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This is what we are capable of


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In an effort to counter some of the 1.2 doom and gloom I present you with this:




This was yesterday, playing a 1.2 spec with no guard or cross heals. I've never double dipped Dark Infusion and have been trying to actively avoid using it with force bending up. n Innervate is a far superior heal anyway. So the heals were Resurgence + Innervate and Recklessness + Dark Infusion as required. With the changes to expertise our heals will only get better. Can't wait for 1.2!


Ask questions, complain, or troll as you see fit.

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well done on the dmg part, what spec were u using and what spells to achieve that dmg? assuming it was mostly aoe but still like to know. i havent done a single wz since 1.2 notes were finalized on my sorc as there is no point until the patch if any depending on how it goes. but i know we will still be able to push 600k dmg due to our madness tree getting a boon.
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well done on the dmg part, what spec were u using and what spells to achieve that dmg? assuming it was mostly aoe but still like to know. i havent done a single wz since 1.2 notes were finalized on my sorc as there is no point until the patch if any depending on how it goes. but i know we will still be able to push 600k dmg due to our madness tree getting a boon.


This is the spec I currently have:



If I put rough figures to the damage it would probably be as follows:


Deathfield: ~75k

Force Lightning ~100k

Crushing Darkness: ~50k

Force Slow: ~50k (I was kiting a melee for most of the match and probably cast it 50 times, might not be this high)

The rest was probably Shock and Affliction. Most of the damage was single target though.

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playing a 1.2 spec


This is an invalid testing methodology, as


A) other class changes are not live.

B) you cannot simulate the Consumption changes in any way approaching accurate.

C) you cannot simulate the actual Force Bending changes.

D) you cannot simulate a true 1.2 spec (which usually includes Fadeout).


Run a match on the PTS, as maybe you can talk about testing.

Edited by Daellia
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This is an invalid testing methodology, as


A) other class changes are not live.

B) you cannot simulate the Consumption changes in any way approaching accurate.

C) you cannot simulate the actual Force Bending changes.

D) you cannot simulate a true 1.2 spec (which usually includes Fadeout).


Run a match on the PTS, as maybe you can talk about testing.


A) this only refers to other classes nerfs, and since no other class is getting an armor reduction, none of his numbers would change unless you count other ppl doing less dmg in which case only his healing would have gone done, but since at least 2 classes got dps buffs that could go either way... not a good argument sir...

B) he did not use consumption as his spec doesnt have the talent that is getting nerfed...

C) force bending to innervate is unchanged in 1.2, he stated he only used it for that...

D) this spec does not change from now to 1.2, i have used it for a long time and laughed at the nerfs since they did not touch this spec at all as it does not have CL nor does it have consumption, the only nerf would be using force bending on DI which is not a good idea in this spec anyways as it makes you go oom and useless.

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OP, thanks so much for the screen shots and the build link. Would you call this a HOT and DOT build in pvp? I had a few questions for you.


How many KB's did you get? How many Solo Kills? How many times did you save someone from dying by doing more healing than they took in dmg in a few GCDs?


Are you finding this HOT and DOT build to be a powerful force in PVP, and a game changer for your team and against the opposition?


Or is this just a great way to have high numbers?




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OP, thanks so much for the screen shots and the build link. Would you call this a HOT and DOT build in pvp? I had a few questions for you.


How many KB's did you get? How many Solo Kills? How many times did you save someone from dying by doing more healing than they took in dmg in a few GCDs?


Are you finding this HOT and DOT build to be a powerful force in PVP, and a game changer for your team and against the opposition?


Or is this just a great way to have high numbers?





it's the best solo 1v1 spec we get, it will beat any other sorc/sage 1 v 1 that isnt this spec...

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A) this only refers to other classes nerfs, and since no other class is getting an armor reduction, none of his numbers would change unless you count other ppl doing less dmg in which case only his healing would have gone done, but since at least 2 classes got dps buffs that could go either way... not a good argument sir...


Other classes are getting changes to their burst potential, however, which can affect overall healing.


B) he did not use consumption as his spec doesnt have the talent that is getting nerfed...


My apologies, I missed that piece of his spec.


C) force bending to innervate is unchanged in 1.2, he stated he only used it for that...


That's precisely my point. It's unlikely that Sorcs will only use Bending on Innervate in 1.2, so the testing technique was invalid.


D) this spec does not change from now to 1.2, i have used it for a long time and laughed at the nerfs since they did not touch this spec at all as it does not have CL nor does it have consumption, the only nerf would be using force bending on DI which is not a good idea in this spec anyways as it makes you go oom and useless.


Fadeout will have an effect on survivability as well, as will the 7-8% nerf to Force Lightning. However, I will admit, 23/0/18 will come away the most unscatched from 1.2. I was just pointing out that using a "1.2 spec" in 1.1.5 is an invalid source of reliable data. There are too many other things changing in 1.2.

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This is an invalid testing methodology, as


A) other class changes are not live.

B) you cannot simulate the Consumption changes in any way approaching accurate.

C) you cannot simulate the actual Force Bending changes.

D) you cannot simulate a true 1.2 spec (which usually includes Fadeout).


Run a match on the PTS, as maybe you can talk about testing.


