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*** is up with your guys damage now?


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i like how everyone just moves to the fotm class whenever there is a big patch with class changes. i'll tell u right now that marauder isn't an easy class to play. we have a ton more buttons to press to be played effectively than most classes. just from the top of my head, learning how to effectively use force camo, when to force choke, when to bait out the anti cc, when to burst, looking at when the opponents defensive cooldowns are up, when to burst dmg when to lay low and wait. those just a few things marauders have to do to play even somewhat effective. we do a lot of dmg because we have worked for it and play the class well.


i won't be surprised to see everyone that jumped on the marauder bandwagon in a few weeks whining about how they don't do as much damage as people in the forums say and start to qq about how the class sucks again. the class worked prepatch and...well the class works with more options post patch with the build variation.


to all the people complaining about ravage...it's a 30 second (27 second) attack with a 3 second channel. basically it's a 1 off per fight and many good marauders probably won't use it unless u are for sure going to die from it. i shouldn't have to list all the defensive abilities each class has to avoid this 27 second CD 3 second channel move (with the last hit being the most important so u have 2 seconds to think about it. my assassin with deception build (yes i like the build) can hit for almost 2.8k-4k per discharge with 2 stacks of surge lightning, and that's every 15 seconds. yes i might be getting lucky with the crits, but are u saying that just because it does a lot of dmg that it should be nerfed? it's not like we can spam the move. learn to avoid the move.

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Heads up.


Im sure you are offended by the fact that another player is able to shut you down and maybe even kill you (probably because he popped his cds to **** you up, and you didnt pop yours to survive).


What the rest of us have been offended by for quite some time is the fact that you were able to heal somebody else than yourself, plus yourself, WHILE we were trying hard to kill you. ANd we had a friend who was also trying to kill you.


Now. Yesterday, I ravaged and destroyed quite a few players, most likely most of them were bad, undergeared, scrubs etc. I also had some nice fights against healers. THose I know are good players and have gear similar to mine.. GUess what? I couldnt kill them that easily.


I admit Sages/sorcs go down faster than the other healing classes, but since this class has a lot more players, it also has more bad players.


Id like to duel some sorcs/sages who spam heal themselves to see how "Horribly bad" their situation is.

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Stack expertise and bubble. No need to stack PvE gear with PvP anymore it will cause you to lose your lunch.


The damage increase to Juggs/Guards though is insane. My damage mitigation is nothing to them atm. I find myself running for the hills when attacked.

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So what yer saying is that you're saying you dont mind when they buff stuff that you could normally shrug off anyways, but god forbid they buff something that you cant easily circumvent? Is that about right?


In your own statement you mention stun locking (which you dnt miss often) and if you miss then that OP maurader actually has a chance to kill, run or at least throw up defenses to have a chance. Yeah, that's OP....


Lol @ nerf crying mando, i'm an operative. Son, you do not know the meaning of nerf.


Jokes aside though, marauders did get a bit too much of a shot in the arm. I don't mind the changes to carnage, but they didn't need to buff rage any (8k crits anyone?) and I really don't know why they buffed anni, that spec was OP to begin with. I can sort-of see why they buffed ravage, I don't have trouble interrupting that with a debilitate even with the change, but if they intend to give marauders this much dps, they need to lay off the defensive cooldowns. If I open up on a marauder and don't manage to stunlock kill him (which is very rare), he has sufficient defenses to either ward me off or run away before I can finish the job. Granted he has to blow most of his cooldowns, but i'm still stuck out of steath, in combat, and with no kill.


On another side note, I saw a marauder break 700k with 70 kills and 0 deaths on voidstar today. Not gonna lie, i'm seriusly jelly.

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haha thats so true.


I've got faily decent pvp gear, missing onloy a couple of the battlemaster stuff. And man I've got to say, I have serious trouble with Sin's and Sniper types. Sins it's touch and go if i can kill em and the good snipers just eat me for lunch.


My assassin had no problems with Marauders 1v1 (or 1v1v1v1 even, one right after the other). The problem is that they're like a pack of wild dogs. Once one gets on you, they all come sniffing around.
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I don't mind the changes to carnage, but they didn't need to buff rage any (8k crits anyone?) and I really don't know why they buffed anni, that spec was OP to begin with. I can sort-of see why they buffed ravage, I don't have trouble interrupting that with a debilitate even with the change, but if they intend to give marauders this much dps, they need to lay off the defensive cooldowns. If I open up on a marauder and don't manage to stunlock kill him (which is very rare), he has sufficient defenses to either ward me off or run away before I can finish the job. Granted he has to blow most of his cooldowns, but i'm still stuck out of steath, in combat, and with no kill.


On another side note, I saw a marauder break 700k with 70 kills and 0 deaths on voidstar today. Not gonna lie, i'm seriusly jelly.


Carnage had some bugs too FYI, something about the aturu strikes not proccing...


I dont play a rage Mara, but from understanding that big crit has a huge set up and cool down for that to happen, and I beleive its with smash.


I can say gunslingers and Operatives are a PITA to kill, I always try though, I learn a little more each time I do kick spanked with my Carnage Mara. Usually my goal is to kick the ver lovin ***** out of him and escape and hope one of my team mates sees him and finishes him off at the very least.


Carnage Mara have lower damage numbers due to the fact most of their damage penetrates armor (expertise not with standing), so I would have to assume that big damage Mara was Anihilation or really good at the rage spec.

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