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Celebrate Game Update 1.2: Legacy


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So either the number of players with level 50s is large (so Bioware is choosing to give up a fair amount of money in a still-tight economy) or it isn't (and they are choosing to tick off a majority of their players by telling them they aren't valued enough to warrant a free month). Either way who could possibly have thought this was a good idea?


yea this could be really bad, i hope they do something about it, i mean i honestly love the game too much to quit, but i DO feel a little Duped, and stupid for not leveling 4 more levels mindlessly grinding, i run around look at the artwork, stealth around and stab stuff........its FUN, not a Race!?

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You know what opportunity cost means ?


i've heard about it before, but i wasn't taught about it in school if that's what you're asking


so i might be wrong here, but i think that opportunity cost could apply here only if you knew beforehand that spending time on getting to lvl50 would grant you the reward (instead of playing with alts, never reaching 50)



You should just ask if he studied economics first...saves you the trouble.


i studied computer science, so i know my way around google if i need to :-)

Edited by FoxNemhauser
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Since I am not considered to be one of the most valued players, and my support and loyalty is not as appreciated as others, I have removed my payment method from my account and will cease playing when my game time expires.


Not emotional about it, buts it's a shame as I've enjoyed my time in the game. I have plenty of other things to do with my valuable time. See you all somewhere else.

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I don't understand why you think it is a bad one...


Given that the people who are being rewarded are the ones most likely to leave (didn't you say that the ones without level 50s were trusted more and apparently didn't need the free time?) and there is NOTHING for most of them besides a new raid and maybe a new skin color for yet another alt-how is it good?


So they can log in, re-allocate their talent points, find out just how bad they were nerfed, maybe play a bit, then leave again because whatever caused them to leave hasn't been fixed? Or if they are hanging on by a thread-how does a desperate, pleading attempt to get them to stay going to appeal to them? If they were planning to stay regardless they didn't need the bribe in the first place, right?

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Me and my PMS are going somewhere else - Still upset i'm not a most valued customer to not having a lvl 50. But I love my kids, they need me and to them i'm the most valued mother :)


BW should learn how to write things so they dont upset their paying customers.


Better to write, if you have a active sub and are 50? Here you go, 30 free days!!


No, being 50 is a most valued customer to be. Loyal is crap!


Have fun everyone, enjoy the Friday the 13th.


Good Luck BW making customers happy again after this.



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so everytime a person that is not you wins in a national lottery you are losing? (because you did not win it, regardless if you participated or not)


if the money was taken from you then i would agree that you are losing, but if your status does not change - you are not losing and not winning...


You clearly need to work on your reading comprehension. And to clarify, there is a stark contrast between a reward and lotteries/sweepstakes. Rewards define qualifications that guarantee receipt. A lottery or sweepstakes are games of chance.


Statement: "If they had been around that long and been lvl 50 they would be receiving it anyways."


If the conditions were changed, players who have TRULY been around since the beginning would be receiving the reward regardless of being lvl 50 or not. They don't stand to gain anything but voicing out against it.


Statement: "It's those who haven't been around that long but are lvl 50 who would stand to lose if they changed the conditions to be more thorough."


If the conditions were changed, players who have NOT been around as long as they claim, but are recent lvl 50s, would no longer qualify and stand to lose.

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i've heard about it before, but i wasn't taught about it in school if that's what you're asking


so i might be wrong here, but i think that opportunity cost could apply here only if you knew beforehand that spending time on getting to lvl50 would grant you the reward (instead of playing with alts, never reaching 50)





i studied computer science, so i know my way around google if i need to :-)


You are partially correct. That can be one application, but it could also mean spending time playing the game, versus going to work, going to school, or a myriad of other possibilities. You'll have to ask him for clarification as to which he's referring to.

Edited by exccw
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I don't ever remember hearing of a game developer giving out free game time willy-nilly. The only thing I can think of is SOE doing it after they got hacked. And free game-time for players who left...sound like TOR isn't doing as well as EA hoped.