No where did I say this was 1.2 testing. This is what a viable 1.2 spec can do now. I am practicing for 1.2. To address some of your points though:


A) Neither are the expertise changes, which should be about -1% damage taken and %10 more healing than current? You will know the math on that better than me.

B) I don't have the consumption talent, I get the HP and force regen debuff now as I will post patch. If there are other changes I am unaware of them.

C) Yes and no. I can practice not having a fast cast Dark Infusion. I can't simulate the +60% crit on Dark Heal which would have been useful at some points during the game.

D) I would have Fade Out in 1.2, which would cost me 2% healing, but would also give me more separation from melee, meaning more heals.

E) In 1.2 my damage would probably be less as the Madness talents are changed slightly.


In general:


One reason for this post was to showcase my 300k/300k game which has been a personal goal of mine. Another was to show what this class is capable of and to give people something to strive for. If people spent less time complaining about the changes and worked at improving their game there would be a lot more happy sorcs. I visit these forums to try and improve my game play and help others with theirs. Sometimes writing things out gives me an insight that proves useful, sometimes I learn something from what others write. I assume there are some people out there like me, and I hope that they find something useful in my posts.

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Other classes are getting changes to their burst potential, however, which can affect overall healing.




My apologies, I missed that piece of his spec.




That's precisely my point. It's unlikely that Sorcs will only use Bending on Innervate in 1.2, so the testing technique was invalid.




Fadeout will have an effect on survivability as well, as will the 7-8% nerf to Force Lightning. However, I will admit, 23/0/18 will come away the most unscatched from 1.2. I was just pointing out that using a "1.2 spec" in 1.1.5 is an invalid source of reliable data. There are too many other things changing in 1.2.


i still disagree with the force bending point as it's the only heal i use on myself in this spec as is even without the nerf/change, the 23/0/18 playstyle wont change come 1.2 so force bending wont matter too much imo, at least not in this spec. also you can only heal the damage done to you or your teammates so the #'s wont change too much in 1.2, if anything they will go up when the other team starts stacking marauders and snipers...

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OP, thanks so much for the screen shots and the build link. Would you call this a HOT and DOT build in pvp? I had a few questions for you.


How many KB's did you get? How many Solo Kills? How many times did you save someone from dying by doing more healing than they took in dmg in a few GCDs?


Are you finding this HOT and DOT build to be a powerful force in PVP, and a game changer for your team and against the opposition?


Or is this just a great way to have high numbers?




I don't know what to label this spec. I don't actually use that many dots aside from crushing darkness which is only half dot. Affliction is mainly used as an additional snare than for its damage.


I had roughly 10 KBs, no solo kills as this was an all out slogfest at mid. This is an excellent 1v1 spec though. I would switch to their healers as they got low and help to finish them off. Killing the opposing healer is often more important than keeping a team member alive when trying to cap a point. I'm sure there were times I was killing someone when I could have been healing.


I saved several people, both by Extricating people out of the fray and burst healing with recklessness and Dark Infusion. A good Innervate will also do 5.5 to 6k and out-heal most damage. This spec is excellent for objectives as it lets you play offensive or defensive as required. I play to win, which often means low numbers in hutball and big numbers in the other WZs. I think most people on my server would agree that I have the ability to be a game changer.

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A) Neither are the expertise changes, which should be about -1% damage taken and %10 more healing than current? You will know the math on that better than me.


Net effect of a Battlemaster attacking Battlemaster healed by Battlemaster is +1.63% damage taken and +4.11% additional healing done.


C) Yes and no. I can practice not having a fast cast Dark Infusion. I can't simulate the +60% crit on Dark Heal which would have been useful at some points during the game.


You cannot, however, simulate the lower cost Dark Infusions, which could have a sizeable effect on sustained healing gameplay.


D) I would have Fade Out in 1.2, which would cost me 2% healing, but would also give me more separation from melee, meaning more heals.


Precisely my point. I wasn't saying your healing values were too high, I was saying they don't properly reflect gameplay in the PTS. Some changes may increase your totals, some may decrease them.


E) In 1.2 my damage would probably be less as the Madness talents are changed slightly.


Indeed, around 5% less, depending on how much of your damage comes from Force Lightning versus Affliction, Shock, and Crushing Darkness.

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I know that everyone in this thread so far knows the viability we have in 1.2, but thought I would chime in for those that question it.


Regardless of having exact data or the correct testing environment, this spec is extremely viable for unrated/rated wzs in 1.2. It is fun and challenging to play. In the right hands, such as OHM and others, it gives a great player the tools to be an asset and a desired player to have on ones team, period. Obviously, the intent of the post was to point out that 1.2 is not the death of being a sorc in warzones with the healing/deeps hybrid build. Which OHM is undeniably correct in stating.


We have several strong specs to choose from in 1.2 that will catch a lot of uninformed players/classes off guard, and a lot of the good sorcs have been using these builds all along. The best part for us will be a lot of people crying "I thought they were nerfing sorcs" when this patch hits Thursday. I have received countless comments after dominating a solid player or a warzone to enjoy my nerfs in 1.2. Too bad for him, I have been using 0/20/21 or full madness. I guess, people think we only get our damage by AOE or Wrath/CL all the time. No matter where you are on the spectrum of healing to dps, we have the tools to be a top class in any environment.



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