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Fix Pvp please


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I'm assuming you're either:


a) a student or;


b) unemployed AND;


c) have absolutely no life


if you think this is reasonable.


Because let me get this straight. You think it's OK to take 5 months of playing 6 hours per day, EVERY DAY, to obtain the STANDARD gear available to BEGIN PvPing at any sort of competitive level?



Dont forget that your gear will be outdated in 4 months with the next major patch =D


Why do we even have an expertise rating? It's only job is to make you with lets say WH gear, be able to take on someone of your same exact spec and playable capability with the knowledge of how to use your character. You are now essetially better then him purely based on a stat because you have WH and he has BM/Recruit? Meh. ****in' get rid of expertise and leave PVP to skill and working knowledge of how to operate your character effectively. Stop giving ****** players an advantage over you cause they sit on their *** at home for 19 hours a day drinking redbull and eating McDonalds their mother picked up for them on her way home from work.

Edited by AnteJeebuz
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God forbid us actually playing the game a bit to become geared, what is this nonsense!

Better yet OP, lets just be handed the gear now without having to work for it, that would truly be a just move right...RIGHT!!??

All I can say about your math and your complaining is..

Answer: Welcome to mmo's where grinding comes with the territory.


Should that be how MMOs work though? Or should they be fun and accessable? Wouldn't that attract more gamers?


I agree with you on not rewarding failure, but rewarding success with something that just makes success easier isn't cool and doesn't work.

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It isn't about rewarding for failure its about rewarding effort. I can spend a ton of effort and had decent skill but as a new 50 with very little expertise i get steamrolled by someone with full BM gear, and if my team is weak or my faction, i get nothing for my time. If this is what they want to run, you will have long ques for WZ's cause people wont join them.
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I always enjoy criticism no anything I post related to a game I play but hear me out for a second. I am not crying, raging, QQing or anything childish term you want to use about the changes or lack there of. I am simply pointing out that the grind is a little unattainable for most casual players. The figures i added up were if you played 6 hours a day 7 days a week. What if you played 3 hours ladies and gents? Well you have a calculator, 167*2 = 334 days, playing every day, 3 hours a day.


Obviously we have all noticed some pretty serious issues, I just logged back on to see they are pushing out another fast update patch tonight, we'll see what they address there. Either way, depending on changes we will get an explanation to an almost year long grind for our newest gear in PVP or we will hopefully be getting one soon. Obviously if and when they implement rated warzones, this will change. All of you rational posters, congrats on being open minded. I have a sense most people think this patch update 1.2 for PVP was a complete failure. Many of you brought up great points about gear ratios, accessibility etc...


Guess we will see what this 4 hour patch does for us.

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