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Is combat spec worth playing after the patch


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I'm loving the PvP utility- I don't pull some of the damage numbers others do, but for huttball it is quite nice to lock someone into fire traps... or just stall them long enough to make that last 20m from the ramp to the goal line seem like an eternity (or kill them while trying)... had a 18600 objective game last night- killing ball carriers (mostly) and scoring a few times. (thanks to the new speed increase)- also handy after voidstar door break bursts or flex defense on civil war.


1v1- it really depends on skill level of the other player. Bad players of any class crumble, while good ones require use of a cooldown or 3. Other sents- just depends on if they just spent their cooldowns or not (or if I have) *shrug*


It fits my utility desire, damage is fine, - just depends on what you want to do. I'm happy with it currently.

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Is combat perhaps fun to play? Sure. Is it worth taking? No. Team dynamics are much more important now than they were pre-1.2. with so many healers QQ quitting ANY bit of healing helps your team do their jobs better. Damage output and cc abilities asside Watchman still is the spec to go for simply because your party buffs are invaluable. Be it pug or premade having the ability to do helacious damage and buff heal is too good to pass up. Watchman tree is what makes Sentinels truely unique which is why this game is consistantly making that the tree to take.


Enjoy those healing ticks while my team whizzes by you at 80% run speed for a 6 - 0, 4 min hutball Win.

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I will say one word.. Combat is Garbage... and I will respect your opinion and your playstyle..but combat doesnt have the near enough what Watchamn or Focus have


Giving examples:


Focus is better than combat because:


^^ do you see that 6.9k Max Hit, that is a Force Sweep..36 damage off from hitting someone someone for 7k...Is there anything in the Combat Arsenal that can manage that.


Watch is better than combat because:

Merc Slash (5k) + Overload Saber dot(3 stacks ='s 1500 per tic) + Cauterize Dot (500) ='s that can all happen during 1 gcd.. (sry no SS for this on) but you get the idea.


Please stop spreading false info about Combat being the best spec, but if that is your playstyle then I'm all for it.


you are gimping your Op's group along with the pve group you joined. If they don't mind then there isn't a problem..But i would never want a Combat spec sentinel in my Premade Rated group when they finally come out. They just don't have the utility that watchman brings with the strong damage nor the AoE that a Focus spec has.


oh, sorry to burst the combat fanboy's bubble.. FACTS are FACTS


Download a parser that gives detailed information on how much damage your doing during that 1.5 seconds and I'll bet money, combat is well below the other 2 trees. end of story.


Here is the thing...


Combat does hit for less damage than Watchman... But it hits for that damage much faster. I, for example, have hit people (and I am undergeared mind you!) for roughly the following:


Precision Slash

  • 1200 Damage
  • 350 Damage (Ataru Strike)


Master Strike

  • 1250 Damage
  • 2300 Damage
  • 310 Damage (Ataru Strike)
  • 3200 Damage


Blade Rush

  • 1100 Damage
  • 330 Damage (Ataru Strike)


Blade Storm

  • 2400 Damage
  • 300 Damage (Ataru Strike)


7.5 Seconds total for the full rotation, this is without dispatch mind you around 12740 Damage or around 1698 DPS.


Throw in a Dispatch (around 3000 damage) and it gets a little worse.


The fact is that Combat does faster single target damage. It can melt people if the entire wad is blown in one shot. If a Combat Sentinel and a Watchman Sentinel attack the same target the Combat Sentinel will drop it first.

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You're watchman numbers are way way over inflated..so much so that it's hilarious.


Try hitting people with more than zero expertise and see if you get those numbers.


you must be doing something wrong, I get those numbers all the time on my watchman as well (although its not guaranteed that merciless slash will crit) they are numbers with relic/adrenal buffs up, as the focus numbers clearly are as well. if you do it against someone with no expertise merciless slash can crit closer to 6k.

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