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For the best PvE in the galaxy join The Harbinger!!


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Whats that? you say your tired of PvP and getting ganked?


You want to PvP on your terms and run some flashpoints?


The Harbinger wants YOU!


Join the harbinger for THE MOST POPULATED PVE server in the game!


never go for long without a group again!




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To be honest, I'm waiting until the Oceanic transfers before I decide whether to play on Harbinger or eat the nasty ping and play on the Aussie servers. I'm in Japan and playing on a normal U.S. server, but only on weekends can I ever actually find groups for things. Just not sure if there'll be enough people on in the Oceanic/Asia time zone to make it worth playing on Harbinger after all the Aussies transfer out.
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Why would you put forward a server that is already known to be Very Heavy.

Queues aren't fun. So why not support other servers, say Standards, instead of your Harbinger of Overcrowdedness.


Id totally agree with you, however Im on the Harbinger haha..


and I only have one character so I plan to stay for now :D ques dont bother me when theres so much to explore while waiting! unless you mean que to ENTER the servers.. which i havent experienced yet

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Mind Trick needs a lot more repubs. We're seriously outnumbered. On prime time, last I checked, we have 200 on Imp. fleet and abut 90 on Rep fleet.


Another 100 regulars or 150 part timers would balance things right out. Mind Trick.

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