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Celebrate Game Update 1.2: Legacy


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Why not keep both by doing what they are now?



Because even casual players are and have been insulted by this.There is NO reasoning at all on giving this to one set group of your subs and not the other group plain and simple.Want a quick way to drive a customer off? Take advantage of them or assume you can reward other people for there loyalty and pass them over.


You do not reward a set group of them and stick your middle finger up to the other group.There is NO reason why people with a lvl 50 should be awarded a free months game time when you have another group who pays the same amount each month and get nothing.

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And if those players got to 50 and left, how loyal were they? If they didn't come back until 1.2, how supportive and valuable were they to Bioware and its revenue stream?

Those who left won't get a free month playtime. Only active subsribers

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Don't get me wrong, I'm upset about this, but this is not a NGE level of fail. That would take bioware saying "hey guys, you know you like playing sith, and we know lots of people in your demographic (unfathomably) like My Little Ponies, so we're changing all the Sith classes into ... Bronies!"


This is not the NGE. Not even close.


Not in massive change in game play, but in loss of sub's it could be. Don't get me wrong I was there I saw the NGE. Let's face it, this game never had the depth of SWG, but it was fun in it's quirky little way.


You build a game that is about character development and story, then punish the players that understand and enjoyed what you created? How is that different from SOE turning it's back on the original vision of SWG?

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Those who left won't get a free month playtime. Only active subsribers


You could have gotten to 50 in the first month (especially with the early access period), unsubbed before that free month was up, resubbed before 1.2, gotten this free month-and be considered more valued and loyal than someone who had been putting money in Bioware's hand each month. These players could unsub again before the next billing cycle and gotten 2 months play time without every paying more than the box fee-all because they got one toon to 50.

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The ridiculousness of *some* of the posts in this thread, however, make me sad. Sad for humanity and sad because I've seen developers just throw in the towel because people hurl a metric ton of bile at them for anything and everything without a moments thought about how the developers feel. When the devs lose the fire to make the game the best they can, the game dies. That's why the constant whining and bashing makes me sad.


On that, we agree.


At least for my own disagreement with the whole situation, I'm very much aware that this isn't a dev issue. This is purely a marketing faux pas. And certainly something I believe we have both seen a few of over the years.


I'm usually one who even supports decisions I sometimes see as negative ones. I don't expect everyone to agree with me, and I respect that everyone has their own opinion on this. However I do see how this particular one is going to cause damage no matter what happens. And alienating loyal customers is never good. I think we've both seen what that can cause.

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I pretty much agree with this. I enjoy the entertainment. I love the game, or I wouldn't have spent so much time playing it.


And after seeing what they've done, and hearing the developers themselves on the Guild Summit broadcast, I know that the developers love the game too, and are having a ball (with the understandable drawbacks that come with it being your job) working on the game.


And I think it has tremendous potential in the years to come.


But those years aren't going to get here if the people on this management team who approved this fiasco don't stop making these bone-headed decisions.


They're going to need a healthy number of subscribers to make this thing happen in the long-term. And they better start thinking about those subscribers who have been loyal from the beginning but just don't play the game in their obtusely-chosen and specifically cherry-picked way.


They might take a few hits across the jaw, but there is a line to how much people will accept.


This is it for me!


I just do not feel Bioware (the EA ran version, lets be honest, the old Bioware has left the building) cares one lick about its cust base!


Not to tout my own horn but I probably have more MMORPG experience than any 3 average players today having started back in NWN on AOL 21 years ago. And its been VERY fustrating for me to watch them make mistake after mistake after mistake with this IP!


I closed beta tested this game and sent them feedback telling them launching with out legacy and Swoop racing and Paazaak was a mistake. They responded that its a high priority for post launch.


And we never heard about it again. Ive even heard rumors now its slated to be in the first PAY EXPANSION SET.

To me, this franchise not having Swoop Racing and Paazaak is about as unthinkable as there is as both items were ICONIC ITEMS in KotOR.


The PVP was screwed up despite having Mythic there to lead them.


The RP servers are a joke and made worse when they make stupid comments like "we dont understand what RPers want? how is a player named "Ipooppymypants" offensive to a RPer? (not a real name but demonstrates the point more clearly about non RP names being allowed on RP Servers.


List goes on and on and on about broken and undeveloped content and ideas


And yet I pre ordered.


I accepted all the wrong (and its all still wrong btw) on the faith that eventually it would get sorted out!


Contrary to self satisfied lvl 50s who like to claim this reward about their content being broken at end game. Its always been broken and we all knew it before release, so buyer beware comes to mind.


Contrary to them I knew how bugged and broken this game was and accepted that!


Hell the money doesnt even really bother me.


What bothers me to no end is when the bleep hit the fan over pre launch, they went home for dinner, for a week straight. Hell they even lashed out at those upset in one of the most unprofessional displays I ever seen (on twitter), upset unhappy customers dare contect them about being unhappy. (I mean the shock, upset customers want to be acknowleged, who would have thunk???)


Now the bleep hitting the fan over one of the worst worded and VERY INSULTING press release statements and well I been on and off for 12 hours now and nope, not a peep! Anyone wanna bet they at home fast asleep?


