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One Shot, One Kill: Just Another Day.


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Cold. Chills me to the bone, in spite of having grown up on a planet not unlike Hoth. Csilla was never quite this cold, however. Bone freezing cold the likes of which no living sentient should have to endure. In other words, just another day.

I've been waiting for my target for a while now; well over two hours. However, I know his routine. He will be here momentarily. Keeper says this colonel is the head of Republic operations for this area. His face is etched in my memory. My mission is clear.

Eliminate him.

Checking my rifle to make certain the heated wraps are doing their job of keeping the firing mechanism from icing over. Looks good so far. Trigger still has some play. Not frozen yet.

Movement out of the corner of my eye.

Ensign Temple, moving slightly to scan the approach route marked as the target's usual route. Making my job easier just by being close. I used to wonder if becoming entangled with her romantically was a good idea. Not anymore. Not to mention she is also the most competent agent I've ever worked with. Her skill with those pistols is outstanding.

Checking my field of fire from this vantage point. Two large, close packed boulders that afford us cover and some concealment. Everything is looking decent. Just one more thing to che-

Light in the distance.

A speeder moving towards our position. I move my eye to the scope and start tracking the vehicle. Republic markings. This could be him.

Closed canopy.

Windows darkened, so I toggle the switch on my scope to infrared. I see the face behind the viewport in the driver's seat.

Not him.

Tracking to the passenger seat.

Target acquired.

The speeder slows to a halt by the marker. I check the gunner in the open air turret on top of the speeder. Not paying attention. The cold has made him sloppy. Good.


Dusk is almost gone. The night will make it harder the longer we wait.

I have him. The driver opens the target's door so he can check the guard marker. The driver is also too cold to pay attention. This deep in Republic territory, they should have nothing to worry about...

Target exposed. Back of head. Squeezing the trigger.

Target down.

Clean kill.

Scanning the driver and gunner. Driver looking around with weapon drawn. Gunner swivelling his turret in a slow circle. I remain still. Raina taps my shoulder twice. I move my rifle slowly back down the length of my body, slowly enough not to draw attention. My eyes slitted to avoid detection. Neither saw where the shot came from.


Exfiltration back to base going as planned. Moved down the hill behind the boulders to our waiting speeder. Our cold weather wraps keeping us as warm as possible. The last light is leaving the sky, making the ride back even more perilous. Goggles on, switched to IR for the ride. 1st rule of night exfiltration: No lights. Straddling the speeder with Raina behind me, I hit the ignition and twist the accelerator.

We're gone.

Edited by Captain_Zone
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