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BH MERC heals nerfed to be the worst spec out now...


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I play a healer merc, and i do not feel gimped. While i have to fire my rapid shots more often after 1.2 due to much needed adjustments, that is fine with me. We get a really awesome instant cast, no heat heal. Sorcs dont, OP's get a channeled heal. They both want our rapid shots.


Of course, we can no longer spam the heals we used to, because that was overpowered. If the raid takes a lot of AE damage and isn't clustered together, it takes a lot of heat to heal them. Kolto missile is healing efficient when hitting 3 or 4 people, but if we cannot hit more than 2 with it, then we are going to run into problems. We have to be more efficient, (a better healer) now with the changes, which means we need to inform the group/OP that clustering together helps us out. Though that still means the raid members need to get out of the fire on their own.


I'm still healing nightmares without a big problem, running along side our sorc. 1.2 changes are causing those who do not want to heal efficiently as a bounty hunter to complain about it and try a DPS instead. If the game launched with these changes, no one would even care- as it is just fine. Get used to the new changes, they only look bad compared to where we were last month.


I wont try to talk about pvp, as it is a separate game.

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I play a healer merc, and i do not feel gimped. While i have to fire my rapid shots more often after 1.2 due to much needed adjustments, that is fine with me. We get a really awesome instant cast, no heat heal. Sorcs dont, OP's get a channeled heal. They both want our rapid shots.


Of course, we can no longer spam the heals we used to, because that was overpowered. If the raid takes a lot of AE damage and isn't clustered together, it takes a lot of heat to heal them. Kolto missile is healing efficient when hitting 3 or 4 people, but if we cannot hit more than 2 with it, then we are going to run into problems. We have to be more efficient, (a better healer) now with the changes, which means we need to inform the group/OP that clustering together helps us out. Though that still means the raid members need to get out of the fire on their own.


I'm still healing nightmares without a big problem, running along side our sorc. 1.2 changes are causing those who do not want to heal efficiently as a bounty hunter to complain about it and try a DPS instead. If the game launched with these changes, no one would even care- as it is just fine. Get used to the new changes, they only look bad compared to where we were last month.


I wont try to talk about pvp, as it is a separate game.


PVP is what most people are complaining about. PVE is fine PVP sucks balls.

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The facts are simple.

1) We are "viable".

2) We are the healer with the lowest sustained Heals per second(HPS) and lowest effective HPS (effective = total - ovehealing)

3) The nerf changed our play style instead of just lowering our HPS.

4) SCG is close to worthless now and over the longterm, since you are giving up a constant 3% to gain a temporary 5%, it may prove to be a net loss in HPS depending on how quickly you rebuild the 3%.


The opinions are simple too.

1) It is no longer fun.

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I play a healer merc, and i do not feel gimped.

You should. That does not mean you are not viable. But our output is significantly less than Op/Sorc even if you adjust for their overhealing.

They both want our rapid shots.

Really? Because I'd trade it for Diagnostic scan in a heartbeat. Reducing my heat on crits? Yes please.


I'm still healing nightmares without a big problem, running along side our sorc.

Are you running logs? I bet on fights where healing is maxed, he has 50% higher HPS. Try it healing with another Merc and tell me how great we still are. I'm sure I can still heal hard modes too...Jorg and Sarno may take a few tries...but I am sure I can still do it especially if my partner is a sorc. I can probably heal 8/10 with another Merc. Does not mean we didn't get screwed. Viable != Just as good or fun.


1.2 changes are causing those who do not want to heal efficiently as a bounty hunter to complain about it and try a DPS instead. If the game launched with these changes, no one would even care- as it is just fine. Get used to the new changes, they only look bad compared to where we were last month.

Don't pee on me and try to tell me its raining. If we were the worst healer by a significant amount at launch, people would have been complaining since launch.

Edited by TempestasSilva
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It's pretty horrible that I can perform better than a sorceror. Juke heals kicked use my Energy Shield for uninterrupted burst heals not die once and constantly heal but lose to two sorcerors one of which is horrible and both died 4/5 times respectively. I was 280k healed with 11200 objective points and both of them were in the 340-380k healed range and had 4000 objective points. Also in Operations I have horrible heat management and with Rapid Shots so weak it's not an option because players will die. They die anyways with me healing under these changes. What the F*** Bioware? What are your intentions for Bodyguard spec to be?????? I would love a response from someone that works on this stuff because the outcry with silence from the devs is just frustrating. I'll provide fraps if need be. I'll provide whatever you guys need to see that THIS. IS. NOT. EQUAL.
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I am retiring my BH till further notice. I cant even keep myself alive in PVP let alone heal other players. I used to be able to get in into the middle of combat and run in and heal people and keep everybody alive. Now all I get is hate tells about how Im not healing. Im just trying to keep myself alive at this time. Atleast make it so we can hit all our heals on the run. Now the way I see BH.... Stand way outside of battle and sit there and heal... maybe hit a couple missiles..... hope to god a gank squad doesnt jump behind the lines to take you out. If they do hit your only area attack flame thrower which basically does nothing if everyone removes the DOT.. cant use DFA for players in your face. Oh and by the way, since you have to heal from a distance now..... when you shoot your Kolto missile on friendly targets..... It wont heal you because you are too far away from them....... Also when you are healing from a distance.... pray your friendly targets dont run out of range because you'll have to run in and get smashed.... better hold tight to that energy shield that reduces damage taken by 25 percent for 15 seconds because you wont ever get to use it again............ /salute thanks for the fun first few months
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i play a healer merc, and i do not feel gimped. While i have to fire my rapid shots more often after 1.2 due to much needed adjustments, that is fine with me. We get a really awesome instant cast, no heat heal. Sorcs dont, op's get a channeled heal. They both want our rapid shots.


