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Act 1?


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Follow the quest.


The catch here is that you have to make the journey from the last place you updated the quest, and go all the way (orbital station,ship,galaxy map, fleet).


if you just teleport there it wont work. sometimes there are some cutscenes that have to play.

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I beat Angral. Got my legacy thing. Now my class quest says to go to fleet and rest. What am I missing? Do I just go to balmorra on my own?




when you arrive at fleet it tells you to visit a jedi master who can be found in the same place as your fleet trainer. Once you talk to him your quest journal will update and say visit your ship when you are well rested. When you visit your ship it tells you to use your holoemitter or intercom (i forget which).




If you skip the step of talking to the guy on fleet you will not be able to proceed with the class story.

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