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Please don't unsub


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For all of you claiming to unsub for this reason and that reason, please don't. Over the years we, the mmo community, have seen too many good games dwindle, go to free to play, and then die. For many of us, this isn't another mmo. This isn't another game with elves and dwarves trying to make WoW money, this is Star Wars. It wouldn't have mattered what company bought the rights and made the game....it wouldn't have completely met our expectations. It may, however, be as close to our vision of a Star Wars mmo as we will ever see. Keep fighting to get what you want fixed. If the majority agrees it's a problem then it will be fixed. Keep putting in your suggestions for improvements. Don't let this game go to the long list of mmo's that died before it ever had a chance to flourish.
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For all of you claiming to unsub for this reason and that reason, please don't. Over the years we, the mmo community, have seen too many good games dwindle, go to free to play, and then die. For many of us, this isn't another mmo. This isn't another game with elves and dwarves trying to make WoW money, this is Star Wars. It wouldn't have mattered what company bought the rights and made the game....it wouldn't have completely met our expectations. It may, however, be as close to our vision of a Star Wars mmo as we will ever see. Keep fighting to get what you want fixed. If the majority agrees it's a problem then it will be fixed. Keep putting in your suggestions for improvements. Don't let this game go to the long list of mmo's that died before it ever had a chance to flourish.



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Hey folks,


While we can appreciate the meaning behind this thread, threads that focus on the community are not on-topic for General Discussion. In addition, threads that focus on canceling do not lead to constructive discussion. Because of this, we have closed this thread.


Thanks for understanding!

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