Of course, we can no longer spam the heals we used to, because that was overpowered. If the raid takes a lot of ae damage and isn't clustered together, it takes a lot of heat to heal them. Kolto missile is healing efficient when hitting 3 or 4 people, but if we cannot hit more than 2 with it, then we are going to run into problems. We have to be more efficient, (a better healer) now with the changes, which means we need to inform the group/op that clustering together helps us out. Though that still means the raid members need to get out of the fire on their own.


I'm still healing nightmares without a big problem, running along side our sorc. 1.2 changes are causing those who do not want to heal efficiently as a bounty hunter to complain about it and try a dps instead. If the game launched with these changes, no one would even care- as it is just fine. Get used to the new changes, they only look bad compared to where we were last month.


I wont try to talk about pvp, as it is a separate game.




so i went through domingos posts. This guys must be a bioware employee pumping positive post 1.2 propaganda. Soe used to do the same thing in swg

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Seriously Bioware your really broked our class BAD. I'm not one to whinne on fourms and my post count proves this heh. I've been playing for over 3 months now and my /played on my merc healer is 30 days and I really do feel like I've WASTED an entire month of my life. The nurf to heat reductions is Huge. I really think that HM Li (final boss) is simply not possible with a merc healer even in Full Rakata. Our Entire grp (which we clean HM KP & HM EV with Every week) had Full rakata and was stimed, we used our rotation and everything Perfectly, we have the right strat down and I def have the right spec plus used Every GD cooldown and everything just right. Yet we wiped 12-15 times for No Reason other than my heat maxed by the third phase and All my CD's to vent were gone. Seriously the Only reason we cannot finish that last boss is due to the heat managment nurf of merc now. Its freeking Absurd.


To top it off I just died in open world pvp while picking up nodes to a dps shadow with 3k less hps due to the fact my attacks do D*** ALL and my heat maxes then I vent and my heat maxes. I used EVERY tool I had and couldnt get him below 50%!! I dont even waste my time with WZ's anymore I'm freeking worthless in there.


Honestly Bioware you need to rethink this Big Time. If I wasn't a guild leader of a large guild and had made friends on here I really would have unsubbed by now.


*Edit* My suggestions? Have our big heal, Rapid Scan, vent 8 heat on crits but leave the change to the smaller heal's heat reduction on the next rapid scan and put it onto the same skill in the tree that affects the smaller heals heat reduction so dps spec cant get it or something up there high in the tree. Reduce the heat cost on Kolto Shell from 16 to 8 so there is a point to use it once cmb has started. Put the vent componet of supercharge gas back to 16 but leave the rest of it alone. These 3 changes would not make us OP at all and would go a Very long way. Also I really feel that our AoE heal simply doesn't heal for enough if it doesn't crit. 1-1.2k with 1800 aim is meh at best. And for soloing and 1v1 pvp I would Really like to see at least 5% dmg retured to powershot but the healing chages are a Must to put us on par with the other healing classes.

Edited by Drakata
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This is life as a Mercenary in PVP. Run around with no burst run or speed trying to keep up with other classes running the speed of light while enemy players pound the living daylights out of us. No protection.... Heals are horrible...... well lets see no damage..... no root.... cant kite..... we get demolished in PVP. We aint worth a damn in hutt ball...... we run slower than a turtle....Are we only made for PVE? Life of a mercenary now.... hide behind a sorcerer healer hoping to get a couple of heals in and dont get left behind.... we have to stand in one place to get heals off if we can actually get out of a stun. Sit there behind the screen while were are set on fire.... try to remove the dot.... get stunned... get crushed..... die..... repeat.... repeat... repeat.... run around trying to find our identity.... all this while trying to heal other players
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To add insult to injury during EC final boss I was battle-rezzed and found myself with full heat still even though Rez came 20 sec later. My face has been rubbed in heat.


