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Sent - Vibrosword


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Hello Readers & Bioware.


I'm wondering why Sentinels are allow'd to use Vibroswords, but can't use a lot of our abilities with them?


This comes out after ive been running around getting some Vibroswords, couse i don't wanna run looking like 80% of the server.


But what are the idea, what were you thinking when you make a class able to use a weapon, but can't really use it couse of abilities req?


Hope anyone can answer this.. ! Or tell me if there will be a change SOON, so we actully can.



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But what are the idea, what were you thinking when you make a class able to use a weapon, but can't really use it couse of abilities req?

It's not just Marauder, there are Smuggler/Gunslinger abililties that require you to use two weapons, so you can't opt for single-blaster (though you can't put anything other than a blaster in your off-hand, so you'd be gimping yourself anyway, and Trooper abilities that only work with Assault Cannon, when the Troop can use Blaster Rifles.


It's about 'signature' weapons. Jedi "should" be using Lightsabres, so their abilities are predicated on having them equipped. Commando are "supposed" to be using Assault Cannon.

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If you're trying to use just one vibrosword, the issue is probably that you need to be dual-wielding to use most of your sentinel/marauder specific abilities.


Assassins/Shadows cant use electrostaves because their class abilities require double bladed lightsabers, though - kinda sucks =/

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Just to clarify Jedi Knight's abilities, atleast some of them states


"Requires 2 Lightsabers"


So again why the heck are we allowed to use Vibroswords then? id just find it funny.


You are able to dual wield vibroswords and use all of your abilities. At least you WERE able to like someone said might have broke it with a patch but i doubt it.

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The most fun is that you guys think i write this post without thinkin...


I bought 2 Vibroswords yesterday... Now comes the fun.. SOME of our abilities don't work..




1. Zealous Strike (Main Focus Gain)

2. Merciless slash (Hardest attack)

3.Cauterize (Flame Dot)


All 3 are abilities we use a lot, that doesnt work with Vibrosword, Funny enough the Tooltip states that it needs "two lightsabers"


So again i don't really care if it worked before or so... This is how it is now, and i wonder WHY..

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The most fun is that you guys think i write this post without thinkin...


I bought 2 Vibroswords yesterday... Now comes the fun.. SOME of our abilities don't work..




1. Zealous Strike (Main Focus Gain)

2. Merciless slash (Hardest attack)

3.Cauterize (Flame Dot)


All 3 are abilities we use a lot, that doesnt work with Vibrosword, Funny enough the Tooltip states that it needs "two lightsabers"


So again i don't really care if it worked before or so... This is how it is now, and i wonder WHY..


Fine. Testing after done on illum. If you're wrong you're in for some serious flaming.

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