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Whats the point of even playing this game with a community this bad?


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So I put into general chat LFG Heroic 2 Freeing the fallen. No one responds. Over a period of AN HOUR I ever 5 min or so put it into general. after about 30 min of no one responding I get stop whining and crying. Stop ************ just one man it. Then a SPAM report is filed on me. I don't understand why my head gets ripped of looking for a partner in a quest meant for a partner? Why? Its an MMO isent that the whole point?
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So you spent an hour spamming general chat, got reported for it, and somehow it's all our fault?


MMO 101: you won't be able to get a pick-up group every time you want one. If you want regular groups, make some friends. If you want to make sure you never have any friends, keep spamming general chat.



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I don't see how asking every 5 minutes is spamming - but then again I don't see the chatlog.


As to people telling you to solo it - well, I always try to be optimistic, they might have just wanted to help you by informing you that it's possible.


As to people reporting you - don't let that drag you down, I'm hopefully optimistic that the reporter get's logged too and they will get an answer if they abuse the system.

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Look for a good guild, make some friends and respond to other peoples' group requests. To get great teams, you have to be a great team mate. An awful lot of people have already hit fifty and are plowing through the end game content. Even more have found friends and are regularly teaming with them.


At this point in the game, a single player looking for team mates is like a thirty five year old single, never married woman in New York. The dating pool has shrunk dramatically and to get the relationship, she has to step up her game.


You are in the same boat. Step up your party game. Be pro-active. Fight! Win!


/Edna mode

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The forum "community" is not indicative of the in-game community - not even close. The forum is repleat with griefing short timers & freeloaders. That's not the case once a player logs in to play. Once in the game the community rocks.


[edit] Report a player for harassment in-game, and my experience has been that the GM live chat icon will be blinking within 10 minutes.

Edited by GalacticKegger
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The forum "community" is not indicative of the in-game community - not even close. The forum is repleat with griefing short timers freeloaders. That's not the case once a player logs in to play. Once in the game the community rocks.



This, this, this.


Aaaaaaaaand this.

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In general, I would agree...but...this is a problem not just specific to this game. When the game first came out, yes...everyone was doing every mission. Now it's kind of a "Eh...I don't need it. I'll just grind on and join up if someone shouts out". It happens quite a bit in other mmo's too.


Most of the time I get groups for Heroics, it's down to that split of: 60% new (haven't done it) and 40% that are on the 50 grind so "what the hell, why not". There are indeed still a few factors though:


  • Timing. This is actually a big one for anything after say...Nar Shadda or Tattooine (mostly due to planet pop's). If you're on that one H2 that's in the middle of the mission series and you don't really see anyone around you...then people have already passed it or are catching up to you.
  • People put off Heroics. I don't understand this one tbh. Maybe it's for the Social Points?Maybe it's tied into the same problem you're having? Maybe it's one of the other factors mentioned? Quite a few times it seems like they just gather all the heroics and then blurt out "LFG for All Heroics". Again...dunno why...but yeah.
  • People are already working on 2nd, 3rd or even 7th characters. They're only interested in powering to 50. Therefore, Heroics are not needed. Especially if they're doing Space, PvP & FP's in addition.
  • Already in a "power" group or already grouped with friends. In the case of H2's...it's kind of a bummer. If you and a friend are grouped, it doesn't hurt to bring in a 3rd or 4th. Helps them. Helps you. And you never know, you may have just made another friend. I don't even mind turning H4's into "Ops". Turned more then a few H4s into a 6+ man because it turned out quite a few people needed it.


But yes...get friends, get a good guild, don't give up. I usually do the same where I'll "spam" general every 4-5min...although I've never got reported (in fact I've had a few people feel sorry for me XD). I may not get it the day that I'm looking for it...but I have yet to go by 2 days without getting a group for a Heroic I need. Stick with it. :D



"Just solo it!" I hate this. It's crap. There are soooo many factors that it's ridiculous for people, that don't even know what class you are, to say this. "I solo'd it, so can you!" Nooooot entirely. I can solo a H2+ np with my Commando Medic. Why? Because I have a 1 min CC. The only ones that I can't beat are the H2's with a certain type of Champ as the end boss. I try the same thing with my Guardian...and yes...I'll be able to do it...but I've popped both my "shields" and end up having quite a bit of downtime. Stealth? Class? CC's? Available Skills? Level difference? How experienced is the player with MMO's/swtor? etc. All these factors need to be considered before saying "Just Solo IT!" If they're trying to be helpful...they're not doing it effectively. Due to the fact that there is no "vocal tones"...it easily comes off as that person being tired of you LFG'n and being an arrogant douche who's an "mmo god"...DUH!


Edited by Moondragon
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You know OP... this is the first game where I actually find the community to be nice and friendly, and laid back.


Out of all the MMOs and other online games iv played.. the communities been completely terrible... you have no idea how good SWTOR community is compared to most other games..


As for people answering you in that matter, its one person. Iv asked for help in general chat before or just a general question or inquiry or a comment. 4 out of 5 times I get over 3 or 4 whispers in the next 5 seconds from individuals giving me advice and help, or an invite or any answer regarding my inquiry. sometimes there is the one sarcastic person.. ignore it and move on, the majority of people playing this game are over the age of 22, and Im very proud of that. Its a game with a more mature community


Dont let one instance destroy your outlook and embedd cynicism of this gaming community in your head


One bad experience does not override all the good you are overseeing



Edit- try playing heroes of newerth... you'll cry yourself to sleep

Edited by AethiusSake
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