This happened to me as dps, got killed while on the Kephess encounter and when I came back I had 60% heat. Please fix all these glaring issues that the community is bringing forward.

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Dont forget our kolto shell heal when hit is a complete joke. why even waste time hitting the key


I don't mean to take away from your point, but even after the nerf, this is still really good. Just refresh it during lulls when you are at low heat and heals are not needed.


There are a lot of things to be bitter about, adding 16 heat to KS is one, but don't stop using it, just use it less.

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I don't mean to take away from your point, but even after the nerf, this is still really good. Just refresh it during lulls when you are at low heat and heals are not needed.


There are a lot of things to be bitter about, adding 16 heat to KS is one, but don't stop using it, just use it less.


Agreed. Complain about critical efficiency and SCG. Those were the heal spec ending changes.


My raids dont run merc healers anymore. The very few that are left are too much of a liability compared to sorc for aoe and operative for other heals

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16 heat on kolto shell can heal 10 hits around 450 (non-crits). That is 4500 base healing! The same as healing scan in terms of heat, but far more healing output. And with a 30-40% crit rate, you bet that 4500 will be much larger. While annoying that it does cost heat to use, kolto shell is very efficient in terms of healing per heat cost. i recast when tank


I'm still not supportive of the 8 heat removed when using supercharge. I pretty much pop supercharge, cast healing scan to gain the efficient rapid scan, and then deactivate supercharge gas so i can start charging again to remove 8 heat. Though overheating may be the fault of the group standing in acid/fire (or a skinny tank), which should case healers a problem, and a wipe if not quickly fixed. I'd like to see it reverted to 16 heat removed when popping supercharge.


While a neft, i believe we are OK and can perform just fine in OPS/FP's and PVP (with a tank guarding).

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I'm new to MMO and am unaware of the nerf/buff cycle. What are the chances of that they will buff Bodyguard Mercs. Last night i healed Mandolorian raiders and was overheating almost every second while barely keeping my party alive at <50%. I have all my points in bodyguard too .
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I'm new to MMO and am unaware of the nerf/buff cycle. What are the chances of that they will buff Bodyguard Mercs. Last night i healed Mandolorian raiders and was overheating almost every second while barely keeping my party alive at <50%. I have all my points in bodyguard too .


There are small constant adjustments here and there. Major changes like the nerfs that just occurred are usually many months apart. Will BH be buffed? Hard to say. My best guess is that rather than buff BH, they will nerf Sorc again instead.

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I've successfully solo healed the torvix heroic with me and two dps. It was challenging as a bounty hunter but if you watch you heat, use your critical efficiency buffs wisely its manageable.

I soloed End of Torvix, honestly it's not a problem as long as you have any healer and any dps, using a pet to tank. I used Blizz when I soloed it. Of course using the new legacy unity skill etc. is quite required to do it solo.


Not saying the heals are okay by that reason, just that the heroic isn't healing intensive if you have atleast 2 players + 2 companions with okay gear, since you can CC everything.

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I'm concluding currently that 1.2 has bonked BH Healing enough to cause throughput to be a thing of the past.


We no longer can heal at a pace that is fast enough to keep up with ANY decent DPS in Warzones, without punishing our heat bar.


Now I don't mind the fast build up in heat so much as the 0 reliable utility to deal with this increase in heat.


By nurfing the % on the buffs that made our healing stable, then compounding the issue further with increased heat cost to certain utility that made our already clunky heat mechanic somewhat functional, you have effectively gimped this class into a corner. :rolleyes:


While everybody will argue the heat mechanics should be reverted back to 1.2 for at least BH ( we really didn't need this much of an overhaul and I think 100% of the SWTOR players would agree you went overboard ) I think you failed to introduce a better heat system to deal with the increase in cost for most ALL our healing utility.


This class as it is right now is a C Tier class.... it was a B Tier.... but you just slam dunked this class to the bottom tier for PvE healing and PvP healing.


While I understand some ops and sorcs will argue they got it bad also.... you didn't get it as bad as BH did since we were never OP at healing to start..... how often did you see a BH Merc Healer break 500k healing..... not often. :eek:


So please Bioware..... YOU, Guy who works on the PVP code.... wake up....


The Hype Machine that keeps telling you that these development choices that you make are good, should be shot in the head and dragged out into the parking lot... and beaten further with power cables.:mad:

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I'm concluding currently that 1.2 has bonked BH Healing enough to cause throughput to be a thing of the past.

The Hype Machine that keeps telling you that these development choices that you make are good, should be shot in the head and dragged out into the parking lot... and beaten further with power cables.:mad:



omg you got it totally right imo m8, just its not only pvp heals that needs a revert. The first bosses in HM EC will show you how f@$%#@ed we are right now. it was almost impossible for me to keep tanks up while trying to manage my heat problems, FIX THIS BIO I DONT WANT TO REROLL

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