Honestly I've hardly played in months. I've kept my subscription open in hopes that my interest will peak again, but so far other than the occasional session I haven't had much desire. That being said I did get one character to level 50 ages ago. I wasn't even playing that much. One of my friends got a character to level 49 and then hasn't been online in a long time. Our guild leader hasn't even hit 25 yet (of course our guild is pretty dead).


The free time doesn't mean that much to me because I'm already paying for a game I hardly play. It seems funny to me because I guess people would think I'm wasting money, but it's not really that big of a deal. It's also funny to see people feel like they are getting screwed out of $15 worth of game time. But then again no matter what Bioware does there will always be the unhappy crowd here in the forums.

Edited by Monthigos
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i also want to voice my displeasure over this, iv subbed since day one played a few alts and taken my time to get to 50 why should i not get the same as people who have just played one character or have more time.
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what is wrong with founding members who have had a constant unbroken subscription?


Regardless of whether or not a player can get to 50 or not easily, a casual players money is just as good as anyone elses.


Alienating your casual player base is a bad move as far as I'm concerned

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BW should learn how to write things so they dont upset their paying customers.


Better to write, if you have a active sub and are 50? Here you go, 30 free days!!


No, being 50 is a most valued customer to be. Loyal is crap!


another quote from Kalfear is;


"Ive played more then most 50s and paid just as much


Fair is fair


Powerleveling is not the be all and end all play style"




why SWTOR?

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That is pretty awesome.


I don't think any other company has offered as much to its players.


Actually when final fantasy subs dropped like a rock in a day they gave a free month, then another, then another, a year later they finally started charging.


See when a company screws up this badly they have no choice but to do it

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i have been playing for beta test

subscribion from beginnig

play not many because dont have time. lvl 40


thx bioware that you give 30 days to other faster player and dont look at time we are together in subscribon


its very nice from you!!

you give for 50lvl for this whose dont play more and for subscibers less 50 lvl nothing


great !


its over our meeting f.. rasism

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Glad to see I'm not the only non level 50 pretty narked off by this month of free-play reward thingy.


I got access on the beta, first-day access on the pre-launch game, subbed at the earliest opportunity, and have kept that sub going every month. Plus, I have logged in for at least half an hour pretty much every damn day. So why does a level 50 get a free month when I don't...?


Don't get me wrong folks, this isn't gonna make me quit, but I do think BW need to exercise a bit more fairness here, I mean, from what I've seen it's relatively easy to hit 50 in less than a month- So someone who pays 1 month, fee levels up quick gets a free month, while someone who's paid for 4 months, taken their time and is enjoying the game content gets nothing... Duh!

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It's also about EV and KP disasters that many of us has put up with. It's also about the complete triviality of end-game content. It's many things where those that were 50 specifically have had to put up with. If you don't have a 50, you don't understand.


Bugged dailies, bugged FPs, completely broken/unbalanced HM's and operations. Completely unbalanced classes. Broken class quests. Worthless crafting at 50. You didn't have to deal with ANY of this crap.


So you need to be bribed to keep playing 'crap'? Sounds to me like you don't need the free time-if you've stayed through all that you're not going anywhere anyway. Have you just been hoping that it would magically get better each patch?

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I don't ever remember hearing of a game developer giving out free game time willy-nilly. The only thing I can think of is SOE doing it after they got hacked. And free game-time for players who left...sound like TOR isn't doing as well as EA hoped..


Trion gave Japanese players a month of free Rift game time, after the tsunami/quake last year. They also gave a month free to those who were hacked due to the forums address security issue.

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Don't get me wrong folks, this isn't gonna make me quit, but I do think BW need to exercise a bit more fairness here, I mean, from what I've seen it's relatively easy to hit 50 in less than a month- So someone who pays 1 month, fee levels up quick gets a free month, while someone who's paid for 4 months, taken their time and is enjoying the game content gets nothing... Duh!

Don't forget ... ppl who unsubbed get a free week. Ppl who don't pay are more valuable than you.

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