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SWTOR Negativity


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For me, Ive been very critical of TOR, because Ive seen how good it could have been and im fustrated!


They had everything in place to make the best MMORPG out there and they fuddled pretty much every aspect and made a kick butt Single Player RPG, and thats annoying!


But Im done now.


Will go find some f2p game (or back to replaying all my old 80s and 90s single player RPGs) to play.


TOR could have been the envolution of the MMORPG genre bringing it out of the depths and muck WOW put the genre into.


Instead its simple more of the same with out the community and interaction.


As for the fan site.


Dont trust any of them.

Either you get haters like MMORPG.com that will find fault every where before they even know if there is fault or you get some "yes sir, TOR is god of the MMOs, can I have my advertising cheque now?"


Make your own choice if your interested!


I was interested, I even convinced myself to sub for 6 months (should have known better after the pre launch debackle). It was never the MMO I was looking for but good enough as a solo single player game till this last insult!


Now I just wash my hands of all things Bioware and all things EA once my time runs out.

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To be fair, Biowares hands were tied. They were saddled with Mythic MMO devs by EA. They were forced to release the game before it was ready.


I agree though, Bioware under EA has taken a huge nosedive in terms of quality.


It's more than that.


The game is just poorly designed on a fundamental level. All effort went into the story-line aspect of the game, Tor's only innovation, while the MMO part of the game didn't receive due attention.

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For me, Ive been very critical of TOR, because Ive seen how good it could have been and im fustrated!


They had everything in place to make the best MMORPG out there and they fuddled pretty much every aspect and made a kick butt Single Player RPG, and thats annoying!


But Im done now.


Will go find some f2p game (or back to replaying all my old 80s and 90s single player RPGs) to play.


TOR could have been the envolution of the MMORPG genre bringing it out of the depths and muck WOW put the genre into.


Instead its simple more of the same with out the community and interaction.


As for the fan site.


Dont trust any of them.

Either you get haters like MMORPG.com that will find fault every where before they even know if there is fault or you get some "yes sir, TOR is god of the MMOs, can I have my advertising cheque now?"


Make your own choice if your interested!


I was interested, I even convinced myself to sub for 6 months (should have known better after the pre launch debackle). It was never the MMO I was looking for but good enough as a solo single player game till this last insult!


Now I just wash my hands of all things Bioware and all things EA once my time runs out.



WoW didn't do anything to the genre, except bring more attention to it and help greatly expand the market for what was once a niche.


Blizzard simply created the natural evolution of Everquest, and it's hard to argue they trashed a genre when it's likely no other MMO will ever that level of success. WoW could lose half it's playerbase tomorrow and still be the bigger then anything else out there. The proof is in the pudding, so to speak.


Tor's problem is that it's simply poorly designed, from the ground up. It didn't have to be. Look at what the Dev's who created Rift were able to achieve. Whether you like that game or not, they've proven that you don't have to obsessively cling to 2004 standards. They even update faster. BW no doubt has a much larger team and more resources, yet they're still scrambling.

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WoW didn't do anything to the genre, except bring more attention to it and help greatly expand the market for what was once a niche.


Blizzard simply created the natural evolution of Everquest, and it's hard to argue they trashed a genre when it's likely no other MMO will ever that level of success. WoW could lose half it's playerbase tomorrow and still be the bigger then anything else out there. The proof is in the pudding, so to speak.


Tor's problem is that it's simply poorly designed, from the ground up. It didn't have to be. Look at what the Dev's who created Rift were able to achieve. Whether you like that game or not, they've proven that you don't have to obsessively cling to 2004 standards. They even update faster. BW no doubt has a much larger team and more resources, yet they're still scrambling.


Totally agree with this.


Its pretty obvious that bioware thought that people would be satisfied rerolling alts the first 6 months of the game, they totally dropped the ball when it came to endgame and especially gear progression, this above all else make no sense to me at all, i mean they made instances but invalidated those by making THE worst itemisation system ever made in a mmorpg (tionese crystals, i will say no more) and this is one of the biggest ball fumbles they made imo, IF they had real ("standard") itemisation in the instances/raid's as well as having all the flashpoints available in hardmode then people would still be running instances and the amount of whining about endgame would be halved (minimum)

As it stands now anyone that is used to raiding got geared within the first 2 months of the game and because hardmode/nightmare was so easy you bypassed the "normal" gear progression going for instant rakata and boredom.


We did the hardmode on the new 5 man instance yesterday and it is a big improvement (no bug's for us and a pretty decent challenge all around) so Bioware can make solid content there's no doubt about that, its just that gearing is still the same as it was previously.


