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Trouble with bounty - am i undergeared?


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I'm not getting anywhere with my Tatooine bounty and don't know why. My suspicion is that my gear is severely lacking because I'm dying before i can kill the guard droid.


I'm a lvl 28 pyrotech

health 5183

armor 1906

accuracy 90%


Do these amounts sound low? The bounty's health is twice what I have.

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I'm not getting anywhere with my Tatooine bounty and don't know why. My suspicion is that my gear is severely lacking because I'm dying before i can kill the guard droid.


I'm a lvl 28 pyrotech

health 5183

armor 1906

accuracy 90%


Do these amounts sound low? The bounty's health is twice what I have.


what's your gear like, how many orange, how up to date is it, and how well equipped is your Mako?


I assume you're CCing the gold before opening up on the strong?

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I took Lokai down as a 29 Arsenal Merc but had already beaten the droid back at 24--stun Lokai with your CM so you can focus on the droid whom you should be able to take down. After that, heal and stim back up so you can then wail away on Lokai--he shouldn't be much of a problem for you. If he is, definitely check your gear also seeing if there are any other quests you can do to level up and have another go at him.


In all honesty--and I mean that sincerely, not condescendingly--Lokai really isn't all that tough. Make sure you and Mako have your best gear and weapons equipped not needing repair, stun him first so you can focus on the droid and after the droid goes down Lokai should quickly follow...I just blasted away at Lokai, no kiting necessary




I'm not getting anywhere with my Tatooine bounty and don't know why. My suspicion is that my gear is severely lacking because I'm dying before i can kill the guard droid.


I'm a lvl 28 pyrotech

health 5183

armor 1906

accuracy 90%


Do these amounts sound low? The bounty's health is twice what I have.

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You guys are assuming that he's a merc pyro and not a powertech pyro, if he's powertech, he has no CC.


A trick you can use if you don't have a CC... target boss and set mako to attack him, immediatly switch targets to the droid and kill the droid as fast as you can while mako keeps the boss busy, she wont survive long, so open up on the droid with everything you have....... you probably will not be able to get threat on the boss in time to save makos life, and will in turn yourself die because of lack of heals, but that doesn't matter, the droid is down and you can respawn and take on the boss alone.


This is one of the easier class boss fights that I can remember, I took him at lvl 26 on my merc, and lvl 25 on my powertech, you should have no trouble steamrolling him once that droid is down.

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I can't remember what level I was when I went after him, but I have been over leveled since Tatooine.



I agree with the advice on taking down the droid first. Even if you die, you can go back after him with a little more ease.


If you're finding it too difficult, check about upgrading your gear and perhaps getting some reflex stims. I always turn to guild mates and friends if I get really stuck. I don't recall having any difficulty with Lokai but I'm a merc.

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Are u using ur companion? (mako) ..took him down today and was pissed off because i died on first attempt cause i didnt focused down the droid first and him after. Didnt burn the "phat" cd´s and so on. lvl 27 at the time. Droid died on first attempt, ressed and kill

ed him easy.


Ur probably severely undergeared, i didnt use any cc´s ... just nuked .. arsenal merc.


But stack up with some stims, and medpacs and focus the droid first , if u die - the droid is still dead so when u ress up its just ur "bounty" left and its downhill from there.


Also dont forget to gear mako, gearing ur companion is almost as important as gearing urself.


gl! im sure ull put a cap in in his rectum on next try!

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You guys are assuming that he's a merc pyro and not a powertech pyro, if he's powertech, he has no CC.



Good point--Mercs get CM at 22...if he did go PT/ST he could do some damage with Grapple > Rocket Punch as well as the Rail Shot amped with the Supercharged Ion gas. Pyro I'm guessing Sweltering Heat maybe...? I dunno as the other day I respec'd my Merc from Arsenal to Pyro and am still playing with and experimenting with the new build.



i didnt use any cc´s ... just nuked .. arsenal merc


Exactly--once the droid is down, you can go to work on Lokai with impunity



Also dont forget to gear mako, gearing ur companion is almost as important as gearing urself.


Well said and 100% correct

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Finally got him. I don't have a CC (powertech pyro) and did upgrade my gear so I had about 10% more health along with other stat improvements. I think what did it for me in the end was completely ignoring Tyresius as if he wasn't even there and burning the droid while using my 20 minute CD. Of course I died after the droid was down but afterwards Tyresius went down much easier than I would have thought.


Before this success my attempts had never gotten the droid past 20% or Tyresius past 50%.

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