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How much dmg does your auto-attack do?


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I'm a fresh 50 Gun slinger

Of course having some issues with gear and dmg, but I noticed that my auto attack was dealing more dmg than my ST abilities.


I looked into it: torhead


Flurry of Bolts


Range: 30 m

Fires a flurry of bolts from your blaster, dealing 670 - 817 weapon damage.


Charged Burst

Activation: 1.5 secs

Energy: 20

Range: 30 m

Fires a series of powerful blasts for 734 - 915 weapon damage. Can only be used from cover. Fires both blasters if dual wielding.



but when I roll into cover and hit a dude, it was hitting for 400-900 against geared players no shields


then I run out of cover(kiting), and pressing flurry was hitting for 600-800....but double hitting(dual...ie press one time, hits for 800+500)



I started to notice this as a geared 49, that while I could 3k-4k+ hit someone with my aimed shot 2.5 sec cast from cover....I could get 2 GCDs of my ZERO ENERGY, non-Cover ability and hit people for 1100+700....1200+600....in about the same time with no LOS issues.


i am wondering first, am i delusional, and second, what are the other classes auto attacks hitting for.

Edited by Ghamsar
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