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What is the latest preorder date in early access now?


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Not even Warhammer Online had a botched rollout like this...and a year after release two servers were left. Someone said you only get one first impression and any of those at EA/Bioware involved with SWTOR were/are involved with Warhammer. This is really making me rethink things.
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I am beginning to agree with the level of frustration here. If there are only pre-orders from the first 2 days of ordering and that is all BW can get on safely, it is becoming scary. There are 4 months of pre-orders out there and I am pretty sure that tons have come in over the last three weeks of beta testing. If they let all from the first month in one day, next month the next, and so on, well you get the picture. I see posts from peeps that ordered 7-25 and they are still not in - well maybe they didn't get their code in in time. However, considering there have been mistakes, I don't think there are as many as I've seen here. These threads are being closed at 1000 posts before some of us can finish a response. That is bad!


Granted there is some crying, but, for the most part I see those that ordered EARLY voicing a complaint and I'm beginning to sympathize with them considering I ordered within the first month myself. 7-25 is only 4 days into the ordering cycle, I'm miffed!

Edited by StarShadow
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7/24 not in


That being said....I don't see anyone who got in posting on this. If they are in they are not on the forums.


Most are not, that's true. But if you read just a few posts back, someone is in who had a date of 7/23.

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7-22 and in, but stuck at work so I'm on the forums instead.


I wonder if what guild you're in has any effect? It might be that they're trying to keep the pre-registered guilds together, or giving people access whose guild is on one of the servers they already opened?

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Good luck calling CS. I tried this morning for 30 mins before I finally got "Put on Hold" for just shy of an hour. I finally gave up and decided to try back again a couple hours later .. Now there is a recording saying. " This number has been disconnected."


Can anyone say...Convenient?... :sul_confused:

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Yeah. This is kind of ridiculous. It's nice to give people a general idea of what's going on. It's not just early access either. The whole process seems like there's been very little feedback to the community. "We're doing this general idea, but it's probably going to change and you won't really know anything about it until it happens." Not a great way to build customer loyalty guys.


I understand not wanting to give binding details as the game isn't even out yet, but it'd be nice to have some general idea. The people who ordered in like October and November... should they not even bother checking back for a couple days or is there some shot they'll get in tomorrow? Something like that...

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