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Swiftsure , Free Transfers OFF NEEDED!


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agreed i get to waste 2 hr's waiting to get on this piece of crap server because of a dc


Agree...Nothing like just starting a heroic just to get booted to a 1hr 40m que...2 days in a row...


So sitting in que (again), I see 26 West Coast servers, 10 of which are PvP, 2 of the PvP have 0 wait times, and the other 7 PvP are 5m to 50m wait times with Swiftsure PvP server at 1hr 40m...not cool...

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Yesterday took me 2.5 hours to get in, played for about 10 minutes, got disconnected for some reason and went again through a 2.5 hours queue (5 hours queue in one day, this is outrageous)


Today I'm for 2 hours in the queue and still 270 ppl in to go.


I can understand this during weekends and I can manage my time, go to the beach, do some gardening, etc while I wait for the queue. But during week nights it can't happen, I work all day long and have only 2-3 hours to play at night and I'm not staying in a damn queue.


They need to increase asap the server population and block any new account to join.

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Server transfers in WoW didn't happen for a very long time.


Why on earth people think they would be available two days before launch is lunacy.


Funny how new server instanced MMO's keep forgetting to deal with queues.


Not sure why Server Transfers are not implemented at release. Don't know of many MMO's recently that did not have insane queues and still took months to concede to the transfers.

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I'm getting my information from Stephen Reid's twitter, who is a senior online community manager.


If you want to leave, then go for it; you have to decide what is more important to you. Crazy queues at launch with the occasional queue when new content is released while having a very active, lively, healthy server... moderate queues at launch with the seldom queues when new content is released with a moderate community... no queues at launch with no queues when new content is released with a ghost town of a community.


This is not entirely true, since most RP servers have not much queue during launch in most games, but end up to have the best en most enduring communities in the end. I agree though that people should have some patience, opening too many servers will end in a disaster as well. After the freeplay month it usually settles down. Be glad you play a MMO that seems popular :)

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Funny how new server instanced MMO's keep forgetting to deal with queues.


Not sure why Server Transfers are not implemented at release. Don't know of many MMO's recently that did not have insane queues and still took months to concede to the transfers.


Because why the hell would anyone spend time and effort to let ppl trsf off hours-old toons when the whiners could have level up another one in the time they spent queuing and then crying on the forum?

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So let's say your got in the first day that is 4 days of playtime. So if you start over 4 days is is not much in terms of leveling.


If you folks did not think this was going to happen come launch with over a million preorders. Just hope they open more servers come launch day. I believe they are holding back.

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Dude, you can't have THAT much time on a character, you have had the game for like 5 days max. Make a new one on a different server.


It amazes me that you guys will wait in a queue for 2 hours rather than playing a character on a new server for 2 hours instead...

Edited by TeejayMac
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I would like to see at least 6 to 8 oceanic servers created.. Covering all server types.. I would also like to see another 4 to 8 servers created for the west coast.. Since according to their own server status page, it is the west coast server with the largest queues..


After all this is done.. They should allow free transfers from any of the existing west coast server, to the new west coast servers or the oceanic ones..


But that is me..


As for realm cap?? I would prefer that leave that alone.. I really don't want to sacrafice performance.. :cool:

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