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Chiss force sensitive? sith pureblood on the republic?


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Who needs a scope when the force will guide your muzzle?


Then it ain't a miralukan sniper, it's a blind guy/gal totally bad a** head shotting you from 30-35 meters away while holding the gun with one hand XD (I vote that, I want a one handed shot from a miralukan sniper)

Edited by Selenial
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Not sure where anyone got the idea that Chiss force users are non-existent. From what I remember, The Chiss Ascendancy is all about showing them to be the superior race without any outside help, which is why they actually volunteered to join the empire, and actually forced the emperor to accept their terms and allow themselves to be independant.


That being said, apparently force use is frowned upon, as it makes them look depending on something other than themselves. It is not unheard of. There are in fact 2 known, canon, Chiss Force users.




Dark Acolyte and CIS general Sev'rance Tann, and Jedi Padawan Nuru Kungurama.


So there you go.

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Then it ain't a miralukan sniper, it's a blind guy/gal totally bad a** head shotting you from 30-35 meters away while holding the gun with one hand XD (I vote that, I want a one handed shot from a miralukan sniper)


Miralukans aren't blind, they all see through the force. Some become Jedi, others don't but they all see in basically the same way.

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Miralukans aren't blind, they all see through the force. Some become Jedi, others don't but they all see in basically the same way.


Ok, I meant that in a jokey way -_-

I (most likely u did aswell) played koror two, I even had tslrcm so vissd tought me force sight, I know how they see and stuff XD

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Hrmm......ya so....the lore.....why are you destroying it?.....it is known that the chiss are not force sensitive and i see no reason for a pureblood to be a good doer and join the republic and fight the empire...ya.......this is worse then a hutt jedi...


this game is creating lore. just cause you dont like it doesnt mean its destroying it

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Not sure if it's been said yet, but the Chiss race is extremely reclusive compared to the others, with the exception of maybe Yoda's race. In fact, so far the only race to the best of my knowledge that George Lucas has declared NON-Force sensitive are the Wookiees. With the exception of the existing Wookiee Jedi, no more may become Force sensitive.


So who's to say there aren't Chiss Jedi out there? In fact, some Chiss have been Jedi in the ExU novels, so it isn't against lore. In fact, there have even been Sith Je'Daii, and so far Lucas hasn't retconned it.


Yes, it seems that before the Great Schism, there were many different races in the Je'Daii Order. One Order. Using both sides of the Force.

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Miralukans aren't blind, they all see through the force. Some become Jedi, others don't but they all see in basically the same way.


Sorry, they are blind, they have no eyes, therefore are blind, some bats are blind, just because they use sonar to tell what's about them doesn't counter the fact they can't physically see, same with the Miralukans.


Back to topic, Generally Purebloods wouldn't defect, they are brought up to be proud of their superiority, by the time they are of age to care about politics and the such, it would be hammered into there brains that the empire is right and they are superior to everyone else, there may be the occasional one who disagrees, but they usually wouldn't because if i remember correctly they are all force sensitive and are all already training to be sith at a very young age, so it's highly unlikely they would defect, but their might be the odd one that is insane, forfeiting their superiority and stature, and going to the republic, but it's highly highly unlikely.

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...but they usually wouldn't because if i remember correctly they are all force sensitive and are all already training to be sith at a very young age, so it's highly unlikely they would defect, but their might be the odd one that is insane, forfeiting their superiority and stature, and going to the republic, but it's highly highly unlikely.


They aren't all force sensitive, there is actually a non force sensitive NPC pureblood(IE protrusions red markings, eyes the whole works.) It's a rarity for them to not be force sensitive but it does happen.

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Sorry, they are blind, they have no eyes, therefore are blind, some bats are blind, just because they use sonar to tell what's about them doesn't counter the fact they can't physically see, same with the Miralukans.


Back to topic, Generally Purebloods wouldn't defect, they are brought up to be proud of their superiority, by the time they are of age to care about politics and the such, it would be hammered into there brains that the empire is right and they are superior to everyone else, there may be the occasional one who disagrees, but they usually wouldn't because if i remember correctly they are all force sensitive and are all already training to be sith at a very young age, so it's highly unlikely they would defect, but their might be the odd one that is insane, forfeiting their superiority and stature, and going to the republic, but it's highly highly unlikely.


Pardon me while I fill your post full of holes.


The Miraluka see through The Force. Not sonar. They see as well, if not better than humans do. And just because they are ALL Force sensitive to a degree, not all of them become Jedi. Some ONLY have the ability of Force Sight. This is Lore and Canon.


Also, some Purebloods are born Force blind. They do not use the Force. Granted, they are very rare, but it does happen. They have been relegated to menial duties, and some are even sold into slavery. Some, if they have other abilities/skills, are placed in the Imperial military. In fact, the Knight on Belsavis runs into two NON-Force using Purebloods. Both Imperial military. As for Purebloods defecting... Lord Praven. 'Nuff said.


Purebloods defecting happens very rarely, but it still happens. And not as many Miraluka are Jedi as you may think.

