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What is ability pushback?


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I'm now working on my 4th character to level 50, and I always see all sorts of skills in the skill trees that refer to something call "pushback",but I've never met a single person that knows what that is.


So, anyone out there actually know what "ability activation pushback" refers to?

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I believe that is.. uuh..


Say you cast something that takes 2 seconds. You watch the castbar move, but in the middle of the casting, you get hit by an enemy, "pushing the castbar" back, making your 2 second ability now take 3 seconds.


So for example, being "immune to ability pushback" would make it impossible for an enemy to slow down your casting (short of stunning you).

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It's when you are casting a spell like a 3 second heal. And as you are casting it, someone hits you, and it kicks the timer back a little? That's push back.


You aren't being interrupted, where you have to start casting again, but you're being pushed back.


Sometimes you get skills that help 'reduce' push back on your abilities.


I'm sure I didn't use the right word somewhere in my response, and I'll get "Comic Book Guy"d, but pretty sure that's essentially what it is.

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I'm now working on my 4th character to level 50, and I always see all sorts of skills in the skill trees that refer to something call "pushback",but I've never met a single person that knows what that is.


So, anyone out there actually know what "ability activation pushback" refers to?


when you cast something, if someone or something hits you, your casting pushes back a little hence your casting time gets longer. Those abilities on talent tree decreases the pushback effect that hits you get while casting.

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i would kinda like the answer to that as well. At first i thought it was refrence to the channel times but im pretty sure now that isnt it.


It works the same way with channel times, only opposite. For example, your 4 second lightning channel will be "pushed forward" to a 3 second ability because you got hit.

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When your character is performing an ability that has a cast time (the little cast bar at the bottom), and takes damage, you can see the cast bar get slightly delayed. Thats called a Push Back.


Skills that reduce Push Back make the delays less severe.


Edit: Wow you guys are fast! There were no replies to this thread when I starte typing this.

Edited by Apache
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When your character is performing an ability that has a cast time (the little cast bar at the bottom), and takes damage, you can see the cast bar get slightly delayed. Thats called a Push Back.


Skills that reduce Push Back make the delays less severe.


Edit: Wow you guys are fast! There were no replies to this thread when I starte typing this.


We were all 'really' excited to just see a 'question' in General Chat. :D

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As others have said, it's the same thing as interruption delay. i.e. it's the delay in getting a spell (or other ability) off caused by being interrupted (usually by an attack) while casting it.


I find the term (ability pushback) moderately humorous, as it's based around describing the UI treatment of casting a spell, and not what's actually (theoretically) happening.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Here's a question related to pushback that I seem to always see as an exception: Force Choke - In Rage tree (for marauder and jugg), you can talent force choke to be fully immune to pushback - well, I have a carnage marauder (so I lack the talent) and my force choke always lasts 3 seconds (regardless of whether or not I'm being hit). As someone suggested in a previous reply it should be getting "pushed forward" (since it's channeled) effectively shortening its duration. Furthermore, force lightning/telekinetic throw is another channeled ability, and without any talents to make it immune to pushback, incoming damage causes the same activation time delay as with normal activation timed skills (i.e. takes longer for it to deal its damage) - so the whole "pushed forward" belief would actually imply that the ability should be shortened and should skip one of its damage values but it is always hitting 3 times (albeit the amount of time between its damage increases).


Thus, I'm at a loss as to what to think about pushback, force choke, and the seemingly useless rage talent to reduce its pushback. Is the skill inately immune to pushback and the telent completely useless or is there something else going on that I'm missing?

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Here's a question related to pushback that I seem to always see as an exception: Force Choke - In Rage tree (for marauder and jugg), you can talent force choke to be fully immune to pushback - well, I have a carnage marauder (so I lack the talent) and my force choke always lasts 3 seconds (regardless of whether or not I'm being hit). As someone suggested in a previous reply it should be getting "pushed forward" (since it's channeled) effectively shortening its duration. Furthermore, force lightning/telekinetic throw is another channeled ability, and without any talents to make it immune to pushback, incoming damage causes the same activation time delay as with normal activation timed skills (i.e. takes longer for it to deal its damage) - so the whole "pushed forward" belief would actually imply that the ability should be shortened and should skip one of its damage values but it is always hitting 3 times (albeit the amount of time between its damage increases).


Thus, I'm at a loss as to what to think about pushback, force choke, and the seemingly useless rage talent to reduce its pushback. Is the skill inately immune to pushback and the telent completely useless or is there something else going on that I'm missing?


I've actually seen cases where the lack of pushback immunity caused things which were channeled to end faster and miss a tick (or even two), even though there was no stun or knockback involved. Pushback seems to apply both to activation and to channel timers, and if the amount of pushback received is significant enough, ticks appear to be lost. I say appear because I haven't actually bothered to log them and then review them to see for certain - I'm basing it solely off of the flytext numbers rather than logged data, but the perception is that it's working as intended for both activation and channel.


And now it's going to bug me until I get the opportunity to go test this later :p

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I've actually seen cases where the lack of pushback immunity caused things which were channeled to end faster and miss a tick (or even two), even though there was no stun or knockback involved. Pushback seems to apply both to activation and to channel timers, and if the amount of pushback received is significant enough, ticks appear to be lost. I say appear because I haven't actually bothered to log them and then review them to see for certain - I'm basing it solely off of the flytext numbers rather than logged data, but the perception is that it's working as intended for both activation and channel.


And now it's going to bug me until I get the opportunity to go test this later :p


Ok, but what about force choke? Is it an exception? As I said, my carnage marauder's force choke ALWAYS lasts 3s despite the fact that I might get hit 8-10 times (which is typical in hutt-ball if I'm choking a ball-carrier). And if force choke IS an exception, then what's the point of even having a talent in the rage tree to make it immune to pushback? I suppose it's possible for my force choke to be missing a damage tick or two (since it's fairly impossible for me to see every tick of its damage when I'm getting hit by multiple people in rapid succession causing so many damage number to display). If this is the case, then I understand why a rage mara/jugg would want the pushback reduction for it (since the damage is what gives them shockwave stacks) - but either way, the duration is always maximum.

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Yet there's still no explanation on force choke and how pushback applies to it.


I think this is two seperate things. Pushback affects abilities that have a cast time (induction) such as a heal, where the effect 'hits' at the end of the induction completing. A good example was given above about a 2 second induction eventually taking 3 seconds due to pushback. It just takes longer to cast the ability.


Force-Choke is not an induction ability, but is a 'channelled' ability i.e. where damage/effect is in place or spread across the duration of the channel. Motor Volley would be another example of this, where the damage is spread across 'ticks' through the period of the channel. Damage wouldn't 'push-back' a channel but would in fact knock it forward or interrupt it. The effect would be to reduce the duration or damage impact of the ability being channelled.


So both are affected in different ways, but the net effect is that both inducted and channelled become less effcient.


Sorry, long winded explanation, but hopefully clear....ish ;)

Edited by LaucianNailor
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