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Another Downtime tonight 13 April ***


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The day after 1.2 is out and another 4 hour downtime is coming in, we are currently paying to never have access to a game, due to maintenance every 2nd day.


I understand things need to get fixed but this is just unacceptable.


Yeah, im sick of BW. I dont want their *********** free month. I want them to take this **** offline for a year and fix it.

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Since when is Friday the weekend? Sat and Sun is the weekend.


Don't be deliberately obtuse. Most people I know say that the weekend starts at the end of the workday on Friday. Friday night when people don't have to go to work on Saturday is obviously a prime gaming night for raids and other guild events.

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Don't be deliberately obtuse. Most people I know say that the weekend starts at the end of the workday on Friday. Friday night when people don't have to go to work on Saturday is obviously a prime gaming night for raids and other guild events.


The weekend starts Saturday guy not Friday. Spin it however ya want.

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Am I mistaken or does the down time start in 12 min?


Why doesn't Bioware add Regions to it's times? Like the servers will be back up, at 1 pm London time, 2 pm Paris/Berlin. How hardd is that??


Well it's not too hard to convent. It says 9pm AEST which makes it 8:30pm my time, so in about 8 mins time.

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Am I mistaken or does the down time start in 12 min?


Why doesn't Bioware add Regions to it's times? Like the servers will be back up, at 1 pm London time, 2 pm Paris/Berlin. How hardd is that??


Seriously you want them to list every major city in the world and what time it will be down then?

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Am I mistaken or does the down time start in 12 min?


Why doesn't Bioware add Regions to it's times? Like the servers will be back up, at 1 pm London time, 2 pm Paris/Berlin. How hardd is that??


They've got 5 different time zones posted. If it's too difficult to figure it out from there, do what I did - add an additional clock to your Date and Time on Windows.

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The day after 1.2 is out and another 4 hour downtime is coming in, we are currently paying to never have access to a game, due to maintenance every 2nd day.


I understand things need to get fixed but this is just unacceptable.


"Never" is a bit of exaggeration. :)


And I fully expected this. Big patches usually result in small patches to fix things that got borked by big patches.


Whilst frustrating (and eating into my primetime) it is the way these things go.


'Sides, I'm already sulking over being "disloyal". :p Don't have the energy to get all cranky 'bout more downtime.

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The day after 1.2 is out and another 4 hour downtime is coming in, we are currently paying to never have access to a game, due to maintenance every 2nd day.


I understand things need to get fixed but this is just unacceptable.


It is like a clockwork, moment patch is to be applied there is always one who will make a topic about it and complain.


Don't you guys ever get tired of moaning?

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Of course its not every second day on the calendar but thats the way it feels due to alot of players probably not able to play every day either so when it does come to weekends and the odd occasional night, especially for us Aussie players it destroys our primetime


YOUR schedule is NOT BioWare's doing, fault, or problem...if the downtime makes paying not worth it. Stop paying.


but your accusations and ranting shows lack of forethought and an oversight of the big picture....They're not here to cater to YOU.

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Do it at night, not at freaking 1pm.


Think about this a sec. Code hit servers just 24 hours ago. Apparently something was borked. So, people have managed to get this fixed within 24 hours. That's pretty good and I'll wager that some of 'em pulled either a late-nighter or an all-nighter.


I'm gonna respect that and whilst I would rather be playing the game, I'm going to say: Doods/Doodettes, thanks for getting on it so quickly.


ETA: Gonna also add that I'm sure that the folks who worked on 1.2 are tired and probably a bit discouraged that their work (which I think is pretty good overall) is being overlooked in the wake of the "loyalty" business. Mgmt. buggered it.


(but I'm still sulking 'bout being "non-loyal" :D )

Edited by DieAlteHexe
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Of course its not every second day on the calendar but thats the way it feels due to alot of players probably not able to play every day either so when it does come to weekends and the odd occasional night, especially for us Aussie players it destroys our primetime


I feel your pain, I'm Aussie also (but actually in Germany at the moment) I wake up, my day off, want to play some SWTOR, you know, I pay for it, its down, wow what a surprise, AGAIN, after every patch it goes down again, and during the mid day time of Europe.... it's pathetic to say the least, I swear Bioware does not even THINK before implementing stuff (like the scheduled downtime of servers for ANYWHERE but America, typical American's only thinking inside their little box.) Pity cause Europe sold more copies and has a bigger customer base then America yet they STILL don't get it.


#@@$ WoW took down servers at seperate times for Americans / EU, dunno why Bioware can't, useless!

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Not all of us sit at home all day and can play like that, i work have a family & other commitments, seems like every time i jump on to play servers are down AGAIN.


Just infuriating, can BW get nothing right


You sound mad, Isn't it amazing that I live in england, and let's be honest if you're working and you have a decent job and a family to look after, what are you complaining about im sure you've got it better then most other people plus 8.99 per month or 42£ every 6 months cheap as chips, is really nothing when you earn that back in a days worth of work ore even a week.



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It's just ridiculous to arrange all patch times for USA. It might be more player at that region but company should respect other continent players. It's not hard to start patch time for regions. It's middle of the day at my country and I won't be able to play 4 hours. Thank you for that. Edited by brovito
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I don't mind them fixing issues with patches etc. But could Bioware please have different maintenance schedules for Europe and the US. Kind of annoying that everytime there is maintenance it is the middle of the day for me. I thought these guys where professionals.
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:) i'm just happy they took the servers down at 7am edt instead of 3am edt

i hated getting home from work to have servers come down


lets hope this becomes the norm as far as time of day goes


great job as far as that goes :)

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been 2 updates in like 2 weeks, stop crying.


Spent 9 hours downloading the patch yesterday because of my awful internet, I get on for about 2 hours and now its going to be down for 4 hours + a further 6hour download probably for me, if anyone should be moaning its me and i'm not, so think yourself lucky.

Edited by WaldoA
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"Never" is a bit of exaggeration. :)


And I fully expected this. Big patches usually result in small patches to fix things that got borked by big patches.


Whilst frustrating (and eating into my primetime) it is the way these things go.


'Sides, I'm already sulking over being "disloyal". :p Don't have the energy to get all cranky 'bout more downtime.


I agree, BUT, it was bad enough they brought the patch in yesterday so adds to another what was it, 8 or 10 hour downtime? Then they bring it down again today.... and normal mait also.. why the hell couldn't this be down on normal mait day? ALSO CHANGE THE TIME SCHEDULE FOR EUROPE RETARDED BIOWARE!

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I woke up this morning about an hour before my alarm clock went off. I thought, "Hey, now would be a good time to smash through some Black Hole dailies." I didn't consider the servers might be down again right away, but there it was. KInd of :confused:. I get it though. They probably had to fix some exploit to keep us honest. =


*It's 6am here. Lol at 12pm post time. Crazy time zones.

Edited by QuackNate
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YOUR schedule is NOT BioWare's doing, fault, or problem...if the downtime makes paying not worth it. Stop paying.


but your accusations and ranting shows lack of forethought and an oversight of the big picture....They're not here to cater to YOU.


Actually they are by right of providing a paid for service. If it was F2P, you'd be right, but as this is a paid for service, its expected that they treat all customers equally, and with consideration. There is a lack of equality at the moment with the biased behavior being in favor of US customers.


This gives the customers the right to complain, and get angry. It may say in the contract we agreed to that EA/Bioware may take down the service for maintenance, but exact times were never stated in the contract.

Edited by Selvec
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