


I have a Birthright Belt Construction kit that dropped off a trash mob in the Empire daily Black Hole area in Corellia.

I also have a Birthright Chest Construction kit that came with a Level 340 Treasure Hunting Mission Discovery (Low Tides, I believe) that came after my companion (10k affection) crit on the mission.


From what I've seen, these are extremely rare. I've had 3 Magenta crystal schematics that dropped in the Black Hole area in Corellia and they appear more often than the Birthright stuff.

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So far, I've only managed to get these to appear in various Underworld Trading missions for mats (does not seem to drop when running for companion gifts). So far I've collected boots and gloves for birthright, and boots, gloves, leggings and offhand for inheritance. Just gonna collect them all since I don't have a lowbie alt to put them on (although once the mission requirements for HK-51 come out, I may level an imp toon and just ship all the kits over to him/her)
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If its inheritance bits people are on about you can get them from the correlia vendor, highest lvl mystery crate. On that standing you should be able to gwet them from the space commendation vendor. Edited by Shingara
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I have 2 Birthright construction kits that dropped for me in various locations. They are artifact level and are very, very rare.


I believe the actual equipement is the dark blue/purple legendary level though. My understanding is they are a VERY rare drop off both mobs (over a certain level) and mission skill missions. (I've only gotten them from mission skill crits, and then very rarely)

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  • 1 year later...

I have always felt this was an idea that bioware scrapped halfway through. The whole birthright thing is totally incomplete. Its a level 14 item. I can't imagine that was all bioware intended.


My guess is that when the game went hybrid F2p the original idea was scrapped, whatever it was.

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I have always felt this was an idea that bioware scrapped halfway through. The whole birthright thing is totally incomplete. Its a level 14 item. I can't imagine that was all bioware intended.


My guess is that when the game went hybrid F2p the original idea was scrapped, whatever it was.


Nah, not incomplete.

They are just leftovers from an era where it was difficult to get moddable gear, and those items were pretty good for alts.

Back when those things came in it was also very hard to add augments to items, you basically had to crit craft something - no augmentation kits.


They do need a makeover to fit the current system though, either give them an upgrade* or remove them from the pools entirely.

Currently it's very annoying to get one of these as a reward from an expensive commendation box or the like - while it was originally intended to be a good thing, one of those rare finds that should make you go "Yay!"



* Like letting them scale with your level - and perhaps they can balance the stats to be somewhere in-between a green and a blue item of your level if they are concerned with balance issues.

Edited by Callaron
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Got more of this junk again today on Oricon. Do any 55's really need this garbage? Seriously Bio-ware. Revise this stuff or get rid of it. We can't even sell it. I'm not sure how anything could be any more useless.


Bluenull, necro-ing every single damn thread about inheritance gear at the same time is incredibly annoying. You've done it all over the Suggestion Box forum too.


One thread is enough. Please don't try and manipulate BW by pretending there is more interest in this than there is. They are not stupid and it won't work. All you are doing is clogging up the forums. Your complaint is not more important than the things everyone else wants to talk about.


Please stop necro-ing multiple threads on the same topic.

Edited by CrazyMcGee
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Bluenull, necro-ing every single damn thread about inheritance gear at the same time is incredibly annoying. You've done it all over the Suggestion Box forum too.


One thread is enough. Please don't try and manipulate BW by pretending there is more interest in this than there is. They are not stupid and it won't work. All you are doing is clogging up the forums. Your complaint is not more important than the things everyone else wants to talk about.


Please stop necro-ing multiple threads on the same topic.


I've heard it's better for the bandwidth than multiple threads.

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