When i got tionese crystals from the new instance (mixed with rakata breastplate from the last boss....) i felt like logging off tbh.


They really need to sort out the "carrot/gear" system in sw:tor and fire/transfer the people in charge of the current system because its just a big stinking pile of confusing wompa dung.


Im still on the fence about SW:tor, they are moving in the right direction however i still think they have quite abit to go before this game becomes a solid title for anyone beside the pure fanboi crew.

Edited by Furok
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I don't understand some people, the game is 3-4 months old, we've had 2 content patches now. When I switched over to this game I had no great expectations, I did not expect everything to be perfect or even close to perfect. I expected bugs, I expected some things to not be to my liking. After all it is a brand new mmo from a company that has never released a mmo before. And before you ask no I'm not a Star Wars fanboi, yea I've seen the movies but who hasn't. I'm just realistic nothing is ever perfect and there isn't a chance in hell anyone could live up to the expectations some people have of what this game should or should not be.


If you don't want to go through the growing pains of a new game then don't play it, if you have something constructive to post so that bioware can improve the game awesome, but I'm tired of reading QQ threads about this, that or whatever. The sense of entitlement people have nowadays is unreal, yes there is a sub fee but it's only 15 dollars name any form of entertainment that has unlimited hours of "fun". Hell it costs more than $15 to see a movie and that's only 2-3 hours of entertainment and they don't give you your money back either if you didn't like the movie.

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Working Illum ?


100 vs 100 player PVP battles that Bioware advertised ?


Ranked WZ's ?


Etc , so how could a pvp player not be negative about Bioware's complete lack of knowledge or ability to make it work ?


What lack? They ARE trying. It's called Giving them TIME. Sheez, so impatient.

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I don't understand some people, the game is 3-4 months old, we've had 2 content patches now. When I switched over to this game I had no great expectations, I did not expect everything to be perfect or even close to perfect. I expected bugs, I expected some things to not be to my liking. After all it is a brand new mmo from a company that has never released a mmo before. And before you ask no I'm not a Star Wars fanboi, yea I've seen the movies but who hasn't. I'm just realistic nothing is ever perfect and there isn't a chance in hell anyone could live up to the expectations some people have of what this game should or should not be.


If you don't want to go through the growing pains of a new game then don't play it, if you have something constructive to post so that bioware can improve the game awesome, but I'm tired of reading QQ threads about this, that or whatever. The sense of entitlement people have nowadays is unreal, yes there is a sub fee but it's only 15 dollars name any form of entertainment that has unlimited hours of "fun". Hell it costs more than $15 to see a movie and that's only 2-3 hours of entertainment and they don't give you your money back either if you didn't like the movie.





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People are disappointed because you have a Bioware epic single player RPG bolted onto an MMO game engine that has been programmed by a group that produced the biggest letdown in the AAA MMO industry.

And they learned nothing from their mistakes.

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I don't understand some people, the game is 3-4 months old, we've had 2 content patches now. When I switched over to this game I had no great expectations, I did not expect everything to be perfect or even close to perfect. I expected bugs, I expected some things to not be to my liking. After all it is a brand new mmo from a company that has never released a mmo before. And before you ask no I'm not a Star Wars fanboi, yea I've seen the movies but who hasn't. I'm just realistic nothing is ever perfect and there isn't a chance in hell anyone could live up to the expectations some people have of what this game should or should not be.


If you don't want to go through the growing pains of a new game then don't play it, if you have something constructive to post so that bioware can improve the game awesome, but I'm tired of reading QQ threads about this, that or whatever. The sense of entitlement people have nowadays is unreal, yes there is a sub fee but it's only 15 dollars name any form of entertainment that has unlimited hours of "fun". Hell it costs more than $15 to see a movie and that's only 2-3 hours of entertainment and they don't give you your money back either if you didn't like the movie.


for me its not about the bugginess, its about the complete lack of innovation, I'm giving it a shot and another 3 months, but if you take off the Star Wars wrapper then all you're really left with is a bunch of sound files and a rather skimpy cutdown copy-paste lacklustre copy of every other MMO for the last 10 years.


Bugs, errors, mechanical glitches etc I expect especially with a new game, but to be playing the same thing I've done for the best part of a decade and be charged a premium for the priviledge? If Rift had a Star Wars Wrapper?

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I'm just tired of them making the same *********** mistakes over and over again. I dont pay to beta test their game and have them come back and tell me they need more downtime because they dont know what the **** they are doing.


The game was new 5 months ago and now their incompetence is getting old.

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