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This is the best MMO ever made.


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Right out of the gates, this game is incredible. Level 5 quests on your home planet feels like the end game of other MMO's. Nothing feels like a chore, and everything feels epic, I love the wide array of skills you get just to start the game.


I havent looked at my experience bar once so far, and im already level 15.


This doesent even feel like leveling, it feels like your playing a great game that you dont want to end.


Bravo Bioware, the best MMO ever made.

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The server issues will eventually be resolved, but I'm very happy to read a positive thread coming out of these forums.


I too, agree that SW:TOR is a great game, and that the overall "feel" of it is a refreshing new experience that I have not felt in years of playing MMO's.


Regardless of the current issues, I give this game an A+

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