When I ran a bar, when a waitress or cook screwed up, guess who got called, be it 6 am in morning or 3:30 am at closing. As a manager it was my JOB, my DUTY, my RESPONCIBILITY to show up and do damage control. Here not a peep!


I entered this game wanting to stay subd for 3 years minimum.


But I cancelled sub on thursday because enough is enough.

I can put up with buggy games as long as I feel there is a future!


Personally speaking, I dont think there is a long term future after today.

I think their once again inaction to get ontop of the problem with cost them more long term accounts then they will bring back in. And then predictably at least 50% of those 30 day free accounts will cancel at the end of the 30 days leaving them even shorter!


Oh they might confuse the numbers for the stock holders (gawd I hope some of them reading this stuff so they can challenge the sub numbers) but shortly after more damage then good will have been done.


The line was drawn before this and EA just stepped over it fully for me.


Its not about the money, its about the lack of responce or lack of accountability thats been displayed. And not just TOR but ME2, DA2, ME3. List goes on and on.


I wanted to love this game and I willingly over looked many known issues at launch.


But I will not be told directly or indirectly I am not loyal or valued!

And I truely dont think many will.

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People who are not fifty yet and have been here forever...Those people who have hit fifty and don't like to play alts much are the ones being targeted with this free month. The reason being is that they are the most likely to get bored of the game and move on. This is an attempt to keep those players from being lost. There are a couple of new games coming out soon and they don't really want to lose anyone to those games. Does anyone not getting this free month want the game to become more dead than it already has been? Not me. I'm glad they are doing something to try to retain subs. Edited by Prenavo
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Because they (Bioware) didn't **** on years of character development by changing the entire mechanics of the game overnight with little to no warning or player input.


Bioware may lose a few subs of this. (If this thread is any indication, they already have) But they aren't fundamentally changing the mechanics of the game.


"Hey, you've been playing Star Wars for 4 months -- but SURPRISE! 1.2 changed it to Hello in Space!"



I'm upset over this. But they won't lose my sub. I'm in this game for the long haul.


I'm just wishing I could have had a heads up a week ago so I could have gotten 30 of those days for free.


edit: i forgot to hit quote, so my reply is confusing. Replying to the NGE comparison.

Edited by Finis
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Because even casual players are and have been insulted by this.There is NO reasoning at all on giving this to one set group of your subs and not the other group plain and simple.Want a quick way to drive a customer off? Take advantage of them or assume you can reward other people for there loyalty and pass them over.


You do not reward a set group of them and stick your middle finger up to the other group.There is NO reason why people with a lvl 50 should be awarded a free months game time when you have another group who pays the same amount each month and get nothing.


Why are you taking offense to BW rewarding a segment of players? I really think you are reading too much into this. You are one of their most valued customers, but they just don't think you are a risk of leaving.

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People who are not fifty yet have been here forever...Those people who have hit fifty and don't like to play alts much are the ones being targeted with this free month. The reason being is that they are the most likely to get bored of the game and move on. This is an attempt to keep those players from being lost. There are a couple of new games coming out soon and they don't really want to lose anyone to those games. Does anyone not getting this free month want the game to become more dead than it already has been? Not me. I'm glad they are doing something to try to retain subs.


If they're ready to move on then how is a free month going to keep them here? To beat the new raid? To play ranked warzones that aren't available? To roll an alt with a new skin color?

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Regardless of which side of the issue you're on, I'm sure we can all agree that this has been one big fiasco by marketing, PR, customer service, or possibly a combination of the above. You have to agree that by any other company's standards (as we've seen the past few years), a decision like this that instead of largely receiving widespread praise, receives so much backlash would've had heads rolling in those departments. Likely whoever worded the announcement in the first place. Personally, from a marketing point of view, it was a very poor choice of wording if it was supposed to simply reward the lvl 50s for the failed content delivery. Edited by exccw
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Why are you taking offense to BW rewarding a segment of players? I really think you are reading too much into this. You are one of their most valued customers, but they just don't think you are a risk of leaving.




Well that thought wrong lol.And I do not think I am the only one who will leave over this.I still play other mmo's you see I kept this subbed and played it when I was in a mood the entire time BW/EA got to collect there fee regardless.I have subs to several mmo's and I go back and forth between them all I am fortunate enough to be able to afford to do that.It isn't about the money to me it is the gesture.And if Blizzard pulled this stunt I would call BS same for the other mmo I am subbed to.

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I have been subbed to SWTOR since pre-release and rarely complained about any of the decisions the devs had made but the free 30 days has been done wrong if you ask me.


Just because my playstyle (I have a lvl 48 and a bunch of alts) I don't get the 30 free days?


Bioware is offering 30 free days to anyone that has a lvl 50 no matter how long they've supported the game and they are also offering 6 days to the people that stopped subbing to the game, but nothing for those of us that either don't play as much or make a bunch of alts or both.


I realize that very few of you forum goers fall into this category but I think most of you will agree that in addition to those with level 50 characters, all accounts that have been subbed since release deserve the free 30 days as well.