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They aren't all force sensitive, there is actually a non force sensitive NPC pureblood(IE protrusions red markings, eyes the whole works.) It's a rarity for them to not be force sensitive but it does happen.


sorry, i must of misread that somewhere then >.<


Originally Posted by MarrickusBA

Sorry, they are blind, they have no eyes, therefore are blind, some bats are blind, just because they use sonar to tell what's about them doesn't counter the fact they can't physically see, same with the Miralukans.


Back to topic, Generally Purebloods wouldn't defect, they are brought up to be proud of their superiority, by the time they are of age to care about politics and the such, it would be hammered into there brains that the empire is right and they are superior to everyone else, there may be the occasional one who disagrees, but they usually wouldn't because if i remember correctly they are all force sensitive and are all already training to be sith at a very young age, so it's highly unlikely they would defect, but their might be the odd one that is insane, forfeiting their superiority and stature, and going to the republic, but it's highly highly unlikely.



Pardon me while I fill your post full of holes.


The Miraluka see through The Force. Not sonar. They see as well, if not better than humans do. And just because they are ALL Force sensitive to a degree, not all of them become Jedi. Some ONLY have the ability of Force Sight. This is Lore and Canon.


Also, some Purebloods are born Force blind. They do not use the Force. Granted, they are very rare, but it does happen. They have been relegated to menial duties, and some are even sold into slavery. Some, if they have other abilities/skills, are placed in the Imperial military. In fact, the Knight on Belsavis runs into two NON-Force using Purebloods. Both Imperial military. As for Purebloods defecting... Lord Praven. 'Nuff said.


Purebloods defecting happens very rarely, but it still happens. And not as many Miraluka are Jedi as you may think.


i never said they were using sonar, i just compared it to bats and sonar to imply using the force to see, isn't physically seeing, therefore they are blind

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sorry, i must of misread that somewhere then >.<




i never said they were using sonar, i just compared it to bats and sonar to imply using the force to see, isn't physically seeing, therefore they are blind


Just because the Miraluka lack eyes does not make them blind. Very narrow view you have there. Also, bats are not technically blind. They CAN see, but choose to use their sonar as guidance. Even then, their sonar is a form of vision as well.

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I don't mind Chiss Force sensitives. Hey, I wanted to be a Chiss Inquisitor. But I still think the idea of Sith Jedi is really stupid.


Sith Jedi is a contradiction of terms, Pureblood sounds much better.


Just because you think its stupid and can't think of a proper reason to play one, doesn't mean someone else can't. The only reason people will be interested in playing a rare species for a specific class is for either uniqueness or roleplaying.


A banished Sith raised by the Jedi, a defector Chiss joining the Republic.


Bioware is giving these people their opportunity the chance to do this, and giving everyone bonus abilities from Legacy as well as a cool new feature to play around with.


I'm thankful, as I want to have a Twi'lek SW eventually.

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a defector Chiss joining the Republic.


Chiss can choose their own path. Quite a few join the Empire since the Empire and Ascendancy ARE allies. However, some choose to go their own way. If a few decide to either go independent as free traders or actually join the Republic military, there's nothing to say they can't.

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Chiss can choose their own path. Quite a few join the Empire since the Empire and Ascendancy ARE allies. However, some choose to go their own way. If a few decide to either go independent as free traders or actually join the Republic military, there's nothing to say they can't.


Still there is just as much chance of a Chiss already involved with the Empire defecting over. Both present RP possibilities.

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Still there is just as much chance of a Chiss already involved with the Empire defecting over. Both present RP possibilities.


Well, the IA has a chance to sorta defect based on choices made at the end of Chapter 2 that are reflected at the end of Chapter 3.



That's all I'm going to say, other than Kolovish is NOT who she seems!!!!!!!

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Lord Praven disagrees.

He joined because his master had lied about the Republic and he was based upon honor.



His passions are Integrity and Honor, and he states that his entire family is like that. They are Old School Sith.


Edited by Captain_Zone
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There's another factor at work here, which I don't think many people are considering:


Aside from people unlocking races through vast amounts of wealth, most people are unlocking them by having a level 50 of that race. I think most people that level a character all the way up will be looking for their next character to be pretty different, and won't particularly want to be stuck with the exact same race a second time.


I was on Ord Mantell with a new character yesterday straight after the patch hit, and you know how many characters with unlocked species I saw?


One. Me.

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Are you George Lucas? Because if so, I have a bone to pick with you about Howard the Duck.


I can't believe he approved that timeline.



The way I see it, its a game. More options to play the way you want? Great! It didn't really make sense that you could be a Sith Pure Blood slave (sorcerer) to begin with, did it?


Don't want to make a Chiss Jedi? Don't. Or, well, its another empire that the Sith subjugated. Maybe some of the Chiss defected, like some did on Hoth?


Maybe that Sith Pure Blood was captured by the Jedi and turned to their ways?

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Actually lore wise there have been a couple of Chiss force users. I think force sensitivity with them is just much more rare.




A redeemed Sith Pureblood occurs in the JK story so that knocks down that.


Then there is the fact that the EU has multiple Chiss force users (I don't think they are rare, just that the ascendency just doesn't study or use the Force like Jedi of Dathomiri witches).


Honestly, let rp-ers decide what they are doing with this. This is an excellent way to give us options but create a barrier of entry.

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