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SO CLOSE! Kind of bummed...


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Nobodies fault, I've been plowing through the quests on the test server and made it to the boss fight at the end of chapter 1 literally 5 minutes before the servers went down. I was so close to getting that second title all I needed was 15 more minutes. I wish we had like one or two more days warning, I mean two days warning to wrap up the quests is a really tight timeline (don't get me wrong, I'm not a whinger I understand there are deadlines but it would have been nice for a bit more of a heads up.)


Any how I doubt anything will come of this I just WISH we could have had a bit more warning to get this quest line wrapped up.


I'm going to go sulk now. At least it's only a title but it's still a bummer. :-(

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you can still get the same title next ptr time


*phew* well that's good news at least. :-) The way I read it there was a one time deal. Okay much less of a bummer then. Grand scheme of things could be worse, now I just can't wait to see what level 8 legacy brings me tomorrow. :-)

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