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Patchnotes 1.2?


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seriously, bunch of babies, go QQ in a little corner and get used to it.

Next to that you could've read the PTS notes so you know what globally is coming.


why being so impatient? sigh...


Stated already the notes weren't easily available. Why would it be so difficult to repost those PTS notes here?


Get used to it? You are now complaining about people complaining? LOL why aren't you used to it?


Trolling because mommy and daddy don't give you attention?

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The patch notes have been posted and updated for weeks in the test server forum and only removed about 7 hours ago. If you were that interested in whats in 1.2, you had plenty of time to read them...all 28 printed pages of them. hehe. Yea, that much.


HUGE update. I don't think there is one element of the game that wasn't modified in some way.


OR, you could have played on test like I and others have done to experience the new content.


Awsome stuff!


So it's out of bounds to ask for the patch notes a day before launch, just saying.



I mean I get it - You're REALLY into the game. Many folks do a real-life thing, then some other real-life things, then play the game for a bit. Some used to be REALLY into "The Game" once and now life makes it less possible - but they know enough to look at the patchnotes to prepare to PLAY the game at launch - not READ the game, all 27 pages of it.


It isn't an unreasonable request - many folks aren't going to invest time into a toon they won't play again when they have a perfectly good toon that will benefit from the patch.

Edited by MalcomReynold
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Seriously? You now have to complain about the patch notes? Not enough stuff to complain about, now you have to nit pick when they post patch notes? I recommend reading a book or maybe taking a nap until the servers come up.
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Stated already the notes weren't easily available. Why would it be so difficult to repost those PTS notes here?


Not easily available? They were at the top of the forum for weeks. Lets see, click the PTS forum, then click the topic. How was that hard to get too?


The notes are HUGE! To post them here would require multiple pages in this thread.


They will be available soon enough.

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Not easily available? They were at the top of the forum for weeks. Lets see, click the PTS forum, then click the topic. How was that hard to get too?


The notes are HUGE! To post them here would require multiple pages in this thread.


They will be available soon enough.


I read them - and understand how they affect me.


I also read the first post of this thread and what was said. They said PTS notes were difficult to find and why aren't the live notes available for reading while we have downtime. I see that as an incredibly reasonable request.



Slamming someone for asking for better communication is not a reasonable response - just my opinion.



A lot of intelligent folks in this thread and I'm surprised at the concept of communication being lost on them.

Edited by MalcomReynold
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For all its worth - 27 pages of patch notes would keep most of the forum natives from pounding on each other like this.


And everyone one of the folks who have said they already read them for PTS would be reading them again - I say that with certainty - so the person who started this thread who has been trolled and slammed makes something happen - we all benefit - but some just don't learn.

Edited by MalcomReynold
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Actually I believe that the patch notes should be posted when they start installing the patch, then if there are any minor revisions do that the next morning. This way we have a chance to read the digest the final patch notes while the servers are undergoing maintenance.
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add to that a very clueless player base, took me all of 6 seconds to find the 1.2 patch notes.

Instead of gloating that you found them, you could put up the link...


To all other negative people in this thread. I am not trolling. I am genuinely surprised that there are no patchnotes. It seems like the people who don't understand that, never played an MMO before. I've truly never seen a patch go live without patchnotes being up before the patch and I've also never seen something change in a patch in the day between being finished and being deployed.


It is not a good reason to delay it because 'something might change in the last seconds'. First of all, it's really bad if something does change that close to launch (but as we've seen, this happens at Bioware..) but second of all, how hard is it to post an addendum on the patchnotes saying 'sorry, something changed, here it is:'?


I also don't play on the test server, because I have not that much time to play, so I'd rather play live and keep my progression. I don't read test patchnotes either, because they will change and I don't feel like going through, apparently, 27 pages of info every time to see what happened.


I expect patchnotes when a patch deploys, not hours or days after. Sorry for expecting normal communication...

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