It's ironic that this is the first thing Bioware has done that makes me want to cancel my sub and show my appreciation right back to Bioware.

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Why are you taking offense to BW rewarding a segment of players? I really think you are reading too much into this. You are one of their most valued customers, but they just don't think you are a risk of leaving.


So it's ok to crap on the loyal customer while brazenly courting the fair-weather customer?

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Well that thought wrong lol.And I do not think I am the only one who will leave over this.I still play other mmo's you see I kept this subbed and played it when I was in a mood the entire time BW/EA got to collect there fee regardless.I have subs to several mmo's and I go back and forth between them all I am fortunate enough to be able to afford to do that.It isn't about the money to me it is the gesture.And if Blizzard pulled this stunt I would call BS same for the other mmo I am subbed to.


rz, at least 20 people (maybe as high as 40 different people, you would have to count) told Benny earlier today they quiting over this


He knows people quiting


hes just trolling you saying the same thing over and over and over


1000000 people could quit and he would say same thing


because he got 30 days free and he thinks hes more important then all the rest

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If they're ready to move on then how is a free month going to keep them here? To beat the new raid? To play ranked warzones that aren't available? To roll an alt with a new skin color?


To allow them to log in once in awhile to check how things are progressing. For all we know ranked is going to be rolled out in the next month or so and if your able to get on and play with no hassle, then perhaps, just maybe you'll decide to stick around...And then what happens when there is news of new updates? You guessed it! someone got hooked again! Or if they happen to try some of those other games that have been hyped up (as much as this one) only to find that maybe this game is better. You never know. The power of a free month of play to a premium mmo is a pretty good deal. Who knows. Someone may decide they wanted to roll an alt after all and start the game fresh.

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I have been subbed to SWTOR since pre-release and rarely complained about any of the decisions the devs had made but the free 30 days has been done wrong if you ask me.


Just because my playstyle (I have a lvl 48 and a bunch of alts) I don't get the 30 free days?


Bioware is offering 30 free days to anyone that has a lvl 50 no matter how long they've supported the game and they are also offering 6 days to the people that stopped subbing to the game, but nothing for those of us that either don't play as much or make a bunch of alts or both.


I realize that very few of you forum goers fall into this category but I think most of you will agree that in addition to those with level 50 characters, all accounts that have been subbed since release deserve the free 30 days as well.


It's ironic that this is the first thing Bioware has done that makes me want to cancel my sub and show my appreciation right back to Bioware.


Please, can you honestly tell me you will cancel your sub? I don't think you will, its only a free month and you were only level 48. Would you have leveled the last two levels if they announced this beforehand, if so I think you are hypocritical.

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To allow them to log in once in awhile to check how things are progressing. For all we know ranked is going to be rolled out in the next month or so and if your able to get on and play with no hassle, then perhaps, just maybe you'll decide to stick around...And then what happens when there is news of new updates? You guessed it! someone got hooked again! Or if they happen to try some of those other games that have been hyped up (as much as this one) only to find that maybe this game is better. You never know. The power of a free month of play to a premium mmo is a pretty good deal. Who knows. Someone may decide they wanted to roll an alt after all and start the game fresh.



And maybe some of those loyal long time playing and paying customers that Bioeware/EA did not feel worthy to give 30 days to will take there 15 bucks have a friend in WoW send them a scroll of rez,get free expansion packs on it,a free week and a free lvl 80 character.

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I have to say, I'm really surprised. Good move, this should vent a lot of anger from these forums.


To the people "I leveled 10 characters, but none of them to 50" - you have to realize that you are a very, VERY tiny minority. They had to make SOME sort of requirements for people to qualify.

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rz, at least 20 people (maybe as high as 40 different people, you would have to count) told Benny earlier today they quiting over this


He knows people quiting


hes just trolling you saying the same thing over and over and over


1000000 people could quit and he would say same thing


because he got 30 days free and he thinks hes more important then all the rest


Will your opinion of me change if I tell you that I didn't receive the 30 days free?

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And maybe some of those loyal long time playing and paying customers that Bioeware/EA did not feel worthy to give 30 days to will take there 15 bucks have a friend in WoW send them a scroll of rez,get free expansion packs on it,a free week and a free lvl 80 character.


Never said it was fair. I'm only trying to deduce their reasoning behind this. Imho I think they should give the free month to anyone who has logged over a certain amount of playtime between all characters.

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Will your opinion of me change if I tell you that I didn't receive the 30 days free?


nope because you and i both know more then enough have told you they quit already!


Thats really all there is to say


You made a statment, you got a out pouring of contradictory answers so you left and came back later to say same statement


Some times a dog is a dog!

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I have to say, I'm really surprised. Good move, this should vent a lot of anger from these forums.


To the people "I leveled 10 characters, but none of them to 50" - you have to realize that you are a very, VERY tiny minority. They had to make SOME sort of requirements for people to qualify.


So by that logic they are going to make peanuts for a month, right? So why not give it to everyone if it's a VERY VERY TINY minority? Why deliberately piss off players to make a VERY VERY TINY amount from sub fees when everyone else gets to play for free?

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