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1.2 Ugly Gear, What Were You Thinking?!


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Bioware should make a poll about this. It would straight away confirm that 90% of us hate the armor designs. Aren't you all about listening to player feedback? I'd give you my honest opinion but I'm already on 1 warning.


Go take a look at some of the actual korean mmo designs and see how you can change something like that to fit SWTOR. If you were hoping for a space looking cowboy look for the Smuggler class then you failed miserably. Agreed it reminds me of an ugly Jeep :confused:

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couldn't they stick to designs like the ones in the forum avatars..


Or even just the gear I see NPC Sith and Jedi (and other classes) wear in-game. As I play through the story for each class I see some great gear on both sides that I have yet to see for players.


I anticipate using the match to chest feature and just moving mods to sets I compile from existing gear. I will say the Consular armor (minus the helmet) looks a little better than the in-game options now...but that could be because they now have a pair of pants instead of a skirt/dress.

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What irks me the most about these armor sets (and don't get me wrong, I am no fan of the armor itself either) is the colors. Who is coloring this stuff? What is with all the ugly coloring?


I never recall costumes from anywhere in any Star Wars stuff ever being colored like.. that. It's blatent "quality" coloring for game mechanics and it is not welcome.


SWTOR aesthetics need to shape up big time.



At least if these armor sets were colored like they didn't come out of a child's toy box they'd be acceptable.. oy..


I mean look at your own damn concept art for the Maker's sake! That's how coloring is supposed to be done! Details, details! Not 2 toned lumps of fail!

Edited by Gaff
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What irks me the most about these armor sets (and don't get me wrong, I am no fan of the armor itself either) is the colors. Who is coloring this stuff? What is with all the ugly coloring?


I never recall costumes from anywhere in any Star Wars stuff ever being colored like.. that. It's blatent "quality" coloring for game mechanics and it is not welcome.


SWTOR aesthetics need to shape up big time.



At least if these armor sets were colored like they didn't come out of a child's toy box they'd be acceptable.. oy..


I mean look at your own damn concept art for the Maker's sake! That's how coloring is supposed to be done! Details, details! Not 2 toned lumps of fail!


One of the new things is the ability to change the color of armor, so there will be alternate color sets available...

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One of the new things is the ability to change the color of armor, so there will be alternate color sets available...


No, it only matches to the color of the chest piece.


And really what these sets (and all of SWTOR armor really) need is to remove coloring, not change it. Details need to be in their place.

Edited by Gaff
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One of the new things is the ability to change the color of armor, so there will be alternate color sets available...


The only color changing feature you have is to match your armor to your chest color... so if your chest color is horrid... guess what?

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my best guess is they sub contracted out the art design to asian artists because the gear totally looks like asian grinder fantasy art, not scifi. All they're missing is the 7 foot long ridiculously out of proportian swords. Almost no one will use this gear, they will remove the mods and put it in crit orange gear that actually looks like it belongs in star wars.



i think the same ....

Edited by SWTOR-GR
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No, it only matches to the color of the chest piece.


And really what these sets (and all of SWTOR armor really) need is to remove coloring, not change it. Details need to be in their place.


Then I guess we're all screwed...

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I think the armour is ugly, but I'm not crying about it like the OP, just remove the Mods and such and quit the waterworks!


Much love x


Yes you can put what ever into what ever now so if you dont like it change it your self :p


There is allot of lv 1-35 gear that you get from heroic quests and FP that are modable that really looks good that you can put your high end PvP and PvE stuff in.

Edited by Sunrock
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My best guess is they sub contracted out the art design to Asian artists because the gear totally looks like Asian grinder fantasy art, not SciFi. All they're missing is the 7 foot long ridiculously out of proportian swords. Almost no one will use this gear, they will remove the mods and put it in crit orange gear that actually looks like it belongs in Star Wars.
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I'm hella jumping this failboat when GW2 arrives. Even if I have a fresh sub. The artwork, colors, designs and characters in that game gives me eye ******s. :cool:


No more head punching after going through 10 airlocks.

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Forgive me Bioware, I love the game, but I have to get this off of my chest before I can feel right about playing tomorrow.


This looks like WoW just ran through a burning building! Specifically the Inquisitors! You don't see Darth Nihilus or Talon running around with moss growing out of their heads! What were you thinking?!


This is how STAR WARS Sith look! No one wants to look like the Swampthing got ran over!


If the gear wasn't moddable (or mods able to be removed and put in STAR WARS-looking gear than I would be done).


Half of the fun of ANY game is looking awesome, especially on an RP server. Any self-respecting Sith would finish burning those scraps!


This kind of design process should be reviewed and approved by a small panel of BOTH SW canon experts AND fashionistas. What would Dooku say if he had to wear that to be any good against others?


Please don't lose sight of what you are making and the universe there-in; also it's obsessively detail-oriented fan-base.


And the Agents look like Jeeps.



QFT. I know people are tired of the brown robes everywhere, but I don't think armor is the way to go, for force-users anyway.


As a design rule, I would have had medium and heavy "armor" actually be entirely separate class sub-trees oriented around saber defence or maybe a force lightning shield thingi. Yoda used that ball to absorb attacks, Sateele in the intro actually palms a lightsaber thrust.


Armor would have never entered into it for force users. That isn't to say they couldn't have had quite a selection of cloth-based fashion, of course.

Edited by Gorgor
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i swear the armour designer had some really good designs, which his children then drew all over in crayons, and they made it into game, i mean seriously, the consular helmet, *** is that all about? the knights is bad, in a bug eyed soup bowl kind of way, but what in gods name is up with the basket ball hoop.


seriously, the people at bioware need to actually look at the game they are designing things for, only certain cultures wear armour anything like the ones that have made it into game, they have nothing at all to do with the classes they are designed for, hell, take a look at the splash screen to see what the armour SHOULD look like, the NPC's get it, so why dont we?

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i swear the armour designer had some really good designs, which his children then drew all over in crayons, and they made it into game, i mean seriously, the consular helmet, *** is that all about? the knights is bad, in a bug eyed soup bowl kind of way, but what in gods name is up with the basket ball hoop.


seriously, the people at bioware need to actually look at the game they are designing things for, only certain cultures wear armour anything like the ones that have made it into game, they have nothing at all to do with the classes they are designed for, hell, take a look at the splash screen to see what the armour SHOULD look like, the NPC's get it, so why dont we?


^ Haha this is win. Actually, every single Bioware game for some weird unknown reason has had the NPC clothing always look better than the actual Player Character. It's just so..weird


Even since Neverwinter 1.

Edited by Xeraze
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My best guess is they sub contracted out the art design to Asian artists because the gear totally looks like Asian grinder fantasy art, not SciFi. All they're missing is the 7 foot long ridiculously out of proportian swords. Almost no one will use this gear, they will remove the mods and put it in crit orange gear that actually looks like it belongs in Star Wars.



That's exactly what it looks like.

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So...my Sage will look like something from Mortal Kombat?

What a strange approach. :confused:


- DH


I'd call it a space ninja, and I'm a shadow tank and wanted more tankish looking armor, so I'm not happy either...

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My best guess is they sub contracted out the art design to Asian artists because the gear totally looks like Asian grinder fantasy art, not SciFi. All they're missing is the 7 foot long ridiculously out of proportian swords. Almost no one will use this gear, they will remove the mods and put it in crit orange gear that actually looks like it belongs in Star Wars.


Actually I've seen good asian designs.


This looks more like someone who thinks they know how to do asian style but fails horribly at it.

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